=== synapt is now known as nate [00:10] something weird just stated after rebooting my PC. now i get a prompt asking to enter an authorized user and password which then brings up a list of users. I use to just get a list of users to select so why am i getting this new prompt? [00:10] Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS [00:52] how do I remove Intel management engine [00:52] using Ubuntu [00:57] diamat: Intel Management Engine is part of onboard hardware. It's not software that gets installed on Ubuntu === chris14_ is now known as chris14 [01:50] oi [01:50] hi [01:51] im new here what should i do [01:51] not that :( [01:57] sarnold: agreed [02:36] true that === Guest87 is now known as some-du6e [03:10] can someone pls help to install https://github.com/Skycoder42/QHotkey [03:43] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0xEHTbwgxc [03:59] anybody can help me? [03:59] yes [04:00] where are you from [04:00] is it really matter? [04:00] does* [04:00] Yes\ [04:00] are you from Ukraine [04:01] That's stupid dude [04:03] I'm guessing you are [04:03] sorry, not helping [04:04] Youre Trans from Thailand, I dont need your help, thanks [04:05] wow [04:05] ban this transphobe [04:05] and racist [04:05] ban this nazi [04:05] first time I see in this channel, how did you even find IRC? ChatGPT told you to get here to earn $$$? [04:07] I am trying to install a github installable. I ended up getting a latest-linux.yml. What is it and how do I run it? [04:07] what is a "github installable" [04:08] Yakov, shouldn't you be on the frontline against Russia? [04:08] stop [04:08] https://github.com/StefanLobbenmeier/youtube-dl-gui/releases/tag/v2.4.10 === gnubio is now known as biodigital [04:09] installing brew for ubuntu, usuing this instruction https://www.cyberithub.com/how-to-install-homebrew-package-manager-ubuntu-20-04-lts/, getting echo 'eval "$(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)"' >> /home/ubuntu/.profile [04:09] bash: /home/ubuntu/.profile: No such file or directory [04:09] that file is just about the appimage [04:09] download the appimage [04:09] yes use the appimage [04:10] where is the appimage? the assets list has a dmg file for mac, exe for winfows and...yml for linux. [04:10] I want to record either my or a web page - including the sound. I've tried obs-studio and kazam but obs doesn't capture sound and kazam isn't telling me where it puts its recordings. What are the alternatives? [04:10] paul84: you don't see the .appimage ? [04:10] 4th from the top [04:11] oh lol! how did I not see it? [04:12] now that i have it how do i install it? [04:12] just run it [04:12] chmod +x [04:12] then run it [04:14] i chmoded it. but right click and open does...nothing [04:14] run it from the command line and see what the error is [04:15] how do i run an appimage? just enter the name? [04:16] ./file.appimage [04:17] paul84: right click the file first, mark it as executable then just double click [04:17] requires FUSE to run [04:19] supernova@supernova-BOHB-WAX9:~$ brew tap Skycoder42/qt-modules [04:19] fatal: could not read Username for 'https://github.com': terminal prompts disabled, it asked for login and password from git, how to refresh and re-try to prompt credentials? [04:22] Ekuzu - my call sign is W4QRm [04:24] qsl ? [04:27] n4tit was notorious om 20 and 40 [04:27] n4tat [04:27] he suddenly disappeared [04:27] how to fix this? [04:27] https://wtools.io/paste-code/bPkv [04:35] have a good nite people. [04:45] Yakov: visit the url, do what it says [05:14] Stalin did nothing wrong. [05:14] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mCEjsMvQiE [05:15] .voteban diamat_ [05:16] shutup Ukranian [05:16] i'm in ^^^ [05:16] Im from Poland [05:16] Shut up Ukrainian* [05:16] same thing [05:16] you want to merge [05:16] .voteban diamat_ [05:16] both NATO [05:17] we dont discuss Politics here and you need to get your education and possibly travel somewhere [05:18] !ot [05:18] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [05:18] please only ubuntu related questions & support here diogenes_Vx15 diamat_ Yakov [05:19] lotuspsychje, read carefully or read logs, dont put me on