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toddcHP laptop fresh install Synaptics touch pad works with live but not found after install and updates?01:30
toddc22.04 standard gnome01:31
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ubuntu__  /join #networking03:22
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fdanHi there, how to ignore if we have a filesystem.05:44
fdani dont want to ignore for all other errors05:44
fdanany idea on this?05:44
fdansince its linux based, thought of asking here05:44
EriC^^fdan: you have to unmount the filesystem05:56
EriC^^fdan: sudo umount /dev/sdb05:56
fdani dont want to unmount05:56
fdani just want the task to proceed incase if filesystem is already there in use05:57
EriC^^fdan: that's asking for trouble, and i dont think it will do that05:57
EriC^^why do you not want to unmount?05:57
fdanwhy trouble? we could write a script in such a way that it tests for a filesystem before that, and skip that task if it detected one.05:58
EriC^^fdan: if it's mounted then there's a filesystem mounted05:58
EriC^^fdan: trouble cause sometimes stuff is in the cache and is written later to the disk, so if you create a fresh filesystem maybe it will write stuff to the disk later on your new filesystem, i'm just guessing06:02
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iomari891Greetings, Is there any way to backup the /snap folder while the system is running?09:42
ravagewhat is stopping you from doing it?09:43
iomari891Doesn't /snap have locked files?09:44
ravagepossible. it is probably not wise to backup anyway09:45
ravagebetter backup /var/lib/snapd/snaps09:46
elias_aThis leads to following question: can a user rely settings of snaps are backed up if /home is backed up?09:46
ravageor /var/lib/snapd in general09:46
ravageas the users snap dir is in your home directory. yes.09:47
iomari891my /snap is taking a lot of space on my / partition. I want to move it's contents  to another drive and link it back to /snap.09:49
ravagethere is a README file09:50
ravageread it09:51
ravagein /snao09:51
iomari891ravage: OK, I read it and the link it refers to but that doesn't alter the fact du -sh /snap is 16G09:55
mwhudsoniomari891: it's all squashfs mounts though, try du -x09:56
iomari891ok. i sec   ....09:56
mwhudson(or at least, it should be!)09:56
ravagethat is exactly what the readme says yes :)09:57
iomari891I C. So where is the 16g residing?09:58
ravagesee above09:58
ravagealready told you the directory09:58
iomari891ok, I'm leaving the /snap alone. I'll relocate the /var/folder instead. That's 29G.10:29
weedmiciomari891: if 16GB is really an issue, perhaps you need to find the real culprit.  this utility will allow you to find what is hogging your media:  netstat -a10:42
weedmicmeant to type "ncdu -x -r"10:42
iomari891weedmic: thanks but /var is a better choice for me to move/link back to than /snap. Besides, it's larger so I'll free more space.10:57
weedmicshould I care at all that /boot/efi is vfat?  it is on /dev/nvme0n1p1 - also, if I am using clonezilla on the entire device nvme0 is it also getting the boot sector?11:02
weedmicthis is my only instance of having a device boot from nvme - so simply do notknow.11:03
ravageefi has no boot sector11:04
elnegrohi, i'm trying to have only gcc-13 suite installed in my system, so i remove all gcc-12 related packages, except cpp, because when i try that, the installer wants to remove also cpp* cpp-12* gdm3* ubuntu-desktop* ubuntu-desktop-minimal* x11-xserver-utils* xorg*, how cpp is related to the graphical environment? is it possible to get this done?11:05
weedmicby "efi has no boot secto" do you mean - this is the only way to do it?  (and therefor b/c it is correct, don't worry about it - just accept it)?11:11
weedmicelnegro: "It may be desirable to install multiple versions of the compiler on the same system. This can be done by using different prefix paths at configure time and a few symlinks. Basically, configure the two compilers with different --prefix options, then build and install each compiler.15 Jan 2023"11:12
BluesKajHi all11:13
elnegroweedmic: i don't want to install gcc from sources, just wanto to use apt packaging system, i know a can install both versions and use update alternatives, but, wanted to have no old versions lying around11:15
