
jhutchinsGuest3717: Not for this channel.00:55
jhutchinsoerheks: not.00:56
Remyoerheks, leef je nog,, jij ook zo laat..?00:56
jhutchinsAlthough also not Guest371700:56
jhutchinsBloody vagrants.00:56
Guest3755I turned Ubuntu Share on and port forwared port 5900, but the phone's RealVNC fails to connect to Ubuntu?01:02
Guest3755A tcpdump on Ubuntu's vm router shows no packets on port 5900?01:03
Guest3755Maybe I should run a tcpdump from ubuntu.01:03
oerhekstcp & udp 590001:04
Guest3755oerheks, ok01:04
oerheksalso, install gufw, much easier control01:04
Guest3755oerheks, thx01:04
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Guest81hi people I have a problem. My main SSD disk is almost full. I want to move my /home folder to another internal hard disk10:16
Guest81I do not have any /home partition.  What is the best way to accomplish what I want?10:16
Guest81like, it seems I could just move the whole folder and that would be it?10:17
Guest81I don't need to mount any partition, right ?10:17
Guest81I do not want to "mount" anything, as far as I know.  my internal hard disk has already stuff in it, and is mounted in /mnt/something10:17
Guest81that's where I could move my /home folder. would that make sense?10:18
tomreynGuest81: what's the file system type of what's mounted at /mnt/something ?10:27
Guest81ext4 I think10:28
jorxHello. I've installed ubuntu-desktop-23.04-amd right now. While trying to configure a VPN connection on gnome network preferences, in the Identity tab of the VPN configuration an error shows up not permitting the VPN to be configured. Error says: "Error: unable to load VPN connection editor). Is this a bug ? Where is the right place to report ?10:29
jorxThank you.10:29
tomreynso then, yes, you could just copy the contents of your /home/username directory to /mnt/something/home/username , for example10:29
tomreynGuest81: ^10:29
Guest81thanks a lot tomreyn10:29
tomreynyou should do so while your user is not logged in.10:29
tomreynthat is, ideally from a recovery shell. and when you're done, you will want to set a symbolic link at /home/username pointing to /mnt/something/home/username10:30
tomreyn!recovery | Guest8110:31
ubottuGuest81: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode10:31
Guest81I see, thanks a lot tomrey10:31
tomreynthis will allow you to login to a shell while your user is not active.10:31
Guest81I need to write down the exact commands10:31
Guest81coz in recovery shell I dont have internet10:32
Guest81first I copy the /home folder to the new disk10:32
tomreynjorx: what type of vpn connection are you setting up there?10:34
jorxtomreyn: fortisslvpn10:35
Guest81tomreyn to copy the files, would the following be OK? rsync -avz /home/guest81 /mnt/external-drive/home/guest8110:35
tomreynjorx: sudo apt update && sudo apt install network-manager-fortisslvpn-gnome10:37
jorxtomreyn: yes, this is has been already done10:38
tomreynGuest81: i'd say you want     rsync -avz /home/guest81 /mnt/external-drive/home/10:39
tomreynGuest81: or the entire /home - your choice...10:39
Guest81thx I think it's the same10:39
Guest81single user10:39
tomreynGuest81: make sure that the external disk drive's file system is actually mounted before you do10:40
Guest81it is10:40
tomreynyou may need to create /mnt/external-drive/home if not copying all of /home - but you'll see an error message about that10:41
Guest81yeah fixed it10:41
Guest81wait, I am doing it now while logged it10:41
Guest81logged in10:41
jorxtomreyn: found this is a known bug. Just found it on launchpad. Bug #1992475. It has a workaround so will have a try.10:43
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 1992475 in network-manager-fortisslvpn (Ubuntu) "'unable to load VPN connection editor' when adding VPN connection" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/199247510:43
Guest81tomreyn what about the symlink ?  I wouldnt want to mess this up10:44
tomreynGuest81: mv /home/username{,.OLD} && ln -s /mnt/external-drive/home/username /home/username  # or, if moving all of /home :    mv /home{,.OLD} && ln -s /mnt/external-drive/home /home10:47
Guest81instead of mv, I'm using rsync10:47
Guest81to preserve all permissions10:47
Guest81it's taking ages though10:47
tomreynGuest81: another option (to the symbolic link) would be a so-called "bind mount" (read up on the "mount(8)" man page about it, the optiun is "--bind")10:48
tomreynwhen you run cp or mv as root, it also preserves permissions by default. but rsync is a good idea, since you'll be able to resume easily in case of an error.10:49
Guest81yeah i've seen https://askubuntu.com/questions/465493/how-can-i-symlink-my-home-folder-from-another-drive but dont understand what im supposed to do10:49
Guest81about the bind thing. do i still need the symlink?  and what should i do at every restart10:50
tomreynif rsync take sa long time, maybe your external disk has a low bandwidth connection or is physically slow at writing.10:50
Guest81it's just not an SSD10:50
jorxtomreyn: workaround provided in the bug report did the trick. thank you indeed.10:50
tomreynjorx: i'm glad you found that bug report :)10:50
tomreynGuest81: to use the bind mount, you'd need to edit /etc/fstab10:55
tomreynif you already mount the external drives' file system to /mnt/external-drive in fstab, then adding a bind mount is as easy as (assuming all of /home is being replaced):  /mnt/external-drive/home /home none defaults,bind 0 010:57
tomreynGuest81: be aware that your system may fail to boot up properly (systemd does not handle this well) if you do this and the external disk is not connected or its file system fails to mount for other reasons.10:58
tomreynusing      /mnt/external-drive/home /home none defaults,bind,nofail 0 0     in /etc/fstab would make systemd handle this gracefully. but then you'd still run into a problem because your home directory would be missing, or newly created at the old location.11:01
