[07:22] Hi. Sometime I can't login to system, can't type password, because login manager is freezing. (GDM?) 22.04 US [07:25] Can someone help me? [16:24] hi everybody ! [16:26] just a question (I can't find the answer anywhere, sorry) : how do you paste files in ubuntu studio's root directories ? Dolphin doesn't seem to allow 'open as root' [16:27] for ex : I need to put sf2 files in the right folder (usr/share/sounds/sf2) [16:28] napz: 'sudo apt install kio-admi' and you'll be able to go to an 'admin://' URL in Dolphin [16:28] *kio-admin* [16:28] !info kio-admin [16:28] kio-admin (1.0.0-1, lunar): manage files as administrator using the admin:// KIO protocol. In component universe, is optional. Built by kio-admin. Size 64 kB / 350 kB [16:29] Ok cool, thanks so much ;) [16:29] Just remember, it's dangerous, and there's aways of doing it from your home directory. [16:30] For instance, the equivalent directory should be ~/.local/share/sounds/sf2 [16:30] napz: ^ [16:33] you mean that I could just copy sf2 files into that folder and then use them with a daw ? [16:42] napz: Sure! You can even point the daw at any folder in your home directory. Ardour has the ability to add custom folders, for instance. [16:45] Ok maybe I'll try this instead of messing up with sudo, thx