weedmicis it - efi that has no boot sector and one must use vfat - or is it nvme has no boot sector so one must use efi?11:18
kiokomanhi, i'm trying to configure a cluster with DRBD, corosync and pacemaker, here i need to run a nfs server. on some tutorial they tell to set the parameter -S --scope for nfsd but apparently it's not available in Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish), /etc/nfsd.conf does not mention it.11:35
kiokomanman of nfsd on debian say: NFSv4.1 and later require the server to report a "scope" which is used by the clients to detect if two connections are to the same server. By default Linux NFSD uses the host name as the scope.11:35
kiokomanIt is particularly important for high-availablity configurations to ensure that all potential server nodes report the same server scope.11:36
kiokomanis it available on ubuntu with another setting maybe?11:36
weedmicfoudn this - and am moving on - You can't boot from NVMe in Legacy mode, so GPT is the only way to go (because MBR isn't supported in EFI booting).11:58
akikweedmic: it's called csm in uefi lingo12:52
akikweedmic: i don't know why you couldn't install on a nvme in bios/mbr mode though12:54
minnowis there a way to get rid of cups snap? I remove it but it keeps getting auto-installed because of its connection to chromium snap12:57
v9fkremove chromium then?12:57
minnowand what is the mechanism for those auto-installs12:57
minnowv9fk: I use it12:58
akikrms: "do you control the program, or does the program control you?"12:59
minnowakik: snap controls me13:00
akikminnow: the ubuntu discourse post says though that the cups snap would only arrive in 24.1013:02
ravageminnow: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/new-interface-cups-for-all-snaps-which-print/2970213:02
ravageit provides access to your printer. chromium prints. so it is connected to that plug13:03
minnowakik: I think it was already present in 20.0413:03
akikyou can justify anything with that reasoning :)13:04
ravagei dont have to justify anything luckily. the user asked why13:04
minnowravage: yes but this is optional unlike theming plugs13:04
ravageit is not optional in the snap definition13:05
ravagefile a bug if you think it is one13:05
akikminnow: "We have decided to revert to DEB-package based printing and move the switchover out to Ubuntu 24.10."13:06
tykling_I need an IP to travel back and forth between two servers, so it is only ever active on one server at the same time. On BSD I would use carp for this, so I was considering ucarp because it is familiar. Any other suggestions? I need to be able to run a script when each server assumes the primary/secondary role (when the shared IP becomes active or inactive). Thanks!13:27
tykling_oh, this is on 22.04 by the way13:27
hwpplayer1Is there a Russia Local Community Channel for Ubuntu ?13:30
tykling_kaleido: yes that might be an option, I see it also uses vrrp packets for it13:30
SwahiliQ: I'd like to have apt-get noninteractive. Thus, I use DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive <...>, but I still get a pink panel. Not sure if I get this when upgrade but even on that I use this command I found online to mitigate this issue https://paste.sh/QCMpsPDX#pqDW7mu40Rw1S5avgKaEAuJ913:42
SwahiliWhat to do to have non interactive installs etc?13:42
hwpplayer1Can I see the progress of installation of a Snap package in terminal ?15:22
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mesa_no_exdishello hello. can't figure out why my comp stopped recognizing my external monitor after i installed 22.04.02. i have since upgraded to the latest release, but that didn't solve it. i tried switching from the HWE kernel to GA. no change. my graphics card is mesa intel xe graphics. help?16:24
lotuspsychjemesa_no_exdis: can you pastebin ; sudo lshw -C video , please?16:25
mesa_no_exdis       description: VGA compatible controller16:26
mesa_no_exdis       product: TigerLake-LP GT2 [Iris Xe Graphics]16:26
mesa_no_exdis       vendor: Intel Corporation16:26
mesa_no_exdis       physical id: 216:26
mesa_no_exdis       bus info: pci@0000:00:02.016:26
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:27
mesa_no_exdisah i see. working on a link16:31
mesa_no_exdislotuspsychje, see above please16:33
lotuspsychjemesa_no_exdis: ok, driver seems loaded, please dpaste your full 'dmesg' so the volunteers might find something else16:34
