[03:45] good morning [09:31] hey [09:32] welcome myappie [09:32] here you can start any quality ubuntu discussion if you like [09:32] thanks :) [10:13] so [10:18] does ubuntu have a mailinglist where everything goes down? [10:22] say i were to improve https://packages.ubuntu.com/ -- where would i announce that? would i even be allowed to announce it? [11:04] myappie: there is https://lists.ubuntu.com [11:04] and packages.ubuntu.com is based on packages.debian.org, i think, and i also think the code is open source. [11:05] ...licensed [11:05] as in Free Software. but not 100% sure there === ducasse_ is now known as ducasse === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc === EriC^^ is now known as Guest4326 === EriC^^ is now known as Guest166 === Guest166 is now known as EriC^^ === pizzaiolo is now known as pizza