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zztopless | Afternoon all... Does anyone know what might cause the 'Dimensions', 'Width' and 'Height' columns (in details view) to be empty? | 03:15 |
zztopless | The correct resolution does display in the details panel. | 03:17 |
zztopless | I swear I remember it working, could be wrong (at least since switching to 23.04)... | 03:29 |
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zztopless | .j #kubuntu-offline | 05:26 |
zztopless | woopsie | 05:26 |
IrcsomeBot | <Orion> AVOQ | 07:59 |
IrcsomeBot | <Orion> AV0Q | 07:59 |
pickanick | what is the keyboard shortcut for opening the hamburger menu and how do I find it in Shortcuts? | 08:58 |
pickanick | What's the action called? Searching for hamburger does not find a match in Shortcuts | 08:59 |
weedmic | do you the hamburger key to the left of the HOST (right ctrl) button? | 09:15 |
mparillo | I think on most keyboards, the hamburger key to the right of the ctrl key is equivalent to a right-click. I think the question was around the hamburger menu on (say) Dolphin or Falkon. | 10:25 |
weedmic | the hamburger button on my keyboard operates the hamburger icon in dolphin. it is the button between the right fn and host (rt ctrl) on my keyboard. | 10:31 |
kirvesAxe | pickanick, try looking for a shortcut to "menu" and see which menushortcuts there are and see if some of them is the right menu :) | 11:53 |
kirvesAxe | context menu, menu bar...etc | 11:53 |
pickanick | weedmic: mparillo: yes I meant the menu icon on Firefox, Konversation, System Settings, System Monitor, Dolphin, Okular, ... | 11:59 |
pickanick | I am unsuccessful at persuading Google to give up this secret. | 12:02 |
weedmic | but I told him where the button was - i should have posted a pic :( | 12:12 |
weedmic | what is the real name for the "hamburger" menu icon/button? | 12:12 |
pickanick | System Settings : Shortcuts only offers two shortcuts when i search for menu. | 12:24 |
pickanick | kirvesAxe: yes, I tried that, but System Settings : Shortcuts only offers two shortcuts when i search for menu. | 12:25 |
BluesKaj | Hi all | 12:34 |
pickanick | Anyone use Anker A7726 bluetooth keyboard with Kubuntu? I can get it to pair but it seems KDE only allows for one keyboard layout at a time, and Alt-Tab on the Anker does not switch windows, none of the other modifier involved keystrokes have a response. | 13:06 |
kirvesAxe | pickanick, so I guess there is non system-wide hotkey for that menu, you should check if firefox, konversation etc have their own hotkeys for it or not. | 14:09 |
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