mesa_no_exdishow do i print dmesg...?16:36
lotuspsychjemesa_no_exdis: dmesg in your terminal, or /var/log/dmesg16:36
mesa_no_exdisdid it. on it16:37
mesa_no_exdishow can i see the full printout in terminal?16:38
mesa_no_exdislooks like it's only partial16:38
leftyfbmesa_no_exdis: sudo dmesg -T | nc termbin.com 999916:38
leftyfbcopy/paste the URL it gives you here16:38
mesa_no_exdisthat worked. thanks. but there's a lot of private information in here, folks. any way for me to narrow down the printout to the relevant info?16:41
lotuspsychjewe dont know what we are looking for yet mesa_no_exdis better to see your full dmesg16:41
leftyfbWhat private information do you think is it in the dmesg output?16:41
mesa_no_exdishostname, serial numbers, the software i use16:43
leftyfbmesa_no_exdis: none of those are really considered private information. Nothing anyone here cares about anyway16:57
=== chalcedny is now known as Sunrise
diguphello everybody, how can i enable multiple linux kernel on popos just like fedora?17:22
ravage!popos | digup17:23
ubottudigup: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official !flavors. Derivatives and other distributions use different software repositories and other software. Please use their dedicated support venues, such as: Linux Mint: #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org, Pop!_OS: https://support.system76.com/ , Kali Linux: #kali-linux on irc.oftc.net, LXLE: https://lxle.net/support-options/17:23
digupsorry. but, if i get an instruction to do it on ubuntu it wouldn't be an issue because it's almost the same in popos17:24
leftyfbdigup: please seek support from the PopOS project17:24
digupaight. thank you. have a nice day :)17:24
coconutdigup, they are on mattermost17:25
coconutand on their site too17:25
digupthank you for the link17:26
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KafetistYo. Anyone have Ubuntu 22? What does /etc/lsb-release say in DISTRIB_RELEASE= and DISTRIB_ID= ?18:23
leftyfbKafetist: you know you can run Ubuntu live from a USB flash drive, as a virtual machine or even install it right within Windows right?18:25
AngryTomon Windows WSL?18:27
leftyfbWSL is what I'm referring to on Windows, yes18:27
Kafetistleftyfb: Yes, I'm well aware.18:28
Kafetistleftyfb: How would you describe the process of installing a virtual machine and ubuntu on it just to solve couple of lines there being easier than someone having said distro to look it up?18:32
leftyfbKafetist: personally, since I'm running Ubuntu anyway, I spin up LXD containers in seconds to test things out or grab info from a particular release. But also, if I were doing some development work that required info from a linux distribution, I would 100% be running said distro in some manner.18:34
hggdhKafetist: DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu DISTRIB_RELEASE=22.0418:35
KafetistRight. Cool. Thanks both of you.18:36
KafetistCool tips, looking into lxd.18:45
KafetistAnd sorry for my manners, kinda preoccupied atm.18:45
leftyfbstudent: hello. What can we help you with?18:57
Sol@search A court of silver flames18:57
ubottuError: You don't have the config capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.18:57
studentnothing much, im just browsing18:57
jhutchinspackage dvd+rw-tools contains dvd+rw-mediainfo which will identify the disc (if it's DVD, won't read CDs(which might not have the info)).19:25
leftyfb!who | jhutchins19:26
ubottujhutchins: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:26
iffraffHi, I'm experiencing slightly different visual rendering in chrome on my ubuntu box then others are getting on their macs.  I don't know if this is the right place to ask, but is there any differnce between them and is there anyway to mitigate this?19:35
tuxAre there any current CD-size, debian-based distributions? 64 bit preference is also accepted at 32 bit19:40
tux648 mb<19:40
tuxubuntu debian mint19:40
leftyfbtux: there aren't any official Ubuntu releases/flavors that are 32bit, nor do any of them fit on a CD (650MB).19:45
leftyfbtux: https://linustechtips.com/topic/762282-linux-operating-systems-that-would-fit-on-a-cd-700-mb/19:46
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tuxI'm looking at the link. but i want update19:52
