[00:00] Eickmeyer, ah sorry [00:00] Eickmeyer, https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-mini-iso/daily-live/pending/mantic-mini-iso-amd64.iso this iso has exactly what? [00:01] Mantic Minotaur, which will eventually become 23.10 but is not *yet* 23.10. [00:01] I rencently upgraded to 22.4 and I can no longer access dovecot remotely. Can I get any assistance in here? [00:06] https://cdimages.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-mini-iso/daily-live/current/lunar-mini-iso-amd64.iso ? is something wrong on the link? [00:07] wr: yes, it's invalid [00:07] wr: Lunar daily builds aren't being built anymore and their daily .iso images were removed long ago. Non-LTS releases aren't built daily after their release. [00:17] Eickmeyer, let me put it in this way, what ISO link could i use to install a Ubuntu VM on the uppest version i get, ISO smallest size that the installer let's me chose the DE ? [00:18] wr: https://cdimages.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-mini-iso/daily-live/current/mantic-mini-iso-amd64.iso [00:18] wr: Supported? No such thing exists. Unsupported? The lunar mini that leftyfb just linked. [00:18] er, mantic mini. [00:23] Eickmeyer, i used that one and was getting an error "failed to determine size reservation for memmap, debug shell" after VM booted up, but not sure if was my ram resources [00:23] wr: Like I said, it's unsupported. [00:23] Anything labeled "mantic" is unsupported since it's pre-release. [00:24] Sorry if that's not the answer you wanted. [00:27] Eickmeyer, yes, i only need something that works [00:27] wr: If that's not working then we can't help you. You might have to wait until final release as the mini .iso image is under heavy development. [00:28] wr: just download the individual flavors to test them individually. Or install ubuntu server and install the DE of choice after [00:29] wr: While leftyfb's suggestion of Ubuntu Server might be helpful, it does have some defaults that vary greatly from a desktop install, so it might not be accurate. [00:29] leftyfb, yes, i was just in doubt of link [00:29] wr, so why not use a current supported version, like 22.04.3 or 23.04? And ubuntu flavors (unlike debian) don't select the DE at install, you should get the iso for the flavor you want, eg ubuntu is Gnome, xubuntu is xfce [00:31] rfm, that was what i was trying to ask, the version that would be more current, i don't use Ubuntu in a while [00:32] wr: The most current version is 23.04. [00:32] !yy.mm [00:32] Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle [00:32] !flavors [00:32] Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours [00:33] wr ^ Those two links should help. [00:39] Eickmeyer, since bard said " [00:39] As of today, August 28, 2023, there is no Ubuntu 23.04 mini ISO available yet. The latest version of Ubuntu is 23.10, which was released on October 11, 2022. The Ubuntu 23.04 mini ISO will be available sometime in April 2023, which is the usual release schedule for Ubuntu interim releases." i guess i have to use another [00:40] wr: Yes, I told you that it doesn't exist. [00:40] wr: It wasn't actually released as it wasn't ready. [00:41] dang bard has an even worse grasp of time than I do [00:41] wr: And whatever you quoted had that wrong because 22.10 was released on October 11, 2022. [00:41] Clearly a typographical error. [00:41] given it's a markov chain, clearly it's just hallucinating [00:42] I thought the mini iso was no longer being done, what with the new installer [00:42] Yeah. Definitely not correct *at all*. [00:42] rfm: Incorrect. [00:42] rfm: Both projects are being worked on separately. [00:43] rfm: Completely different teams involved. [00:44] rfm: there's a new mini installer these days [00:50] sarnold: We've been having that discussion with the caveat that it's unsupported and pre-release. [00:50] a good chance to find and report bugs :) [00:51] sarnold: True, but a user in here wanted help getting it to work, and we can't do that here. [00:52] Eickmeyer, I had a sad realisation. If a community member submits a patch for a package maintained by Canonical then the community doesn't get the updated package unless they have a subscription to Ubuntu Pro. That's weak. [00:53] WHATEVERYEAH: That's unrelated, and ..... [00:53] Eickmeyer how is it unrelated? [00:53] WHATEVERYEAH: pretty sure patches get submitted to the maintainer, not Canonical. In which case, the update package hits the universe repo [00:53] WHATEVERYEAH: Different discussion before you came in. [00:54] Sounds like Kolusion. [00:54] leftyfb some packages are maintained by Canonical agents, such as Eickmeyer. [00:54] * Eickmeyer doesn't work for Canonical for the last time [00:55] sarnold: Definitely him. [00:55] WHATEVERYEAH: that's not how this works [00:56] Eickmeyer. Sadly Firefox for Android does not have ability to clear site data. Libera chat has stored site data. The only way I can clear it is by deleting all browser history. It's a sad era. [00:56] Ban evasion. [00:56] !ops | WHATEVERYEAH Kolusion ban evasion [00:56] WHATEVERYEAH Kolusion ban evasion: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant [00:56] Problem evader. [00:56] Canonical agent [00:56] Lowest FOSS scum sell out [00:57] WHATEVERYEAH: this is pathetic and you know it. you would be much happier if you find some way to contribute something of value to the world. [00:57] I am already leaving Ubuntu after 14 years, so you can relax. [00:57] * leftyfb waves goodbye [00:57] Canonical agents [00:59] * Eickmeyer honestly wishes he worked for Canonical, lord knows he's applied... [00:59] I worked there for a bit [01:03] Hi there! In dire need of some help with partitions / windows [01:04] !ask | Plebber [01:04] Plebber: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [01:04] sorry