same line with the troll [05:20] lotuspsychje, i and Yakov shouldn't be tagged there. [05:20] Yakov: saying you're from poland and votebanning users also doesnt fall under support [05:20] lotuspsychje, can you please post rules [05:21] !guidelines [05:21] The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines [05:22] ok, so next time person trying to insult someone or me,  what do I need to do? [05:24] ok i see, this is insane, when trolls are being put on the same line with people who actualy wanted to protect the channed and altert the mods about the troll, this is insane, i'm out of here. [05:24] chill [05:27] lotuspsychje, can we have a coffee in Amsterdam? I'll pay for it. And give an order of lenin medal. [05:30] if someone up to assist me to install https://github.com/Skycoder42/QHotkey, I would be very very greatful [05:33] failed to proceed with make, same for qmake option, then tried brew variant, it fails too https://wtools.io/paste-code/bPkv [05:33] please use the !ops bot command when there is obvious abuse of the !guidelines - thanks. [05:34] tomreyn, how to use it? [05:35] So, let me get this straight.. Canonical withholds security updates for packages in the 'Universe' repository and makes people subscribe to Ubuntu Pro in order to get them, and the reason given is because the community is not patching the packages. But when I check the maintainer of the package I'm interested in, I found Ubuntu MOTU Developers is [05:35] the maintainer. So, how can Canonical say its withholding packages because the community is not maintaining them when Canonical through Ubuntu MOTU Developers is the maintainer? [05:38] LOLOKAY: I'm a MOTU developer, but I cannot maintain every single package. I don't work for Canonical. [05:39] Eickmeyer you might not work directly for Canonical, but it is still Canonical's package. [05:40] LOLOKAY: Nope. [05:40] Eickmeyer how is it not? Canonical own Ubuntu. [05:40] Canonical owns the trademark for Ubuntu. Ubuntu is a community project. [05:40] !governance [05:41] Eickmeyer I disagree, but I have come to the understanding I was suspecting. Thanks. [06:49] how to fix? qmake: could not exec '/usr/lib/qt5/bin/qmake': No such file or directory [06:56] +x [06:56] Yakov: make whatever used this path instead use the proper patch to qmake [06:57] type: patH, not patCH [07:01] fixed, now getting this [07:01] https://justpaste.it/c4pmf [07:04] maybe here? https://justpaste.it/1z5nt [07:08] Yakov: to get help with this (QT, building c++ code) you may want to look for a more suitable place than an OS support channel. [07:09] !alis | Yakov [07:09] Yakov: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see «/msg Alis help list» or ask in #libera - Example usage: «/msg Alis list http» [07:14] Hello [07:16] I'm on Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS and I'm having issues with external Bluetooth speaker. Especially on youtube, there is no sound when ads are playing, or on some of the videos. I guess I don't have bluetooth drivers for all of the sound formats, is that a thing? [07:22] Guest4198: are you using gnomes internal bluetooth or blueman? [07:23] lotuspsychje default settings, internal bluetooth from Dell laptop [07:24] I found this article https://trendoceans.com/how-to-resolve-no-sound-from-bluetooth-headset-in-linux/ which mentions trying to install "pulseaudio-module-bluetooth" and "pavucontrol" [07:24] so I guess I will try to do that [07:26] When I connect to the speark, I go to settings / sounds / Output and change the output from built-in-speakers to external BL speaker [07:27] sound is working fine for a while, but on some videos / pauses / ads / it's stop working and I have to kinda reset everything [07:28] Guest4198: while you doing tests with your BT device and sound, keep a journalctl -f open to see whats happening under your system hood [07:28] so when you notice errors, you can share those with the volunteers here [07:29] the only errors I see is "bluetoothd[1663]: Failed to set mode: Failed (0x03)" [07:29] Guest4198: what i would test, is also try blueman, just to make sure its not a connect/disconnect issue [07:29] !info blueman [07:29] blueman (2.3.5-2build1, lunar): Graphical bluetooth manager. In component universe, is optional. Built by blueman. Size 1,018 kB / 3,694 kB [07:31] Probably worth a mention, that when there is no sounds from firefox, the TEST button in sound settings is working fine and produces "front left/front right sound" [07:32] Guest4198: another thing to mention is ubuntu recently made a switch from pulseaudio to pipewire, maybe there's a bottleneck there too [07:40] Looks like pavucontrol fixed all the issues [07:41] nice to know Guest4198 [07:43] it looked almost like every time I started a video with a different sound codec in firefox, the firefox forgot which sound output to use [07:43] maybe it's actually snap issue idk \o/ [07:45] Guest4198: if your BT sound wasnt working by default on 22.04 that might be worth a new !bug [07:49] hmm there is 122 bugs related to BT https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-bluetooth I will check if there is something familiar with what I was experiencing [07:50] Guest4198: thank you, if you cant find a similar one, you can file one easy with 'ubuntu-bug linux' from your terminal [07:50] or ubuntu-bug gnome-bluetooth indeed [08:23] hi, I just upgraded ubuntu from version 20 to 22.04 and now my network does not work at all (I'm now on a win laptop). I've installed the linux-modules-6,2,0-26~22,04,1_amd64.deb but still no nework. anybody got advice? [08:24] I have a realtek RTL8125 ethernet controller, according to lspci [08:24] magnusl: could you pastebin, sudo lshw -C network please [08:24] well, can not pastebin because of no network [08:25] magnusl: try the command, and tell us if you see a section driver:.... [08:25] the command gives two sections, headed *-network UNCLAIMED [08:26] magnusl: ok tnx, that means your driver isnt loaded there [08:26] yes [08:26] magnusl: what i think happened is, your realtek device doesnt like kernel 6.2 do yous till have older kernels to test in your list? [08:27] magnusl: dpkg --list | grep linux-image , to see [08:27] I have similar experiences from previous upgrades, but as you can see from my version (20), long time since I upgraded so memory and competence here is degraded...... [08:27] let me see [08:28] realtek is known for being kernel itchy [08:28] yeah, I have a bunch of kernels [08:28] long time since installation.... [08:28] magnusl: ok, try to load up a previous kernel from grub as a test [08:28] how do I do that? I do not get a grub menu on boot.... [08:29] magnusl: hold shift at boot to enter grub, or ESC [08:29] magnusl: then pick ubuntu recovery and pick a previous kernel [08:33] ahrg [08:33] i'm through to a grup terminal [08:33] grub> [08:33] how do I get from there to the menu? [08:33] trown to a grub terminal, I mean [08:34] magnusl: thats a root terminal from recoverymode you are [08:34] ok, what to do there? [08:35] magnusl: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/2059/5897/files/85eb754321-292f2ddd8c4c8157bd81.png?v=1613649293 [08:35] yeah, how to I get there from the root recovery terminal? [08:36] it just flashes past, and then I'm in this terminal [08:36] reboot and anter grub again [08:37] magnusl: try typing 'normal' in the grub> terminal or 'configfile /boot/grub/grub.cfg' [08:41] EriC^^doesn't help, it simply boots in the normal way, no grub menu [08:43] does 'ls /boot' show 2 kernels? [08:45] it shows wmlinuz-5,15,0 and wmlinuz-6.2.0 [08:45] isn't there a way to make it halt at the grub menu? [08:45] remember doing that a long time ago..... I mean in config [08:46] it's supposed to halt by holding shift [08:46] i get into the grub menu by holding Esc [08:46] did you try left shift? [08:47] or maybe when you hold esc and get grub> try pressing esc again maybe it shows the menu [08:49] neither left nor right shift gets me into grub [08:49] ok try pressing esc once in grub> [08:50] exc at the grub menu just produce a new prompt [08:50] but my keyboard is swedish - does that matter? [08:50] ah, are you able to boot with the current kernel? [08:50] nah [08:50] esc should be the same, right? [08:50] yes [08:50] no problem booting [08:50] only problem with network [08:50] aha [08:51] ok