
blackboxswholmanb: falcojr upstream 23.3 is good for review and includes ec2/mantic integration test fixes15:51
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 4388 in canonical/cloud-init "Release 23.3" [Open]15:51
blackboxsw[community notice] Release of cloud-init 23.3 published. Thanks again for all the hard work!!! https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/releases/tag/23.318:21
=== blackboxsw changed the topic of #cloud-init to: 23.3 Released 08/28 | File bug: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/issues/new/choose | PRs: https://git.io/JeVed | release schedule: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/2023-cloud-init-release-schedule/32244
minimalgreat news18:25
blackboxswfalcojr: holmanb https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/4391 for upload to Ubuntu mantic development release18:39
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 4391 in canonical/cloud-init "Ubuntu/devel" [Open]18:39
meenaI need to submit an update for the ports 20:01
meenaand a report20:01
inflatadorqq re: network-config. Is the "id0 match:" stuff in the docs expected to work for all Linux OS, or just Ubuntu? I'm having issues on Debian and just wanted to rule out the obvious.20:08
inflatadornetwork-config file here: https://paste.opendev.org/show/821328/20:09
minimalinflatador: from the docs https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/network-config-format-v2.ht22:46
minimaloop,s https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/network-config-format-v2.html#common-properties-for-physical-device-types22:46
minimal"Note that currently only networkd supports globbing, NetworkManager does not."22:46
minimalmeena: was chatting to someone in another channel who is trying to get c-i working with OpenBSD and hit some issues22:50
meenaminimal: oy22:50
meenai have neglected OpenBSD quite a bit, since it's not really a daily environment for me.22:51
meenawhat problems where they having?22:51
minimalmeena: the current one they're seeing (now that they're trying 23.3) is that, unlike for freebsd, there is not specific netbsd or openbsd code for running "dhclient" and so options are being used that are not supported by OpenBSD dhclient22:51
minimalunlike FreeBSD's dhclient apparently OpenBSD's does not support either "-l" or "-p" (and also doesn't support "-1" that __init__.py tries)22:52
meenagood grief, how do they have an even older code base than we do??22:54
meenaours is from like 199722:54
minimalI#m just going from https://man.openbsd.org/dhclient.822:55
minimalthe point is currently FreeBSD dhclient is handled by freebsd.py, for netbsd and openbsd it is not22:55
minimaland the "standard" option of "-1" is not recognised by OpenBSD22:55
meenai don't even see a dhclient man page for netbsd.22:56
minimalhaven't checked that, was only helping them with openbsd22:56
meenacan they open a bug, and I'll take a look at this tomorrow, when I'm not a meter and a half in nroff and virtio code?22:57
minimalthey had earlier problems (i.e. iproute being used) until they moved to 23.3 so obviously those were addressed by your recent changes22:58
meena(btw, i was gonna steal some baseline virtio documentation from NetBSD or OpenBSD, but it turns out, they have as much virtio documentation as FreeBSD)22:58
meenaminimal: i really didn't think that there could be an Operating system out there with an older dhclient codebase, with even less options with FreeBSD, so I didn't even bother checking.22:59
minimalthey're hoping to work on cloud-init packaging for OpenBSD23:00
minimalI've pinged them to open a github issue but they're "idle" currently23:01
meenaminimal: they could also join this channel…23:07
meenaanyway, i think i'm giving up on documentation for tonight, and will try again tomorrow. brain is not cooperating.23:08
minimalyes ~I was going to suggest that once they're no longer idle23:08

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