
juliank#startmeeting Weekly Ubuntu Foundations team15:02
meetingologyMeeting started at 15:02:52 UTC.  The chair is juliank.  Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology15:02
meetingologyAvailable commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick15:02
juliank#topic Lightning rounds15:02
juliank#link https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/foundations-team-updates-thursday-31-aug-2023/15:03
juliankI realize I didn't actually write anything yet, /o\15:03
vorlon'mermaid' what a weird name for a daemon15:05
juliankI got a bit distracted sorry15:16
juliank#topic Release incoming bugs15:16
juliank#link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-mm-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs15:16
juliank5 bugs!15:16
juliankbug 203312915:17
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Bug 2033129 in ubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "hplip is in universe and was dropped from Recommends" [Critical, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/203312915:17
juliankhplip was dropped to universe as part of cups snap change15:18
juliankI'm not sure what should be done here15:18
juliankshould we leave that with desktop? but they asked for help15:19
vorlonthis was originally a foundations MIR15:19
vorlonI was going to ask slyon but I think he's not around at the moment15:19
vorlonLP: #202805415:20
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Launchpad bug 2028054 in python-rlpycairo (Ubuntu) "[MIR] python-rlpycairo" [Undecided, Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/202805415:20
juliankI think we're not sure we need that package in main anymore?15:20
juliankShould we mark it Incomplete and ask for more information?15:21
vorlonthe comment history in that bug is misleading and appears to be based on an analysis when the plan was to demote this in favor of the snap stack15:21
vorlonwe need someone to actually drive this MIR15:21
juliankOK, I don't know what the current plan is wrt cups15:21
vorlonthere is no GUI for it - we are shipping the debs for mantic15:21
vorlonthat's why this is back in component-mismatches15:22
vorlonI had to force-demote hplip because of the universe dep causing image build failures15:22
vorlonthis needs to be re-repromoted before beta, or users are going to get wrong installs at beta time because hplip is a recommends15:22
juliankWhy does it need an MIR process if it was in main and wrongly demoted?15:22
vorlon(unsatisfied recommends of ubuntu-desktop on the image -> nothing will pull it in later when hplip is promoted to main)15:23
vorlonjuliank: *hplip* was in main.  python-rlpycairo was a new dep of python-reportlab, this is why this MIR was opened15:23
vorlonwhen hplip was demoted, python-reportlab was also demoted, so the new version snuck into the release pocket15:23
juliankNow I understand15:23
vorlonI can demote it to proposed, but there are a bunch of other packages that also depend on new python-reportlab so it's a fairly complicated surgery15:24
vorlonor I can pre-promote the packages to main while the MIR is still open15:24
vorlonbut any which way, the MIR needs followed through on15:24
juliankMy preference would be to demote to python-reportlab depends to suggests and making sure the eroror handling is reasonable15:25
vorlonit's not15:25
vorlonI already talked to Till about this15:25
juliankanyhow how to proceed?15:25
vorlon(in private messages, so of course none of it is in the bug log)15:26
juliankleave the bug15:26
juliankleave the bug as is?15:26
vorlonyes, someone needs to drive the MIR :)15:26
vorlonand it's a foundations-owned package15:26
vorlonif I demote packages to -proposed, it's still an open MIR15:27
vorlonif I pre-promote packages to main before the MIR is done, it's still an open MIR15:27
juliankWe are going a bit in circles here15:27
vorlonso foundations needs to pick this MIR up and drive it to completion (even if "completion" means "find a way to drop the dep")15:27
vorlonI don't see why it's a circle, we've identified work that needs to happen and we should just commit to doing it15:28
vorlonand assign it, and not discuss it further in a plenary meeting :)15:28
juliankSo we should remove the tag, mark it invalid, and mark the mir as foundations-todo15:28
vorlonsounds good15:29
juliankbug 203078815:30
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Bug 2030788 in systemd (Ubuntu) "Usability: 'localectl set-x11-keymap' doesn't work in mantic" [Medium, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/203078815:30
juliankenr0n is already assigned15:30
juliankbut it's still incoming, not todo15:30
enr0njuliank: vorlon tagged it though, I think I had assigned it to myself to keep track of it15:31
juliankis there anything to do right now?15:31
juliankI think the bug is fixed in cloud-init?15:31
juliankCertainly dropping the tag seems right15:31
waveformcorrect, cloud-init is now fixed15:31
adrienah, that seems to explain my layout issues :P15:31
juliankI don't think this is foundations-todo right now15:32
juliankvorlon: do you have another opinion?15:33
vorlonif cloud-init has succeeded in working around it, then I'm ok with us working around it; the need here was to support cloud-init15:33
juliankCPC wants to talk further if they think they need more15:33
julianklet's keep it open though in case15:33
juliankbecause they want to to talk about it more and quoted "'fix'" :D15:34
vorlon(I am looking askance at Debian for having mangled the systemd interface in this way, but that doesn't per se make it a priority for us)15:34
juliankbug 203311215:34
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Bug 2033112 in livecd-rootfs (Ubuntu) "/run in squashfs is not empty" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/203311215:34
julianklet's just tag that15:34
juliankbug 2017401 - we had our meeting but didn't update the bug with the summary15:35