boot and type 'sudo nano /etc/default/grub' [08:52] make it GRUB_TIMEOUT_STYLE=menu and GRUB_TIMEOUT=10 [08:52] type that in terminal when running? not grub menu? [08:52] yeah [08:53] yeah, right, that rings a bell [08:53] magnusl: then type 'sudo update-grub' [08:57] okay, now I'm in the grub menu :) [08:57] nice :) [08:57] but I only have Ubuntu, Advanced options, and UEFI firmware settings [08:57] no kernels to choose from [08:57] go for advanced then choose an older kernel [08:57] ah, advancd [08:58] got it [08:58] i go for the 5.15 then [08:58] yeah [08:58] right, now I have network [08:59] so, this is magnusl from the ubuntu desktop [09:00] cool [09:00] any advice on how I can make the RTL8125 play with the new kernel then? [09:00] no idea unfortunately [09:08] there are some r8125-dkms - packages. do you know if that is just source code or compiled modules? [09:09] try 'apt-cache show ' [09:09] im guessing its the modules [09:10] yeah, well, now running kernel 5.15 I do have a r8125-dkms-package installed [09:10] any idea on how I can have that when running the 6.2 kernel? [09:11] Any idea why firefox could download a file while curl and wget would be "Unable to establish SSL session" ? [09:15] magnusl2: i think it's supposed to automatically install if its dkms, just guessing [09:15] magnusl2, if you run `lspci -nn`, what pciid do you see for that adapter? E.g. 1234:5678 [09:15] magnusl2: lsmod should list the loaded modules, maybe sudo lshw -c network can give more info [09:16] Oh and if apt is taking a long time to access a third party repo, and it would be faster to download it manually, how do I get the exact file it's downloading and know where to put it so apt can find and use it? I don't want to circumvent the signature checking, only the file download. [09:22] pickanick: apt-cache show should show the filename [09:23] alkisg is this the number you mean? 10ec:8125 [09:24] magnusl2, right, since kernel 5.9 you do not need that dkms package as the driver has been mainlined, included in the upstream kernel [09:24] many the info on this page says something: https://www.realtek.com/en/component/zoo/category/network-interface-controllers-10-100-1000m-gigabit-ethernet-pci-express-software [09:24] magnusl2, so just uninstall it if you have 5.15 or 6.2 [09:24] alkisg yeah but I want to run 6.2 [09:24] Yes, it's there too [09:25] It's in 5.9, in 5.15, in 5.19, in 6.2, in 6.4 etc etc. In all since 5.9 [09:25] alkisg not following you. the network did not work when I ran kernel 6.2 [09:25] magnusil2, did you have the package installed? If yes, then it broke the internal module [09:25] So just uninstall the package and reboot, it should then work with 6.2 [09:26] ok, let me try [09:26] I actually have that NIC here working fine with 6.2 [09:26] uninstall wich package? [09:27] sudo apt purge r8125-dkms ; reboot [09:27] apt says "not installed" [09:27] 02:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8125 2.5GbE Controller [10ec:8125] (rev 04) [09:27] Kernel driver in use: r8169 [09:27] That's the one, right? 10ec:8125 [09:28] that is what lspci -nn says, right [09:28] It's handled by the r8169 driver since kernel 5.9. E.g. if you boot a live cd with ubuntu 22.04 and kernel 6.2, it works [09:28] 03:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8125 2.5GbE Controller [10ec:8125] (rev 05) [09:28] lspci -nn -k | grep -iA3 Ethernet [09:28] Does it say which driver it's using? [09:29] lspci -nn -k | grep -iA3 Ethernet [09:29] Also what's the output of: uname -a [09:29]  DeviceName: Onboard - Ethernet [09:29]  Subsystem: Intel Corporation Wi-Fi 6 AX201 160MHz [8086:0074] [09:29]  Kernel driver in use: iwlwifi [09:29]  Kernel modules: iwlwifi [09:29] -- [09:30] magnusl2, use pastebin when pasting more than 3 lines otherwise the bot mutes you [09:30] Now you need to wait for a few minutes for the bot to allow you to speak again [09:30] !paste [09:30] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [09:31] magnusl2, put the result in a pastebin and paste the URL here [09:32] Or run this: lspci -nn -k | grep -iA3 Ethernet | nc termbin.com 9999 [09:32] now? [09:33] We can hear you now :) [09:33] wow [09:33] It's flood protection [09:33] yes, I get it, just didn't know it was this strict.... [09:33] https://dpaste.com/2AVARVNUX [09:33] Kernel driver in use: r8169 [09:33] So it's already working [09:34] If you run `ip a`, you should see it, e.g. enp2s0 or so [09:34] yes, it is working now, when I run kernel 5.15 [09:34] did not work when running kernel 6.2 [09:34] Then something ELSE was wrong [09:34] If you wish, boot with 6.2 to troubleshoot [09:34] will do [09:35] I'm here from a win laptop [09:36] booted with kernel 6.2 [09:36] no network [09:36] Can you connect to wifi? [09:36] It'll help with the troubleshooting [09:36] nope [09:36] no wifi, no ethernet [09:36] Then go back to 5.15 and run `sudo apt update; sudo apt full-upgrade`, as the most common issue is "badly applied updates" [09:38] Additionally, after the updates, run this and tell us the output: dpkg -l | grep linux- | nc termbin.com 9999 [09:39] type that again [09:40] Ah and another idea is, when you're on 6.2, to run: (sudo dmesg; sudo lspci -nn -k -iA3 Ethernet) >/root/log.txt and then when you're back to 5.15 to pastebin that file [09:40] sudo apt update; sudo apt full-upgrade [09:40] I'm on the ubuntu desktop here [09:40] dpkg -l | grep linux- | nc termbin.com 9999 [09:40] https://termbin.com/3vbl [09:41] the full upgrade said "finished" or "done" (I have it in Swedish) [09:41] going back to 6.2, trying that other [09:42] magnusl2, wait [09:42] Which distro/version is that? [09:42] ok [09:42] ubuntu 22.04 something [09:43] Is it normal ubuntu or a derivative like linuxmint? Because it has the wrong metapackages installed [09:43] normal ubuntu [09:43] interesting [09:43] I might have had xubuntu installed and I do have kubuntu installed [09:43] OK then run: sudo apt install linux-generic-hwe-22.04 [09:44] Then reboot into 6.2 and it should work. Then ping me to tell you a big cleanup command [09:44] ok, what is that? [09:44] It installs the 22.04 kernel instead of the 20.04 kernel [09:44] ok [09:44] Now you're missing half of the 22.04 kernel modules [09:44] done, rebooting [09:45] interesting, how come I am missing the modules? [09:45] guessing: wrong metapackage? :) [09:45] No idea how you managed to get kernel 6.2 while you had the 20.04 metapackage [09:45] I guess you installed it manually [09:45] :) [09:45] nope [09:46] You can check /var/log/apt/history.log for the installation history [09:47] It goes back for years, since the first installation [09:47] many years then :) [09:47] Does it work now? [09:48] here again, on the ubuntu desktop [09:48] how do I check what I am running now? should be 6.2 but to make sure [09:48] uname -a [09:48] yes, it is 6.2 [09:48] so now it seems to work [09:48] thx! [09:48] cleanup? [09:49] Run this, but do not confirm on the yes/no question. First, upload the result to pastebin: [09:49] sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove -y $(dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/ { print $2 }') [09:50] Ouch I forgot to remove the -y :D [09:51] OK it should be fine, but do paste the result to pastebin [09:52] can you repost? [09:52] sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove $(dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/ { print $2 }') [09:52] i was thrown out, switched from ethernet to wifi and lost connection [09:52] thx [09:55] https://dpaste.com/E2LUN6A7S [09:56] magnusl29, seems fine to me, if you miss any packages later on (you shouldn't) just reinstall them [09:56] should or shouldn't? :) [09:56] @EriC^^ : Thanks, then where to put the .deb file so apt can use it as though it was automatically downloaded? [09:56] You shouldn't be missing anything, no [09:57] :) thanks a lot [09:57] You're welcome [10:04] pickanick: /var/cache/apt/archives [10:05] not sure about the signature checking thing if it would be bypassing it or something [10:24] I managed to get Lomiri run on a test server: https://imgur.com/a/qTSU8DO [10:26] I can't login into an actual session, though. I always get an error about no supported platforms being found and Mir not being supported on my current config [10:27] Any idea why could it be? [10:32] @EriC^^ : awesome thank