[04:51] PR snapd#13132 opened: cmd/snap: when running confined, have "snap routine desktop-launch" use the privileged desktop launcher D-Bus interface [10:28] PR snapd#13133 opened: cmd/Makefile.am: add warning to all CFLAGS [14:07] Issue snapcraft#4181 closed: Entering the provider uses the hostname of the snapshot [15:55] PR snapd#13112 closed: cmd/configure.ac: rework [17:26] Issue pc-gadget#103 opened: snap can't be built [18:03] PR snapcraft#4337 opened: fix(legacy): export sources method to local plugins [19:26] Issue pc-gadget#104 opened: Add prepare-device hook to `classic` branch [21:18] PR snapcraft#4338 opened: refactor(parts): move yaml utils out of lifecycle === vancz_ is now known as vancz