Guest81damn , i think i will cancel everything then11:04
Guest81i have no time to fix stuff on this computer, i will be out of town for months11:04
Guest81i didnt want to bother with partitions and mounting11:04
alkisgGuest81: just mount your external drive as /home, then you can copy stuff11:04
Guest81if copy and symlink dont work, i will cancel11:04
BCBI recently upgraded to jammy and not sure why but my Postfix is refusing connections and faliing with - fatal: no SASL authentication mechanisms.  Any suggestions?11:07
weedmicGuest81: you are probably done, but for next time, boot with clonezilla and do device to device - faster than dd faster than rsync - preserves evertyhing.11:07
Guest81not done at all weedmic11:10
Guest81it takes like 1 min per file or so11:11
alkisgAFAIK clonezilla can't transfer subdirectories like /home (when it's not a separate partition), it's for whole partitions or disks...11:12
weedmicdid you move the /tmp to the empty hdd?11:13
weedmicI should suggest, make a clonezilla boot image, boot with that and do device to device.  4tb takes less than 60 mins - if the estimate is higher, then the source hdd may be damaged and require fixing first - you can determine that with ???ctl commands (I'm trying to remember what it was)11:17
alkisgsmartctl -a11:17
weedmicyes, smart - leterally looking at the word :D11:17
alkisgBut it sounds like he's using a usb2 port if it's that slow11:17
weedmicif he is trying to copy from sda to sdb and /tmp is on sda - and sda is full - how is it going to work?  he can move /tmp to the new drive or simply reboot and copy, but yes usb2 is slow, but... now slower than trying to write a few k every few secs to a full drive.11:19
weedmicI am, however, not there and can't be sure - but... it sure seems like it is (to me).11:19
weedmicsudo smartctl --test=short /dev/sda (test the full drive)11:20
weedmicexamine all the data - smartctl -x /dev/sda11:20
tomreynBCB: read the Debian.README, if still needed also the 'apt changelog' between your previous and current version. or just read up on the postfix manual how to do sasl authentication with your current postfix version.11:39
BluesKajHi all12:42
Yakovneed assist to make my keyboard blacklight13:20
Yakovwhat should I put in line | 2.Check whether the keyboard brightness settings are accessible:13:20
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Yakovif someone replied, ping pls13:54
ice9is it possible to lock session without turning off screen?13:55
webchat65Hello Ubuntu,14:45
webchat65I notice that the Version scheme changes on libc6 libraries from focal to Jammy  (i.e On the jammy libc6 packages i observe that on the libraries name minor version  has been dropped out and only major is present which is not the case in focal libc6 package).May I know the reason behind this decision, Is this the path (version scheme) that Ubuntu14:45
webchat65is taking forward for all other of its library packages and if possible is there any way to get old convention (libname major version. minor version)  back like installing some package or change settings14:45
webchat65libdl name on focal:/usr/x86_64-linux-gnux32/lib64/libdl-2.31.so14:45
webchat65libdl name on jammy:/usr/x86_64-linux-gnux32/lib64/libdl.so.214:45
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mesa_no_exdishi. i'm running ubuntu 22.04.3, with a mesa intel xe graphics card. ever since i installed ubuntu 22.04.2, my computer doesnt recognize my external monitor (usb-c to usb-c). other computers in the house have no trouble. help?19:03
tomreynmesa_no_exdis: does it work with the bios screen, or with any other operating system on this computer, or did it work with an earlier ubuntu version?19:27
mesa_no_exdistomreyn, before i installed ubuntu 22.04.2, it worked fine19:28
tomreynmesa_no_exdis: also make sure you have all bios updates and all ubuntu updates installed (there recently was an addition to linux-firmware for intel xe).19:28
tomreynmesa_no_exdis: what was it running before you installed ubuntu 22.04.2?19:28
mesa_no_exdiserr... ubuntu 22.04.1 i think19:29
tomreynso you mean you just installed updates, or you reinstalled ubuntu, using a 22.04.2 ISO?19:29
mesa_no_exdisi upgraded. i had installed whichever version preceeded 22.04.2 (i'm assuming .1) via iso19:30
tomreyni see. so i'm guessing this is an issue with the HWE kernel, and you previously had the GA kernel.19:31
tomreynyou can install the GA kernel again, removing the HWE kernel: https://gist.github.com/tomreyn/8d7675840d7bc7389b32e4d8887ca44919:31
tomreyncat /proc/version    will report which kernel version you are currently running. and this command lists all installed kernel packages:  apt list --installed linux-image*19:32
mesa_no_exdisLinux version 6.2.0-26-generic (buildd@bos03-amd64-042) (x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc-11 (Ubuntu 11.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04.1) 11.3.0, GNU ld (GNU Binutils for Ubuntu) 2.38) #26~22.04.1-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Thu Jul 13 16:27:29 UTC 219:34
mesa_no_exdiswhere here is my kernel?19:34
tomreyn6.2.0-26-generic (Ubuntu 11.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04.1)19:34
mesa_no_exdisso should i go ahead and replace the hwe kernel with ga?19:35
tomreynthe default (GA) kernel of 22.04 is
tomreyngive it a try. it's reversible, and may be easier for now than trying to find out what is causing it not to work now.19:36
mesa_no_exdisokay, i ran the command according to the github post19:39
mesa_no_exdissimply reboot and see?19:39
mesa_no_exdisstill not detecting the monitor19:42
tomreynhmm ist it running the GA kernel now, though?19:45
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penderirc is so dead23:38
penderwhy does no one respond to me23:38
leftyfb!support | pender23:39
ubottupender: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:39
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