
RhondaI have issues uploading a SRU for fastapi.  I prepared it according to timelines.  When uploading source-only I get a reject saying "Mismatch in binaryfulness."  I assume that means I need to upload the binary too.  When I try that dput doesn't allow me to push: "There are .debs in this upload, and enforcing they don't exist."09:39
ginggsRhonda: hi!  we never can upload binaries to ubuntu.  is it perhaps a mismatch between what's in your .dsc and .changes files?  could you pastebin them somewhere?10:36
Rhondaginggs: https://paste.debian.net/1290233/10:48
Rhondaginggs: and the .dsc: https://paste.debian.net/1290234/10:50
Rhondaah wait, one moment10:51
RhondaThat's a different dsc than I uploaded, because that's from the build with source.10:52
RhondaI think I don't have the other file anymore because it overwrites it in my spool dir because the name is the same for the .dsc10:52
RhondaGuess I have to check again when I have access to my gpg key and the build environment at the same time.10:56
ginggsok.  what command did you run to "build" the source package?10:58
RhondaOh. Wait. I think … I think the _source.changes file is just some by-product of cowbuilder --build.  I didn't explicitly ask for the source changes, so the .dsc was then overwritten by the binary build.  But what confuses me now, why does the source .dsc file *at all* has the architecture field, or has that recognized and compared with the _source.changes entry?11:04
RhondaThat it's in the .dsc doesn't make any sense because that's the source package description, but I think it's in there as hint to the build servers.  But why is that compared between the .changes and the .dsc?  That's confusing.11:05
RhondaOr am I thinking in the wrong direction?11:08
RhondaMight it be the .buildinfo file?  Is that an issue for ubuntu?11:10
RhondaBecause that obviously is arch specific.11:11
RhondaA github comment hinted that the .buildinfo file might be the issue.  Will try again with stripping that one out.11:19
ginggsi don't have a problem uploading .buildinfo files to ubuntu11:28
RhondaMaybe jammy didn't support them yet?11:31
RikMillsbuildinfo file for an uplaod should not be arch specific11:38
RhondaRikMills: They always are arch specific because they contain arch specific build environment versions11:42
RikMillsshould be just be _source.buildinfo rather than _amd64.buildinfo11:42
RikMillsthen you are not preparing the upload properly11:42
RhondaYour build environment always has an architecture.11:42
RikMillsbut a source upload does not11:43
RhondaThat's correct.11:43
RhondaWell, it though still does.11:43
RhondaYou are building the source package still in some environment - which has an architecture.  It's not created out of thin air.11:43
RhondaThe toolchain you use, including dpkg out of it all, is architecture dependent.11:44
RikMillsobviouly, but the resulting files should not reference that11:44
RhondaThen you might miss significant information out of the buildinfo file for which it specifically was created.11:45
RikMills^^ my last archive upload11:45
RikMillsdebuild -S -sa in the source dir results in that11:46
RhondaWhat's the content of that buildinfo file?11:46
RikMills2 secs11:46
RhondaFor debuild I would need to have all the build-depends installed in my regular environment.11:47
ginggsRhonda: -nc11:48
RikMills-d  "Do not run dpkg-checkbuilddeps to check build dependencies."11:49
Rhonda-d doesn't work because my package at hand still would need python3 for the clean target.  -nc did the trick though.11:50
RhondaRikMills: So that "Build-Architecture: amd64" is not an architecture dependent entry in that file?11:51
RikMillsit should be "Build-Architecture: source" for an archive upload11:52
RhondaThat doesn't work.11:52
RhondaAnd you don't have an Installed-Build-Depends field in there?  That's interesting.11:53
RikMillssorry, yes Build-Architecture: amd64 is there and fine for the11:53
RhondaSo yes, it's architecture dependent.11:54
RikMillsI did not paste the whole installed build depends bit there11:54
RhondaI know that Ubuntu doesn't do binary NMUs like Debian does, but the version list of the installed packages is practically architecture dependent.11:54
RikMillsit should not be in name11:54
RhondaSo that buildinfo file isn't detachable from the architecture you build it on, practically and by design11:55
RikMillsas said you should enbd up with a _source.buildinfo11:55
RhondaSeemingly, but then I rather strip it out for the upload than tweak the changes file after my test build manually.11:56
Rhonda… I mean I have to touch it manually regardless.11:57
RikMillsif you are building the sources for upload correctly, it should not need anything doing apart from uploading11:58
Rhonda… whatever.11:59
RhondaI don't think I build them not correctly.  My worflow just seems to differ from yours, but that doesn't necessarily make it incorrect.12:00
RhondaCalling an architecture dependent buildinfo file _source is something I don't really consider correctly, frankly speaking12:00
RikMillsit is a source upload12:01
RhondaThat doesn't make the buildinfo less architecture dependent.12:01
RikMillsit is only a reference to the arch it was prepared on, it is still a source only upload12:03
RhondaI don't deny that it's a source only upload.12:03
RhondaThe buildinfo is -- regardless of whether it is a source-only upload or not -- an inherently architecture dependent information. By. Design.12:05
RikMillsyou should still end up with a _source.buildinfo no matter that12:06
RhondaThat's what the archive tools seem to enforce and require indeed.12:06
Rhonda… even though it does make little sense.12:06
RhondaBut I'm fine with that, I can adapt to it now that I know that that's the reason for the reject.12:07
RikMillsfair enough. as long as you can produce the source files like that then fine :)12:08
RikMillsnever had an issue my way, so obviously I stick to it12:09
RhondaHey, I needed a while to get used to using debhelper for my packages.  Maybe I can get used to adapt my general workflow too.  But first things first, we have a package here that is completely broken in jammy and noone got around to fix it yet for good.12:10

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