
jrwreni was about to paste and link and ask "cmaloney, did you see this" but then I look and you retooted it. lul.00:21
lluagonna apply for the lulz05:13
Scary_Guylol do it06:45
greg-gI don't want to share my high school grades nor do an IQ test, personally.15:20
greg-g(ftr, I got 1 B my entire first through twelfth grade, otherwise straight As, not bragging, just really good at test taking) 15:21
* dzho nods15:31
dzhoSimilar. I didn't do quite so thoroughly well, but good enough that my dad used to tease my typing teacher in social situations for ruining my high school run of straight A's with one B.15:31
greg-gdzho: nice15:41
greg-gironically my 1 B was sophomore year math, which is ironic because I was one of our two people who were selected to go to regional/state math competitions :) (the teacher hated that I never paid attention in her class, I think) (ok, this is bragging a little bit)15:43
jrwrenI don't think i'd ever have gotten hired had rick_h not asked for me. Then I think he regretted it :) 19:29
jrwrenLOL, the follow up!!!19:34
cmaloneyYeah, defintely has the feel of "you don't understand me because I am so big brained."22:03

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