you! [10:32] hey === docmax is now known as Guest5623 === docmax_ is now known as docmax === docmax_ is now known as docmax [10:43] pickanick: no problem [10:53] hello, newbie needs help to run by first bashscript [11:03] What do you need help in exactly? === Guest91 is now known as cymodder [12:02] hellow [12:04] hi ppfa23a [12:07] Hi all [12:09] hi BluesKaj [12:13] hey v9fk [12:35] Hi, does anyone know why the new 23.04 installer doesn't show LVM volume groups? [12:35] When manually partitioning I can see my nvme0n1p5 partition, but this contains two VGs that would normally display so I can format and assign them correctly? === ubuntu is now known as Guest3755 [12:46] is there a way to "apt-file update" or "apt update' a single repository? [Context: the command was just run but one repository failed] [12:48] how to update database so I can see relevant whereis and locate output? [12:52] Or to "apt-file update" or "apt update' only repositories not recently update? [12:53] Yakov: updatedb ? [12:54] Yakov: see man updatedb # Note: run as root, or "sudo updatedb" [14:11] pickanick: The only way apt can tell if a repository is up-to-date is to ask if there's a new file. It doesn't take it long to check, so it doesn't hurt anything to just run update and check all of the repos. [14:38] hey. [14:38] i have 2 GDM logins for 2 users. when i use 1, the other drops the net conn. any idea why? [14:39] what event is my keyboard? [14:39] ls -l /dev/input/ [14:56] hello to all, I am new to ubuntu, I use it very little.... before installing it on windows through the SMART functions of HD TUNE and Disk Digger I was getting an error of this kind [14:56] https://images.app.goo.gl/284geqYZftP2kmQr9 [14:56] This is an image taken from the internet, precise that to me only gave the error to ID 05 i.e. the fields referred precisely 448 [14:56] in the application disks now that I am from ubuntu, it signals the same values but does not highlight it in yellow or however as error [14:56] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uAD0aD6LRL8LV5yBzeAJ0LpDgl7gKbXU/view?usp=sharing [14:56] this is the current screen from the ubuntu disk app 22.04.3 LTS [14:59] whent i can chat again? [15:00] hi, i don't know until where you read my question [15:00] use a !paste for large texts next time Guest30 [15:00] Guest30: if you are getting hard drive errors in Windows and Ubuntu, replace the hard drive [15:12] leftyfb technician told me i can try with a low level format to repair the hard disk [15:13] maybe you didn't read the other part of my question [15:13] Guest30: replace your hard drive and don't go back to that "technician" [15:13] however the app "Disk" in ubuntu told me that Disk is OK [15:13] and rescue data as fast as you can to another media Guest30 [15:14] Guest30: you can keep using the drive if you don't care about the data on it [15:14] it says: "The latest automatic test was successfully completed" [15:14] Guest30: good luck [15:14] "Unpaid threshold" [15:15] "The disk is OK, 448 bad sectors" [15:17] lotuspsychje data, files, photos and documents are all already saved on an external hard disk [15:17] good good [15:18] therefore, can't fix with a low-level formatting? [15:19] Guest30: low level formatting hasn't been a thing in 20 years. And no, no amount of formatting will fix a bad hard drive [15:19] Guest30: bad sectors cant be repaired, just stick to the advice leftyfb gave you above [15:20] what does it means: "low level formatting hasn't been a thing in 20 years"? [15:22] leftyfb Is "Reallocated Sectors" a physical error of the disk or a logical error or otherwise NOT physical? I don't know how it's more correct to say [15:23] Guest30: replace the hard drive. [15:23] Guest30: real low level formatting can't be done on modern ATA drives [15:24] lotuspsychje it isn't bad sectors but "Reallocated sectors" [15:24] some people consider writing zero's to the drive to be low level formatting, but it's really not. Regardless, it will not help you either way [15:24] Guest30: replace the drive. If you want more details about hard drive specifics, feel free to /join #hardware and ask there [15:28] leftyfb quindi azzeramento