
=== synapt is now known as nate
faekjarzApplied logic reinforces your points! However, i still intend to benchmark my swap. Perhaps we should look at this issue, through the glasses of science, and come up with creative solutions?00:02
faekjarzwell, perhaps we can come up with recommendations for alternative channels00:07
faekjarzif the ubuntu-server channel lacks the XP, there's probably a list of other channels, you'd like to recommend (this is not a diss, it's a sci request)00:11
sarnoldI suggest returning to the question when you're not drunk00:12
faekjarzsarnold: your advice confidence level has always been quite high/desirable! (thank you, again)00:16
faekjarzHow obnoxious is my being persistent? Here's my maths: the NVMe SSD is Gen3 x4, via B550 chipset (Gen3 x4 link to the CPU). That SerDes phy achieves less than "cryptsetup benchmark" AES 512b XTS throughput -  that's ~3.9gig vs. 4.1gig per second. With ext4 overhead. Does it even matter?00:36
faekjarz(i think i'm not drunk enough to be be incompetent.)00:39
faekjarzsure, i can maths it out myself, but i'd like to read your XP00:41
sarnoldif you're doing 4gbps of swap traffic you need more ram00:58
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