abt the ill posts earlier - just that here - in america- we are facong - stuff - sorry. - thanks. [01:04] joseph1: this isn't the place for it [01:04] end. [01:04] joseph1: and please stop with "end." This isn't the MCP [01:04] I get it lefty, my apologies. [01:05] I installed Ubuntu on a second hard drive and was toying around with it for a few hours. When I go back to change the boot order to be my main hard drive, it says there is no OS and the hard drive does not show as a bootable drive. Is this common? I installed it on another hard drive in order to not risk ruining my main hard drive with a second OS [01:05] install - but somehow i cant get into it now anyway [01:06] lefty - im going to purchase you the prce is right vacation. [01:06] joseph1: please stop [01:06] wow, ok. [01:06] Plebber: you'll have to seek support in #windows [01:06] oh lordy [01:07] Plebber: probably your EFI is now set to boot grub or something like that [01:07] Plebber: physically remove the drive with Ubuntu on it, then Ubuntu is out of the picture. #windows should be able to help you recover Winsows [01:07] Windows* [01:07] Plebber: efibootmgr can probably help you select a different default, or your bios's EFI tool may help you select a different default [01:08] we love leftyfb anyway, end. [01:09] yeah it might be a grub issue, been looking at a bunch of that already [01:10] Windows doesn't use grub. And if you installed Ubuntu on the other drive properly, it shouldn't have been installed to your Windows drive. Either way, your best bet is to ask in #windows on how to restore Windows [01:10] Do you think removing the drive w ubuntu on it will change the grub / efi thingy that's going on? [01:11] Didn't touch the windows drive at all during installation, was very careful about that :P [01:11] heh, I'm not sure. I couldn believe that unplugging the linux drive might just cause grub to no longer work .. [01:11] s/couldn/could/ [01:11] (not a great place to have a typo..) [01:12] twenty five years ago, unplugging the linux drive would have been enough, 100% :D [01:12] I'm less sure about today [01:12] tru, seems a lil weird that one drive can cause another drive to not be bootable, simply by being there x) [01:13] the issue pre-EFI would have been grub installing to the MBR on your primary (Windows) drive [01:13] My windows drive is perfectly viewable in ubuntu though, I see the windows installation and everything. [01:13] right, you just need to repair the Windows boot. You get help with that in #windows [01:14] lmao tried everything ;_; [01:14] I will go #windows-please-register instead :)) [01:14] unplug the Ubuntu drive while you're doing it so you don't cause more issues [01:14] Thanks for the help! [01:14] Kind of a bummer, I like ubuntu so far haha [01:16] Plebber: you will need to register on Libra.chat in order to join #windows [01:16] !register | Plebber [01:16] Plebber: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://libera.chat/guides/registration - For any further help, ask in #libera [01:27] Yeah, did that :)) lets see if theres hope for my windows installation / main drive lol === alkisg_irc is now known as alkisg === atkdinosaurus is now known as akik [02:44] having list of dev/input events, how to determine which is my laptop's keyboard or mouse? https://justpaste.it/8gsap [03:02] Yakov, xinput list [03:03] Whatever your link is, doesn't work. Just gives a "We are updating JustPaste.it Please try again after few minutes" [03:03] https://justpaste.it/3vgkv [03:04] Yakov, What are you trying to do here? [03:08] Lvl4Sword, using base libevdev sample https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/libevdev/ -> getting error Failed to init libevdev | need to get keyboard input from my laptop [03:11] More power to you. Never used it. [03:12] ty [03:18] so what event is my keyboard? [03:48] change the access rights that are used to generate the /dev nodes ? [04:59] cat /dev/input/event0 | cat: /dev/input/event0: Permission denied | how to add myself to input group [06:42] I'm hoping someone knows a quick fix to this because I have to leave in about half an hour, back later... I have an MSI laptop (raider ge78 hx 13v). Worked great with ubuntu. Sound worked wonderfully. Then, suddenly, I notice now I'm getting no sound from the speakers (but fine using earphones or bluetooth), and I've tried everything I could find through Google but to no avail. The only things I can think of that would [06:42] have triggered this would be a regular update (kernel?) which may have somehow messed with the drivers. The other unexpected thing that happened to the computer was a recent accidental total power failure, while I was running on battery power and didn't have a power cable at hand. But I don't know why that would cause this. [06:44] spectacular: a quick test would be to reboot, select advanced ubuntu options, and boot with an older kernel [06:45] I tried that, and tried installing other older and newer kernels using "mainline", but that didn't help [06:45] You don't need to use mainline, there are several available kernels. What's the output of: dpkg -l | grep linux- | nc termbin.com 9999 [06:45] I'm not sure when this problem actually happened because I usually use this laptop with sound off and/or only earphones. Once in a while I'll watch a movie with my wife, but it's been a while. And then yesterday when I tried to watch something with my kids there was no sound [06:46] https://termbin.com/s563y [06:47] I don't see any normal headers there. Is this vanilla ubuntu or some derivative? [06:47] ubuntu studio [06:47] i believe [06:47] Ah, maybe something to do with jack then, I'm not familiar with it at all. [06:48] I would try this: sudo apt install linux-lowlatency-hwe-22.04 [06:48] I think ubuntu studio uses the lowlatency