
xmenschoolEickmeyer thx... does "X" mean there have been Ubuntu specific uploads and delta from upstream (deb)?03:01
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cpaelzer@pilot in10:56
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Mantic Open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Bionic-Lunar | Patch Pilots: cpaelzer
cpaelzerxypron: hi, bug 2028935 still has sponsors subscribed - but 8.2306.0-2ubuntu1 is in mantic-proposed and there is no debdiff or MP linked11:17
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Bug 2028935 in rsyslog (Ubuntu) "Merge rsyslog 8.2306.0-2" [Undecided, Fix Committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/202893511:17
cpaelzerOTOH you said "... I need to respin again" and then talked of Autopkgtest fails in proposed11:17
cpaelzerI guess all is fine, but I need to clarify - is there something to sponsor as of now (if so where) or is this ok as-is and just waiting for you to overcome the autopkgtest somehow (I'd unsubscribe sponsors then)?11:18
xypron@cpaelzer: @juliank picked up the diff from my ppa when spoinsoring. And yes we should have copied it to the bug report. On armhf there is an autopkgtest regression due to some unexpected log messages and I am currently testing a further version. Nothing to sponser now. I assignm myself to the bug and remove sponsors.11:22
cpaelzerthank you xypron!11:22
juliankI should have unsubscribed, sorry11:23
cpaelzerreally++ no problem, but I had to ask while trying to clear the queue11:23
cpaelzerdnegreira: do you want https://bugs.launchpad.net/octavia/+bug/2024188 to go by sru-sponsors or should I have a look as patch pilot?12:34
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2024188 in octavia-dashboard (Ubuntu Jammy) "[SRU][octavia-dashboard] Add members to pool horizon pane rendering incorrectly" [Undecided, New]12:34
cpaelzerjust in case anyone in SEG already has context and you know they will look at it better12:34
smoserapplied tags don't get created by the importer any more ?13:42
smoser(i think that focal-devel is at 2.31-0ubuntu9.12 and do not see a tag for applied/2.31-0ubuntu9.12 )13:42
rbasakI think there's a bug that stops applied processing from working, and the importer skips it13:43
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 1999073 in git-ubuntu "Applied branches missing in some repositories" [High, Triaged]13:43
smoserrbasak: thanks.13:44
smoserfunny. and then i went and looked at that bug and it said ".... reported by smoser". you are quick. ;)13:44
rbasaksmoser: FWIW, "gbp pq import" is a handy workaround13:44
smoserthat did work well, thank you.13:52
smoserwhere is the right place to ask for help on snap issues ?14:19
smoserfirst time i've ever had an issue, but lxd auto-update hung two days ago an now can't install.14:20
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ernstpthat nvidia fix, "not start the systemd services on installation or upgrade, as this can lead to a black screen", doesn't that help until the next upgrade... ?18:57
ernstpbecause it happened again when I upgraded to the "fixed" version18:58
vorlonernstp: you're going to have to provide a pointer to a package and a version number for folks here to know what you're talking about19:23
ernstpAlberto Milone hang out here?19:24
ernstpvorlon: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/mantic-changes/2023-August/006064.html19:24
vorlonnot at 9pm on a Friday, he doesn't :)19:26
ernstpright :-)19:26
ernstpseemed like a quite critical fix... also on jammy: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/jammy-changes/2023-August/024217.html19:26
ernstpand since i tried it and still got the black screen and had to reset my computer, I wanted to double check...19:27
ernstphe didn't even have time to reference a bug # :-)19:27
vorlonnote that this package is in mantic-proposed, it's not advisable for users to install packages from there19:28
vorlonthe debdiff looks reasonable to me, as far as it goes; I suggest you file a bug report about what you're seeing19:28
ernstpwell someone has to test it :-)19:30
vorlonnot in -proposed, they don't19:31
vorlonpackages in -proposed are not guaranteed to have passed automated testing, or to be coherently installable19:31

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