ioriatux, why don't don't you custom strip the regular iso ? with cubic e.g19:54
elias_atux: Just being curious - what kind of a computer does not have USB but has CDROM drive :O19:56
jhutchinselias_a: Possibly very old?19:56
tuxI have a 2010 computer. and there is only cd-rom drive19:58
elias_ajhutchins: Likely so. I'm just curious what CPU etc. that kind of computer to be able to run present distros.19:58
leftyfbtux: there's no USB ports?19:58
elias_atux: Are you sure there's no USB anywhere? :O19:59
ioriayou know you can boot an iso from grub, right ? tux19:59
tuxi use slitaz linux live cd19:59
leftyfbif it supports 64bit, it's got USB ports19:59
jhutchinselias_a: Also fits with the 32b architecture.19:59
leftyfbtux: either way, you'll want to ask in #linux. We can only support Ubuntu here19:59
tuxof course there is usb but bios update is required19:59
elias_atux: I salute your patience!20:00
joseph1I cant stand ubuntu 22.04.3 - on a brand new m.2 - everything works right - and is lightening fast - stop it.20:03
tuxdo these iso's boot?20:17
tuxi will try these iso20:17
G_MoneyHello World20:18
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joseph1Incredible - thanks.21:00
coconuttux, try and see, but ask in #debian21:01
tuxI asked debian irc first. but no answer21:04
tuxIsn't it debian based on ubuntu21:04
coconutubuntu is based on debian yes21:05
coconutbut recommendation is ubuntu here21:06
tuxok thanks21:07
SwelteringActionIs this where I get support?21:12
v9fkcommunity support. yeah21:13
SwelteringActionWhen I wake up my computer from sleep, I get a blank screen with white text saying "debugfs: File radeon_ring_gfx' in directory '0' already present! debugfs: File radeon_ring_cp1' in directory '0' already present! debugfs: File radeon_ring_cp2' in directory '0' already present! debugfs: File 'radeon_ring_dma1' in directory '0' already present!21:19
SwelteringActiondebugfs: File 'radeon_ring_dma2' in directory '0' already present! debugfs: File radeon_ring_uvd' in directory '0' already present! debugfs: File radeon_ring_vce1' in directory '0' already present! debugfs: File radeon_ring_vce2' in directory '0' already present!" Sometime it goes away sometimes it freezes. I have Ubuntu 22.04 installed.21:19
joseph1prolly a ff problem - how can i get NOT - ubuntu ff - but ff to fill the non full screen - on boot21:38
joseph11/4 inch from right - never fills21:39
joseph1full screen does21:39
joseph1maybe compiz ?21:40
joseph1Thank you for your time and efforts - Have a good day.21:45
navotnoHello! I'm new, I'm glad to be here)22:15
joseph1Top - notch.22:30
leftyfbjoseph1: can we help you with something?22:43
leftyfb!support | joseph122:44
ubottujoseph1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:44
joseph1Im ecstatic - book merk these - https://www.news4jax.com/weather/ - https://re.ssec.wisc.edu/?products=G16-ABI-FD-BAND02.100,G16-ABI-FD-BAND13.65&center=36.62792196407514,-94.74951171874999&zoom=4&width=949&height=776&timeproduct=G16-ABI-FD-BAND13&timespan=-6t&animationspeed=50&labels=lines22:44
leftyfbjoseph1: please don't do that22:44
joseph1my apologies.22:44
leftyfbjoseph1: please /join #ubuntu-offtopic if you'd like to just chat. This is a support channel22:44
joseph1will do.22:44
joseph1<y apologies.22:45
joseph1sorry leftyfb22:45
navotnoHello! I'm new, I'm glad to be here)22:52
leftyfbnavotno: hi. What can we do for you?22:53
navotnoThank you. I don't need anything.22:55
ibrahimwilly pic23:34
ibrahimshow me your willy pls23:35
wrwhat is smallest iso link to install ubuntu 23.10?23:55
wrhttps://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-mini-iso/daily-live/pending/mantic-mini-iso-amd64.iso ?23:55
sarnoldit probably is the smallest, but I don't think it's self-contained23:55
leftyfbit's not, it installs everything over the internet23:56
wrsarnold, what link should i use? i wanna do a VM23:56
leftyfbwr: server or desktop?23:56
wrdesktop, but i prefer some iso i can select DE23:57
leftyfbwr: what will you use it for exactly?23:57
wrleftyfb, i just wanna do VM to test distro23:57
sarnoldthe cloud images let you skip the whole 'installer' step, you get to a working server system pretty quick with those23:57
wrleftyfb, i think last version tried was 2123:58
wr23.10 bit newer23:58
Eickmeyer23.10 isn't out yet.23:59

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