kernel by default; that will get you the current 6.2 kernel for 22.04 [06:52] it's currently ubuntu 23.04 here (lunar) -- can I roll it back to 22.04 like that? [06:52] Ah, sorry didn't see that one [06:52] frustrating how this always seems to happen right when you really need to use it to impress someone lol [06:54] some other possible clues: when I go to sound settings, it shows only one device and it's grayed out: "speaker sof-hda-dsp". If I click on Test sound, the speakers (front right, front left) don't seem to be responding to clicks. [06:54] "output profile" has only one option, Play HiFi quality Music" [06:54] and the Fade and Subwoofer sliders are grayed out too [06:55] and if I recall from back when I got the laptop (it's fairly new) and the speakers were working perfectly, if definitely had more speakers than just front right and front left. gave a really nice surround sound feel. so, I feel like something's missing here. [07:08] alkisg, could it be that I need an nvidia driver, not sof-hda-dsp? [07:08] https://termbin.com/csv34 [07:09] spectacular: ubuntu studio uses jack, which I have no idea about, so I can't answer anything about this issue [07:09] could i try switching jack for something you're more familiar with then? [07:10] No, that's a big change, you'd need to reinstall using a different ubuntu flavor [07:12] hmmm i see [07:16] alrighty I'll try again later, thanks so much [07:36] `echo on >/sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/DP-3/force` forces that output to on. How can I set it back to unspecified? It accepts on, off but I can't find anything that would set it to the initial unspecified state... [07:42] alkisg, i bet someone in #mir-server might know ... [07:42] Thank you ogra, trying... [07:42] (rather than ubuntu-x which i think is not much monitored anymore 😉 ) [07:44] Yeah tjaalton only replies once per month there :/ [07:44] yup ... i think he works more on kernel than on xorg nowadays [08:07] pity - i'm pretty sure from what spectacular described, he merely needed to redirect output from headphones to speakers - can't believe he rebooted and was told to install the OS over. oy === michele_ is now known as michele [08:40] dovecot got bonked on a 22.04 upgrade. How do I fully remove and perge dovecot so I can do a clean reinstall? [08:40] Thanks [08:42] use synaptic/muon - but after uninstall, also do purge. [09:04] I'm wanting to install packages that supposedly work with anaconda and I don't know whether anaconda will play nicely with the system python and other tools. So I'm thinking of installing it into a virtualized environment.  What are good ways to run Ubuntu in virtual environment in Ubuntu 22.04.3 ?  I'm most familiar with virtualbox but I don't [09:04] necessarily need a pretty GUI. [09:05] ubuntu pro can not attach a token to my server: Failed to attach machine. See https://ubuntu.com/pro. Any suggestions [09:07] oops it might be VMWare I've used before ;) [09:12] circle: virtualbox is good and has a gui [09:13] don't seem to be able to install dovecot on 22.02: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZX8jJP2gCf/plain/ [09:14] hey folks, I'm trying to install snapcraft on jammy in a Dockerfile, but during the configuration process it seems that snap can't connect to the store. I says "Checking connectivity with the snap store" and fails after 30 mitues. any idea? [09:17] Does this traceback show a problem with my system or a problem with the package I am trying to install?   https://bpa.st/TNXQ [10:04] WINDOWS [10:04] !LIST [10:04] Mauro: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type «/msg ubottu !bot». If you're looking for a channel, see «/msg ubottu !alis». [10:36] .b === docmax_ is now known as docmax [10:50] Salve, ho un problema: sto provando a installare Lubuntu su un vecchio Toshiba Satellite 512mb di ram e 24 gb di archiviazione. Dato che voglio mettere Lubuntu ho creato un cd con l'ISO però mi viene una schermata con gnu grub version 2.06 e se clicco try to install non va. Cosa faccio? [10:50] Qualcuno mi potrebbe aiutare x piacere? [10:50] !it | Matteo24 [10:50] Matteo24: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi «/join #ubuntu-it» senza virgolette) [10:52] BCB: some tokens needs a browser that allows "security modules". as far as i know, if this is your issue, ONLY firefox does that. ubuntu comes with "snap firefox". if this is your issue, you need to remove snap firefox and replace it with real filefox, then install the module, and it should work just fine. [11:12] 1. how I disable clicking of the touchpad? I keep closing applicaitons by accident because the touchpad ocnsider me touching it as "middle click". [11:13] 2. any e-mail client on ubuntu repos support Microsoft Exchange for enterprise? [11:16] speeder__: disable touchpad in gnomes settings [11:18] I need touchpad, just not clicking [11:19] speeder__: check dconf-editor you might find a value to tweak there [11:20] speeder__: the value tap-to-click is what you need i think [11:21] thanks [11:21] now need the e-mail client that supports Exchange === speeder__ is now known as speeder [11:38] speeder, try evolution ... [11:42] speeder: you can do it with xinput [12:13] Hi all [12:14] wb [13:26] hey. i seem to have a dead invisible spot on the screen where if the mouse pointer is in, i cannot scroll or click. any idea? 23.04, cinnamon, everything latest [13:28] i have multiple users logged in and switch with ctrrl+alt+fN [13:29] a popup window appeared asking for my pass [13:29] after that the spot works again by a rough test [13:45] Jackneill: Sounds like maybe you have a window that's not actually visible. [13:46] Jackneill: I think it's probably an application you're running. [13:49] jhutchins, suspicously it started roughly when i added a weather desklet to desktop [13:49] but that is at the top-right corner not where this spot is/was [13:50] and i really do not understand why the pass dialog ended it [13:50] generally when i switch users this pass dialog appears immidiately, sometimes twice [14:05] fdan: the command I sent was wrong ... sudo touch /etc/apt/sources.list.d/fdan is the correct, it should create an empty file 0 bytes in that dir. [14:06] pavlos: wrong channel? [14:07] pavlos: or are you responding to a conversation from 2 weeks ago [14:07] the latter [14:07] I'm in the ubuntu channel as usual === tortilla is now known as tortillasandwich [15:09] does anyone know how to keep software updater from popping up on top of other windows? This is very annoying when playing a game or watching a movie. I am running Ubuntu 22.04 Wayland. I googled and found devilspie2 but that only runs with x11 [15:12] nunya: maybe dconf-editor has a tweak on update-manager [15:18] nunya: comment out the line "#DPkg::Post-Invoke ... updates available" in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99update-notifier [15:23] lotuspsychje: there are 2 that might effect pop up notifications from update manager show notifications and show banners. I do still want the notifications but only in notification are of top bar are wher I have activities, calendar, settings, power, log out... I will toggle show banners off and see if that works. [15:27] hi all, how to open this file SeaToolsLinuxX64Installer.run [15:27]  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_j_gcgCDvH6Q2SLsWlXUR8t1r_JQqF0x/view?usp=sharing [15:30] do not understand the error. make it english plz [15:31] jk: is is a shell executable? you may have to give it -x permission [15:31] +x ? [15:31] pavlos: I do want to know updates are available just not in the middle of my screen, maybe minimized or in notification are only. [15:31] "Right click on the file in the file manager and click 'Properties'. Click the 'Permissions' tab and tick the box that says 'Allow executing file as program'. [15:31] Double click the file to execute it." [15:32] i did it [15:32] jk: chmod +x seatools...run [15:32] now ubuntu stats to open, it shows me logo, but after another error "There has been an error. [15:32] "You need root permission"" [15:32] how to open it in graphical method? [15:33] sudo but make sure the file is legit [15:33] sudo? what means "sudo"? [15:33] :-\ [15:38] jk: https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/running-linux-5th/0596007604/ [15:38] jk: You'll be a lot more comfortable with your system if you at least skim that. [15:41] jhutchins i don't understan what u say [15:42] Hello All, openssl version 3.0.2 have multiple vulnerabilities on ubuntu 22.04 LTS? [15:44] Niclos98: unlikely [15:47] ravage: CVE-2022-1343 [15:47] -ubottu:#ubuntu- The function `OCSP_basic_verify` verifies the signer certificate on an OCSP response. In the case where the (non-default) flag OCSP_NOCHECKS is used then the response will be positive (meaning a successful verification) even in the case where the response signing certificate fails to verify. It is anticipated that most users of `OCSP_basic_verify` will not use the OCSP_NOCHE... [15:48] Does gnome still have gksudo? [15:49] jk: the oreilly book is a good starter to understand Linux [15:51] Is there some sort of guide for beginners available from Canonnical? [15:52] jk: sudo and permissions are probably too big a subject for an IRC channel. [15:52] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_j_gcgCDvH6Q2SLsWlXUR8t1r_JQqF0x/view?usp=sharing [15:52] v9fk [15:52] this is translation [15:52] impossible to view SeaToolsLinuxX64Installer.run [15:52] no application for executable files is installed. [15:52] Look for an application that can open this file? [15:53] jk should learn more about Linux and sudo [15:54] i did right click on the file in the file manager and click 'Properties'. Click the 'Permissions' tab and tick the box that says 'Allow executing file as program'. [15:54] Niclos98: https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2022-1343 [15:54] -ubottu:#ubuntu- The function `OCSP_basic_verify` verifies the signer certificate on an OCSP response. In the case where the (non-default) flag OCSP_NOCHECKS is used then the response will be positive (meaning a successful verification) even in the case where the response signing certificate fails to verify. It is anticipated that most users of `OCSP_basic_verify` will not use the OCSP_NOCHE... [15:54] jk: Here is a guide to installing the Seagate tools in Linux: https://www.seagate.com/content/dam/seagate/migrated-assets/www-content/support-content/downloads/seatools/_shared/docs/seatools-ssd-cli-guide-100821832_F.pdf (I think it also covers Windows). [15:54] but it still doesn't open [15:54] jk: Are you sure you really need it at this stage? [15:56] i need to do a low level format, even if i read it doesn't exist anymore, it's called low leve format but really it's just a zero-fill operaion also called reinitialization [15:57] by seagate tools which is the bran of my HD [15:57] https://www.seagate.com/content/dam/seagate/migrated-assets/www-content/support-content/downloads/seatools/_shared/docs/seatools-ssd-cli-guide-100821832_F.pdf [15:57] i read this guide, but it talks about .bin file instead by website it downloads .run file [15:58] however mine is not an SSD [15:59] jk: https://grok.lsu.edu/article.aspx?articleid=16716 this works on both ssd and hdd [15:59] it's as close to "low level format" that I know of, today [15:59] jk: That's a very dangerous level to be running tools that don't match the hardware. There are other ways of doing that kind of erasure on a disk using tools from Ubuntu. [16:00] jk: you're basically telling the drive to erase itself. I used it once on a hdd that developed write errors