[01:40] i have a kernal question which may be stupid but here goes. im running ubuntu studio 22.04.3 LTS is is it possible to upgrade to the newest lowlatency kernal safely. [01:43] StudioUser33: The newest lowlatency kernel in the repos, and you should have it if you've upgraded. [01:45] see heres the thing im running 5.15 cause 5.19 has some kinda issue and i cant boot using it. but i was thinking if i could upgrade to 6 then maybe it would be ok [01:46] i know lts isnt on 6 but if i couold use the 6month release cycle kernal then maybe that would be a route i could explore [01:47] sorry the 9month [01:49] like i said tho might be a stupid question but i was curious [01:51] StudioUser33: linux-lowlatency-hwe should be in the repos. [01:51] That should get you 6.2. [01:57] its been a while i just wanna make sure. so run sudo apt-get install linux-lowlatency-hwe-6.2 [01:58] thanks for ya help it was much appreciated [22:46] hello, I have a fairly new laptop, only about 2 months old (MSI Raider GE76 HX 13V). I put Ubuntu Studio on it - 23.04. It was working absolutely perfectly. Then, presumably because of a routine upgrade which gave it a different kernel (?) the audio from the internal speakers has completely stopped working. earphones plugged into the earphone jack, or via bluetooth, work perfectly. But nothing I try fixes this [22:46] problem with the speakers. Very frustrating since I remember this laptop had amazing sound! And it died just when I needed it, too!