del disco con tutti zeri e formattazione a basso livello del disco sono due cose differenti? I often read on several support pages that they are the same thing [15:28] excuse, i pasted wrong language [15:28] Guest30: yes, we are in agreement [15:29] Guest30: Make daiy backups and check the reallocated sectors everyday, if it stays that way ok, but if they go up exchange the harddrive. [15:29] leftyfb so disc reset with all zeros and low-level formatting are two different things? i often read on serveral support web pages that they are the same thing [15:30] Guest30: they are 2 different things [15:30] leftyfb which are the differences between them= [15:31] ? [15:31] Guest30: you cannot run a proper low level format on modern ATA hard drives. I'm pretty sure you can't even run them on the older IDE drives. It was a thing back in the day on MFM drives [15:31] Guest30: we are off topic here. Feel free to read up on google or here: https://www.minitool.com/partition-disk/high-level-format-vs-low-level.html or again, feel free to discuss further with those in the #hardware channel [15:31] You cant reset a Disk, the HD-Firmware reallocated defect sectors from a reserve pool [15:32] Nixkernal ok [15:33] leftyfb ok, i just didn't think "Reallocated sectors" is an error of hardware [15:34] Guest30: replace the drive [15:34] It's just 12 sectors just check everyday and make incremental backups. [15:35] Guest30: 448 [15:35] Or use ZFS ;) [15:36] Oh i watched the wrong picture...448 YES replace the DISK! [15:36]  Nixkernal no this link https://images.app.goo.gl/284geqYZftP2kmQr9 is from internet just for example, now i'm on ubuntu and the app "Disk" doesn't highlight it as an error [15:36] Nixkernal what is ZFS? [15:37] Nixkernal Guest30 lets keep this support channel free for new ubuntu questions [15:37] Nixkernal ok are they really too many? [15:37] A filesystem who can detect bitrot from (for example damaged sectors) [15:37] you can use the offtopic or discuss channel if you like [15:37] !discuss [15:37] Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks! [15:38] Jup too much exchange [15:45] jhutchins : Yes that makes sense in most cases, but apt-file update downloads 164MB of data for all but one repo. To get one difficult repo I have to use expensive data, and I'd rather not download 164MB every time unnecessarily. [15:53] Nixkernal i send you a private message [15:55] just last question about my problem, why Disk doens't highlight it as a risk, an error and tell that'all OK? [15:56] leftyfb [15:56] lotuspsychje [15:57] Guest30: are you talking about disk-tools in gnome? [15:57] instead SMART of HD TUNE and Disk digger on Windows 10 highlight it as an error, a risk [15:57] Guest30: it has an arbitrary threshold that you haven’t met yet. If you care about the data and not having to rebuild at an in opportune time, replace the drive [15:57] Gnome Disks maybe is the entire name of the app [15:57] I read just Disks as name of application === gustavolm is now known as Gustavo [16:17] ubuntu server wifi gets so silly :3 [16:18] can you elaborate some-du6e [16:19] i had to reinstall ubuntu server bc i misconfigured a network thing [16:22] pickanick: I just did a test: I ran update on a system with five repositories configured, then immediately ran it again. The second run did not download anything. [16:23] pickanick: As I tried to say earlier, apt will not download the data from a repo unless there are new packages listed. [16:23] pickanick: It does not download the whole repo catalog every time, just diff files. [16:37] pickanick: I suppose you could disable all of the other repos, but that would probably mean downloading the whole catalog, as I believe apt "cleans up" any repos that are no longer active. [17:18] i hope i'm not ot here but i was wondering if anyone can help me to stream azteca with firefox. all i get is a blank screen and no audio. am i missing a plugin or codec? Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS. firefox 116.0.3 [17:39] eelstrebor_: You seem to be assuming that someone else knows what "azteca" is in this context. URL? [17:40] https://www.tvazteca.com/amastv/en-vivo/streaming i guess .. [17:40] maybe it works with google-chrome, drm protected? [17:42] and geo restricted [17:43] Yup. [17:43] so, find a howto with a vpn, or move to mexico, not an ubuntu issue there === KingKeA06 is now known as KingKeA [17:43] oerheks, yes. i'm using a mexico vpn service [17:44] it's probably a firefox issue but not many people over at #mozilla [17:45] eelstrebor_: Pretty easy to drop chrome or chromium on your system and try it. [17:45] eelstrebor_: A problem with the VPN service is more likely; the site may block VPN access for the very reason you're using it. [17:46] i guess i can do that for a test. i believe ther are other browsers for linux also [17:46] Still not an Ubuntu issue. [17:46] jhutchins, it's not a vpn block [17:48] it may not be an ubuntu issue but it's possible someone in here has run into this problem and has a solution [17:48] put it on askubuntu? [18:02] anyone know a way to make a laptop running server not shutoff when closed [18:04] some-du6e, this page might be a help [18:04] https://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2020/05/lid-close-behavior-ubuntu-20-04/ [18:04] Kinda depends on the hardware. [18:04] edit /etc/systemd/logind.conf [18:07] oerheks: Quite right, "HandleLidSwitch". It used to involve some tail chasing to find all the parts for that. === [[R]] is now known as rbox [18:35] hi. i'm running an intel TigerLake-LP GT2 [Iris Xe Graphics] (rev 01) on Ubuntu 22.04.2. my computer can't detect my external monitor (dell ultrasharp). my other computers have no trouble. help? [18:48] webchat13: 22.04.3 is out, make sure everything is upgraded and that you're on the latest kernel. [18:54] thanks Eickmeyer [18:55] i found this, about TigerLake-LP GT2 [Iris Xe Graphics] : disabled secure boot, and voila, both monitors working just fine [18:56] https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=380507 [18:56] other fix; OEM kernel, i guess you better try HWE then .. https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2465797 [18:58] oerheks: if that's the case than apt update && apt upgrade should 'just work'. [18:59] i guess so, if hwe is enabled? [18:59] HWE has been enabled by default in all LTS versions of Ubuntu starting with 20.04. [18:59] yes, from 22.04.1 [19:00] User stated 22.04.2. [19:00] indeed, depends if he installed the .2 release, not upgraded from 22.04[.0] [19:00] i installed the .2 release [19:01] also, apt update && apt upgrade had no effect... [19:01] oke, then you have HWE kernel 6.x [19:02] then tryu the 1st fix; disable secure boot? [19:03] alright. through the BIOS? [19:03] yes. [19:03] trying. thanks everyone [19:03] aand let us know if that fixes external [19:19] disabled secure boot. still not recognizing external monitor [19:20] webchat13: type "sudo dmesg -w" and "udevadm monitor" in 2 terminals and plug it in and see the output [19:21] thanks EriC^^. did so. what am i looking for? [19:22] any output would be good as a start [19:22] please pastebin the output of dmesg [20:43] I have an old image of a drive (dd to a file). Can I some how convert this file to be used with a virtualization software? [20:44] Aavar: it's not worth the effort [20:45] leftyfb: if it's possible. It actually is :) [20:45] good luck [20:46] Aavar: it's especially not worth it if it's EOL release of ubuntu [20:46] Aavar: you can try google... raw image to vmdk [20:47] leftyfb: it's not that old, but thank you :) [20:51] leftyfb: It actually worked to just boot from it directly :D [21:02] I got my image booted in virt-manager (actually in cockpit, but I dont know if that's virt-manager), but I have no network from inside the virtual machine. How can I set that up? [21:19] hello there [22:33] how to force online account re-sycning without re-login? [22:36] without re-login, not. [23:27] howdy yall [23:28] Anybody home? :) === mastervk is now known as M4ST3RVoDkA [23:29] I like turtles :) [23:29] !support | M4ST3RVoDkA [23:29] M4ST3RVoDkA: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [23:30] sorry! [23:30] should it be called Linux or GNU/Linux? [23:31] !ot | Guest97 [23:31] Guest97: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!