after a power outage, and it figured itself out after that [16:00] jk: Why not just partition and format the drive as it is? [16:02] SwedeMike i have 448 reallocated sectors [16:03] jk: unless you know specific event that caused those, I wouldn't use that drive [16:03] jhutchins i just don't understand how can format from this ubuntu if i have to delete all hard disk [16:03] if it's running [16:04] SwedeMike it's the drive where is installed ubuntu now, i'm using it [16:04] application gnome disks told me it's all ok [16:04] it doesn't show me it as an error [16:04] the threshold is not exceeded [16:05] i just don't understand how I can do a low level format or more exactly zero-fill operation by this operaing system while i'm using it for example by gparted [16:06] jk: You can't. [16:06] if it is the operating system in use while i'm formatting [16:06] jk: You can't do a low leve format on part of a drive, you will loose all data on the device if you format it. [16:06] so i thinked i need a usb pendrive bootable to do that and after that install ubuntu 22.04.3 by another usb bootable pendrive [16:06] jk: What do you plan to use the space for? [16:07] jk: If you're doing a new install that will use the whole drive, you can just let the installer manage the formatting. [16:07] i want to do low lever format or more exactly zero-fill operation, all my data are saved externally, i have not problem to lose data [16:08] jk: You don't really need to do that. [16:08] @jhu [16:08] jhutchins installer from ubuntu bootable pendrive doesn't make me do low level format, just simple format [16:08] jk: If you use @ in IRC it prevents the user from being highlighted or alerted. Just use the name. [16:09] jk: You should be able to type a few letters of the name and complete it with Tab. [16:09] jk: That really is all you need. [16:10] jk: Once you format it and write data to it, any old data will be very difficult to recover. [16:11] i did installation of ubuntu from usb pendrive according to guide where is on ubuntu.com, by creating an usb flash bootable [16:11] i don't need to make data difficult to recover, i just try to resolve the problem of 448 reallocated sectors, thechnician told me to try withe a low level format [16:12] i use this software on windows 10 before installing ubuntu "balenaEtcher"  [16:14] jk: That's for writing to the USB, isn't it? [16:14] yes [16:14] to create a bootable usb [16:15] jk: Is the drive you want to format the same one that the system is running on? [16:15] i did it and i installed ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS but i need to do a low level format [16:15] jhutchins yes it's the same, my pc has just one drive [16:16] jk: You will have to boot to a "live" system to format the drive. Once you format it, there will be nothing left on it, and you will have to re-install. [16:17] jk: There are several web pages that explain how to do a low level format from Linux. https://linux.m2osw.com/low-level-formatting-hdd-or-ssd [16:18] jhutchins are you saying me i have to click "Try ubuntu" when bootable usb pendrive stats? [16:18] starts? [16:19] jk: I think that's the way you access it. [16:21] from Bootable USB stick it starts with two buttons "Try ubuntu" and "Install ubuntu" [16:21] It's been years since I've seen the installer. I just upgrade to new releases. I really should set up a VM and try it. [16:21] therefore i have to click on "Try ubuntu"? [16:21] jk: I would say it's safe to do that. [16:21] *do i have to click "TRY UBUNTU"? (excuse for my english) [16:22] jk: Whate are you going to do when you have the live system booted? [16:22] What [16:22] jk: Your English is better than my Italian. [16:24] i don't know, i guess i have to use the tools from hard drive manufacturer therefore seagate [16:24] i read on several support web pages, it's the best way to do a low level format [16:25] jhutchins [16:28] jk: If you type "file , it will tell you what kind of file it is, and we can figure out how to run it. [16:28] jk: We might even open the file with an editor and see what's in it, if it's not binary. [16:29] jk: ".run" files are often secripts to run the install commands. [16:29] jk: You can install things to a live system, but they will go away when you shut down or reboot. [16:31] jk: If you just want to write zeros to the whole drive, it's a very simple command. [16:31] chmod u+rwx SeaToolsLinuxX64Installer.run [16:31] i do that in terminal [16:32] """"You can install things to a live system, but they will go away when you shut down or reboot.""""" [16:32] are those things istalled on hard drive that i'm going to format? [16:33] jk: I gave you a link to the instructions for running the file from Seagate. You should definitely read that beffore you make any changes. [16:34] jk: No, a live system would write them to the temporary system running in RAM. You _can_ make changes to the hard drive, but you have to take extra steps. [16:34] jk: That's ok for now. [16:35] i read link, it talks about .bin files [16:36] jk: You should download those from the Seagate site. [16:36] jk: Where did you get the .run file? [16:38] from seagate web site [16:38] sudo chmod +x ./SeaToolsLinuxX64Installer.run [16:38] [sudo] password di user: [16:39] i write the password but it still doesn't open it [16:40] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LUerIzrsl2ItJLXKXJOlBQuAqLYWDfCi/view?usp=sharing === akik is now known as atkdinosaurus [16:45] first i gave this command: sudo chmod u+rwx SeaToolsLinuxX64Installer.run [16:45] second i gave this command: sudo chmod +x ./SeaToolsLinuxX64Installer.run [16:45] finally: ./SeaToolsLinuxX64Installer.run [16:45] but it doesn't work [16:50] jhutchins [16:51] jk: what error do you get? [16:51] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LUerIzrsl2ItJLXKXJOlBQuAqLYWDfCi/view?usp=sharing [16:51] leftyfb [16:52] jk: it tells you how to resolve it [16:52] sudo ./SeaToolsLinuxX64Installer.run [16:54] ok now it works, how to do that by graphical way? [16:54] you don't [16:55] oh my God :-o Why? :-o [16:55] to be clear, there are ways, but they are not recommended not supported [16:56] i gave permissions by right click in "Properties->Permissions" [16:56] but it still didn't open [16:56] jk: did it install from running sudo ./SeaToolsLinuxX64Installer.run ? [16:57] leftyfb: you should do customer support. will become a legend. im sure [16:58] v9fk: lets not [17:00] leftyfb yes [17:02] but i don't understand why it doesn't work by graphical way, i gave all permissions [17:02] jk: you mean why it doesn't install from a GUI? (even though it's already installed) [17:03] yes by gui [17:04] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RMZ4dxFSz5aIx3WtGmz_X_VXh7OHV8qZ/view?usp=sharing [17:04] i gave all permission here [17:06] jk: because your desktop is running as your user, if you try to "execute" a binary from your file manager, it will fail due to needing root permissions. You COULD open a file manager as root, but it is not recommended. It's just simpler to run it from a terminal as you did [17:07] jk: right, you gave permissions for your user to execute it, but the binary itself requires root, so it will fail, not because it wasn't executable, but because the binary requires root privs [17:08] i gave permissions for root too [17:09] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RMZ4dxFSz5aIx3WtGmz_X_VXh7OHV8qZ/view?usp=sharing [17:09] in menu it's selected "sudo" [17:09] in the section "groups" [17:10] isn't it a root permission for "sudo" "SuperUserDO"? [17:10] right, so you need to execute it as root, or in this case, as sudo. Which you did. And now it's installed and you can move on to running it as necessary [17:11] jk: in the dialog box you shows, group is the group ownership, not how it gets executed [17:11] ok and how to open "FILE" app as sudo with root permission? [17:13] jk: I would not recommend doing that. Why are you so interested in trying to install this using the GUI if you've already installed it properly using the terminal? [17:13] jk: Sorry to ghost you, real life got in the way. [17:14] just to understand because i'm not so good on using terminal, i just hope for next time to use gui for everything even because i use basic functions of the computer, i don't need many difficult operations [17:14] jk: running your GUI file manager as root is begging for problems. It is not recommended [17:15] jk: especially when you've already made it clear you are not adept enough to resolve any issues that come from it [17:16] @lef [17:16] leftyfb of thanks [17:20] What should I do at this point ? https://pastebin.mozilla.org/4TZJhzcY [17:21] Beladona: remove the 3rd party repo some of those packages are being pulled from and run : sudo apt update ; sudo apt install -f [17:21] oh wait [17:21] your disk is full [17:22] more than likely your /boot [17:23] leftyfb  df -h [17:23] Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on [17:23] tmpfs 6.3G 3.9M 6.3G 1% /run [17:23] ./dev/mapper/vgxubuntu-root 930G 791G 117G 88% / [17:24] Beladona: df -h / boot [17:24] also, please use pastebin [17:24] leftyfb how to remove 3rd party repo? [17:24] Beladona: I was wrong about the 3rd party repo, or at least, that isn't the more pressing issue [17:25] same for boo. /dev/mapper/vgxubuntu-root 930G 791G 117G 88% / [17:25] Beladona: cannot copy extracted data for './boot/System.map-6.2.0-31-generic' to '/boot/System.map-6.2.0-31-generic.dpkg-new': failed to write (No space left on device) [17:25] yes, that is strange. isn't it? [17:28] leftyfb however seagate tools told me it's all ok as well as the app "disks" installed in ubuntu 22.04.4 maybe more exactly called gnome-disks [17:28] i show you seagate tools reports [17:28] https://drive.google.com/file/d/13kkT4lIn27rCf1HGCGZDrQWBJOg8o1gr/view?usp=sharing, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lVirqcDO7aH5G4zq6ICf80zoaVwjM9_N/view?usp=sharing [17:28] jk: ok? [17:30] leftyfb what should I do here? I have 100+GB free [17:31] Beladona: sudo touch /boot/file # can you write to the directory? [17:31] yes [17:31] leftyfb it told me it's all ok, maybe the only problems are these, but seagate tools don't highlight them as errors [17:31] ST1000LM035-1RK172 Retired Sectors Count 5 2023-ago-29 19:05:07 2023-ago-29 17:05:07 448 99 [17:31] ST1000LM035-1RK172 Retired Sectors Count 5 2023-ago-29 18:53:50 2023-ago-29 16:53:50 448 99 [17:31] leftyfb I can create files there [17:32] jk: sorry, what problem are you trying to solve exactly? [17:32] reallocated sectors [17:32] Beladona: sudo apt install -f [17:32] leftyfb [17:32] jk: please elaborate [17:33] SMART TOOLS highlight me them as errors and it's written "pre-fail" [17:33] but seagate tools and the app "gnome-disks" told me it'all OK [17:34] jk: if it were me, I would replace the drive. I don't take chances with my data [17:34] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZXOCH1spL9arGQMbyyA-szIKhk3XiY7u/view?usp=sharing [17:35] jk: that drive is knackered [17:35] all my data are all in safe external hard disk [17:35] jk: your data is on borrowed time [17:35] jk: buy another disk and back it up immediately [17:39] leftyfb  cannot copy extracted data for './boot/System.map-6.2.0-31-generic' to '/boot/System.map-6.2.0-31-generic.dpkg-new': failed to write (No space left on device) [17:39] No apport report written because the error message indicates a disk full error [17:42] Beladona, how many kernels do you have ? [17:44] ioria: they've got 117G free, they could have 100 kernel install and should still have enough space :) [17:44] do we have the disk layout ? [17:45] Beladona: ( cat /etc/os-release ; uname -a ; lsblk ; ls -l /boot ) | nc termbin.com 9999 [17:45] sudo parted -l; and df -h too [17:46] leftyfb https://termbin.com/k94j [17:46] oh, you do have a separate /boot [17:46] at 732M [17:46] Beladona: df -h /boot [17:46] ho, nice two boots [17:47] 2 boots? [17:47] btw, i have a feeling for dpkg -P linux-image-blah [17:47] I wonder why that is full.  /dev/nvme0n1p2 704M 689M 0 100% /boot [17:47] and what I can do to resolve it [17:47] btw, i have a feeling for dpkg -P linux-image-blah [17:48] leftyfb what is wiered here? [17:49] Beladona: sudo apt remove --purge linux-image-5.19.0-32-generic linux-image-5.19.0-41-generic linux-image-5.19.0-42-generic [17:50] Beladona: actually: sudo apt remove --autoremove --purge linux-image-5.19.0-32-generic linux-image-5.19.0-41-generic linux-image-5.19.0-42-generic [17:50] an old neglected box, i guess [17:50] ioria: we want to get the deps as well. I don't think dpkg will do that [17:50] one at a time, but yes [17:51] leftyfb https://termbin.com/wey5 [17:51] bah [17:51] leftyfb maybe I hav eto manually remove things in /boot [17:51] do not do that [17:51] ok [17:51] leftyfb what else? [17:52] Beladona: sudo dpkg -P linux-image-5.19.0-32-generic ; sudo dpkg -P linux-image-5.19.0-41-generic ; sudo dpkg -P linux-image-5.19.0-42-generic [17:53] leftyfb working. I hope you are not removing all the kernals. I need at least one :) [17:53] it's removing the middle 3 out of 5 [17:54] don't forget modules [17:54] sorry, oldest [17:54] ok [17:54] ioria: yeah, I'm hoping this will clear enough space to let apt finish and then run an autoremove [17:54] yep [17:54] leftyfb why did i got into this issue? why /boot got full? [17:55] too many kernels installed on an inadequately sized /boot partition [17:57] leftyfb ok [17:58] i suggest also a journal flush; sudo journalctl --vacuum-time=1h [17:58] ioria: just to clean up all the out of disk space errors? That's not going to affect space in /boot [17:59] in addition, that's all === _miruoy is now known as miruoy [18:19] leftyfb looks like solved. thanks [18:19] Beladona: sudo apt autoremove [18:19] done that too [18:20] dymy [18:21] trying to create a python virtualenv getting this error /usr/bin/python3.11: No module named virtualenv [18:22] what package am i missing i thought i install python3.11-virtualenv but its not finding it for some reason [18:22] python3-virtualenv [18:22] python3-virtualenv [18:28] thanks [19:09] To integrate two different Domains on the Ubuntu 22.04 LTS server [19:11] if that was meant to be a question you have to do better [19:12] how to integrate two different Domains on the Ubuntu 22.04 LTS server? [19:13] Niclos98: in what sense exactly? [19:13] Domains as in LDAP domains, or DNS, or? [19:13] Niclos98: also, there's a more appropriate #ubuntu-server channel for questions regarding Ubuntu server [19:13] two LDAP domain [19:14] yeah, definitely /join #ubuntu-server [19:14] #ubuntu-server will also need significantly better questions than that. what have you tried? how did it fail? [19:18] leftyfb which is the methods to install app on ubuntu by GUI? [19:19] okay [19:19] jk: open the Ubuntu Software application [19:20] i just want to avoid terminal because i'm not very good at computer then it's so easy i should make dangerous and create problems everywhere by my errors in syntaxs or whatever else in using terminal [19:20] jk: then stick with the Ubuntu software app [19:20] leftyfb i can't find many thing in ubuntu software application [19:21] jk: Such as? [19:21] jk: like what? There's thousands of applications [19:21] https://alternativeto.net/software/vanbascos-karaoke-player/?platform=linux [19:21] i can't find them [19:21] then i follow instructions to install that, but several things go too wrong, errors after errors [19:22] jk: type "Karaoke" into the search bar [19:22] jk: Watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kljVNTIhARw [19:22] i think Ubuntu Software isn't a complete database of app for ubuntu, when years ago i was using "LUBUNTU" on another computer, there was another download center with more apps [19:23] jk: then use apt in the terminal [19:23] jk: either way, installing from binaries you downloaded from the internet is not recommended not supported here [19:24] jk: you will run into way more problems with those than you will using the software store or apt in a terminal [19:25] i typed karaoke but i didn't find those ap [19:25] apps [19:25] jk: did you get any results? [19:25] jk: not all apps you find on a google search are going to be available in the ubuntu software store [19:25] yes, but different apps [19:27] !info silverjuke [19:27] silverjuke (18.2.1-4build1, lunar): jukebox, karaoke, and kiosk mode mp3 player. In component universe, is optional. Built by silverjuke. Size 2,926 kB / 10,231 kB [19:28] jk: Could you give an example of an app that should be found but you cannot find? [19:28] sarnold: I post the question on the #ubuntu-server. [19:29] Oh - it was already there. Just enable universe repository. Tutto bene cosi. [19:32] elias_a for example to install midica it ask me to install java and i can't find it on ubuntu software [19:33] https://www.midica.org/ [19:33] jk: midica is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Installing that isn't supported here. You would have to seek support from Midica [19:34] elias_a do you says to me to enable the universe repository? [19:34] @lefty [19:34] leftyfb ok, then i just have to use ubuntu software apps? other ones are dangerous for ubuntu? [19:35] jk: you could do that, and you might find some additional applications. But you still won't find every linux application you find on google [19:35] **are other ones dangerous for ubuntu? [19:35] jk: you are at the whims of the software source if you