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Bug 2017401 in unattended-upgrades (Ubuntu) "Unexpected / unwanted unattended-upgrades behaviour after kernel upgrade when Livepatch enabled" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/201740115:35
juliankvorlon: do you have meeting notes or a better memory than me and can update the bug with the outcomes?15:36
vorlonright - conclusion was that we're deferring this for now in favor of improved information from canonical-livepatch in the nn cycle15:36
vorlonI'll update the bug15:36
juliankand then tag it incoming-nn I guess15:36
juliankbug 202914815:36
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Bug 2029148 in ubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "cups snap - can't add printer" [Undecided, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/202914815:37
juliankthe cups snap is still in main though, this is still fix released15:37
juliankand we have enough bugs to track the MIR15:37
julianklet's mark it back as Fix Released15:37
vorlonwhat do you mean, the snap is in main :)15:38
juliankThe cups deb15:38
juliankhttps://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-ll-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs is empty15:39
juliank#link https://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-jj-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs15:39
juliankbug 199079815:39
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Bug 1990798 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "do-release-upgrade fails if ESM enabled" [Critical, Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/199079815:39
juliankpro team is engaging with that and it's incomplete right now, so let's give a bit more time I guess15:40
juliankhttps://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-ff-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs only has the same livepatch issue we discussed already15:41
juliank#topic Team proposed-migration report15:41
juliank#link https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#foundations-bugs15:41
juliankCan we remove the time-daemon package again?15:41
vorlonhas the germinate change landed? :)15:42
juliankNot yet, cjwatson hasn't gotten around to reviewing it yet15:42
juliankBut we also don't need to wait for the server side as the syntax is ignored by older germinate15:42
juliankWe could just update the deb15:42
juliankEither way, the package being present is confusing people as I've seen earlier today15:43
vorlonjuliank: last week you had forgotten to start working on tzdata, is it on your radar now?15:43
julianksadly not15:43
bdrungI'll take care of dask15:43
juliankIt eluded the pulse15:43
cjwatsonI'm reviewing the germinate change at the moment, amid the other N things15:44
bdrungthen only gnustep-base remains blocking tzdata15:44
cjwatsonvorlon: you currently have a Needs Fixing vote on that germinate MP - could you look at it again?15:44
vorlonjuliank: so will you put it in the pulse?  these are supposed to be committed on a weekly basis15:44
juliankwhen I find it15:44
vorloncjwatson: I was just asking for a test case, which I'm not going to second-guess - marked approved now15:45
juliankI think the problem is its not in the pulse view because it's not triaged15:45
juliankHmm it is triaged, but it simply doesn't pop up in JIRA backlog view15:45
vorlonubiquity - I said this was back with mwhudson but he's quite busy with work on newer installers15:45
vorlonbdrung: any chance you want to follow up on ubiquity?15:45
cjwatsonvorlon: yeah, that's fine, I just didn't want to merge it over your head15:46
bdrungvorlon, it's on my todo list for next week (spending all the time this week for +1)15:46
vorlonbdrung: ok thanks15:46
vorlons390-tools is blocked on an MIR which is tagged foundations-todo but not assigned; LP: #2030482.  Do we need to find an owner for this?15:47
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Launchpad bug 2030482 in s390-tools (Ubuntu) "[MIR] s390-tools Rust dependencies (vendored)" [Undecided, Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/203048215:47
schopins390-tools is blocked by an MIR.15:47
schopinvorlon: I'm the owner :)15:47
vorlonschopin: should I assign the bug to you?15:47
schopinI'm just waiting on some details from fheimes.15:47
vorlonand new from last week is tpm2-tss15:48
* vorlon shakes the dice bag15:48
vorlonliushuyu: can you take this?15:48
liushuyuvorlon: okay15:48
vorlonand that's all for now15:49
cjwatsonjuliank: germinate change merged and uploaded to unstable.  feel free to sync it into mantic once Debian publishing and the LP import catch up.  I also updated ubuntu-archive@ubuntu-archive-toolbox.internal's local copy of it for good measure.15:49
juliankcjwatson: thanks!15:49
vorlonjuliank: back to you15:51
juliank#topic AOB15:52
schopinhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/subiquity/+bug/2029479 was tagged by fheimes but since it's on subiquity it never made it into the report.15:52
-ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Launchpad bug 2029479 in Ubuntu on IBM z Systems "mantic daily (on s390x) does not reboot (post-install) from correct disk" [Undecided, New]15:52
dbungertthis one is strange, there is a claim that the chirep tool is not being used correctly but it hasn't changed.  at any rate we need to investigate this subiquity side, yes.15:54
julianktagging it foundations-todo15:54
juliankwith a typo lol15:54
juliankmore aob?15:56
mclemenceau_Monday is public holiday in the US15:56
vorlonI'm out for the Monday holiday, and then again Wed/Thu next week for a medical thing, so not here for the next meeting15:57
schopinI'm out on a short 1-week vacation starting tonight :)15:58
juliankI think that wraps up the IRC meeting! Thanks everyone!15:59
meetingologyMeeting ended at 15:59:07 UTC.  Minutes at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2023/ubuntu-meeting.2023-08-31-15.02.moin.txt15:59

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