choose to install those [19:36] i don't understand [19:37] "you could do that, and you might find some additional applications. But you still won't find every linux application you find on google" [19:37] when i looked at "alternativeto" website, it told me that midica and openKJ are supported by linux system then also ubuntu i guess [19:37] leftyfb: I post questions on the #ubuntu-server and if you have questions I will explain more on that. [19:38] jk: it will probably work, but we cannot support installing them here [19:38] Niclos98: ok, wait until someone in there is willing and able to help you [19:38] okay. [19:39] ok but what does it mean what elias_a said few minutes ago? [19:39] """E [19:39] elias_a Elias Aarnio21:29:01 [19:39] Oh - it was already there. Just enable universe repository. Tutto bene cosi.""""" [19:40] maybe ubuntu software is a limited archive or all supported apps for ubuntu? [19:40] *****maybe is ubuntu software a limited archive or all supported apps for ubuntu? [19:41] jk: Zero linux distributions have every single linux application available in their repository [19:44] leftyfb excuse me i don't know what means "Zero linux distributions" explain that easily my english is so bad to write and often in reading [19:44] !it | jk [19:44] jk: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi «/join #ubuntu-it» senza virgolette) [19:45] none answer me there [19:45] just asked to explain that sentence easier [19:45] jk: you will not find every single linux application on ubuntu [19:46] in ubuntu sotware do you mean? [19:46] correct [19:46] jk: and if you aren't comfortable with a terminal, then I do not recommend installing anything that is not from the Ubuntu software store [19:46] but i remember when i was using LUBUNTU that there are two differents apps to install the various softwares [19:47] jk: there are multiple ways of installing applications, both GUI and in a terminal. I do not recommend you using any of them other than the Software Store since you are uncomfortable using a terminal [19:48] i don't remember their names, but one, the main one is like ubuntu software, after there is another download center to search every package, and other softwares that there aren't in main software center, maybe synaptic but i'm not sure of that [19:55] i found an apps called ONLY "Software" and not "ubuntu software", maybe do i just have to use it when can't find something in "ubuntu software"? for example by ubuntu software i can't find previous installed "Empathy" to remove it, instead it appears in "software" app [19:55] leftyfb [19:57] jk: I don't have any experience with the gnome-software application you are referring to I can't speak to that [19:58] is there a cmd to show which dovecot packages I have installed on Ubuntu 22.02? [19:59] BCB: apt list --installed dovecot* [20:00] leftyfb and do u know whad does it means that has been told from elias_a few minutes ago bout "Universe repository"? it seemed to me the same thing i told you now about the two different apps "Ubuntu Software" and the other named just "Software" [20:01] it's not the same thing [20:01] jk: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/how-to-enable-universe-repository-in-ubuntu/# [20:07] I'm going to bed now. Ciao a tutti! [20:09] leftyfb ok thanks a lot for all, have a nice day OR evening OR afternoon:-)  ahahhaha i don't know where are u now :-)  here is evening === vancz_ is now known as vancz [21:34] on ubuntu 22.04 in seahorse > new key i dont have PGP Keys. how can i add support for PGP? [21:41] dw1: pick GPG [21:41] 🤔 [22:26] after installing Ubuntu 22.02 my resolver is not resolving. Any suggestions?? [22:32] i kinda like using xubuntu [22:52] hello, I have a fairly new laptop, only about 2 months old (MSI Raider GE76 HX 13V). I put Ubuntu Studio on it - 23.04. It was working absolutely perfectly. Then, presumably because of a routine upgrade which gave it a different kernel (?) the audio from the internal speakers has completely stopped working. earphones plugged into the earphone jack, or via bluetooth, work perfectly. But nothing I try fixes this problem [22:52] with the speakers. Very frustrating since I remember this laptop had amazing sound! And it died just when I needed it, too! [22:54] spectacular: could you pastebin the output of dpkg -l 'linux*' | grep '^ii' [22:54] https://paste.debian.net/ will probably work [22:54] sarnold, sure, one sec [22:56] sarnold, https://pastebin.com/gM61Y237 [23:01] FYI for some reason if you do a release-upgrade to Ubuntu 22.02 it breaks the resolver and you have to reset it manually. [23:03] spectacular: hrmn, it's not what I thought, and I can't spot any bugs that immediately look useful. I think run: ubuntu-bug linux and fill out the forms, so the kernel team will have an idea that something is busted; and then, hopefully you can select a previous kernel from the grub menu at the next reboot. you should be able to see it if you hold down left shift when booting [23:05] sarnold, I already tried other kernels and that didn't fix it... I think the upgrade did something to my drivers maybe? unless I no longer have the previous working kernel... what were we using 2 months ago and how would I get it? [23:08] hello i need help [23:08] spectacular: ugh :( that's a bummer. the pull-lp-debs tool from the ubuntu-dev-tools package can help you pull down specific versions of kernel packages to install. It won't be fun. [23:12] i need help in my ubuntu and usb [23:13] why when i remove my usb ubuntu stop and i have to reboot my pc while plugin my usb [23:15] webchat91: does your ubuntu boot without the usb plugged in? [23:19] BCB: there is no 22.02. And I've never had to "reset" the resolver === She is now known as Guest3872 === SheRejoined is now known as she === she is now known as She