[06:19] anybody here im super frustrated by flatpak in kubuntu 23.04 [06:20] i have followed the instructions but it never adds the menu entries for whats being installed even though i followed the flatpak guides, also i have tried this in a shiny new installation === duckie is now known as duckiedotpng [11:27] In some Open file dialogs the typed history is saved and can be accessed via the name field dropdown. Is this history stored in the application files or part of the OS files somewhere? === nightmare is now known as nightmare_ [11:45] Hi all [12:04] hey [12:05] nvm, found if via grep. Location of the stored typed history seems to vary per application. === cbm is now known as panne [16:06] how to update kubuntu [17:56] Assuming you are on a currently-supported release, you should see an update notifier in your tray. It should look like an encircled upwards-pointing arrow. [17:57] If you do not see it, you can try updating using the command line and see if you can identify an error message: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade [18:01] mparillo, he left in one nano second after he wrote the message. [20:08] I'm trying to slim down the kubuntu 22.04 on this old laptop with just 2 GB of RAM. one candidate I saw was update-apt-xapian-index, which goes up to eat 1/8 of the RAM during login. the manpage of that isn't very helpful, just says "rebuild the Apt Xapian Index". does that have something to do with the update notifications? [20:09] i guess my question is what that program is and whether I can get rid of it without losing update notifcations === SirLouen6 is now known as SirLouen [20:15] oh this is so bad, even the screen locker takes 9.3% of memory === panne is now known as _panne === _panne is now known as _panne_ === _panne_ is now known as panne_ === panne_ is now known as panne [20:31] @TomyLobo Maybe don't use KDE/Plasma on such an old laptop... From my experience i have to say, even XFCE/Xubuntu is slow there [20:32] the user is used to KDE and windows [20:33] so maybe it's possible to upgrade RAM to at least 4 GB? [20:38] https://gist.github.com/TomyLobo/e5bcf1ffcfd2e818d12a68747957f8ae I'm not sure. I think this means yes, but it's weird that 2nd slot says "Form Factor: DIMM" [20:42] that's weird, yes - and if it is correct, i have no clue if you could use both slots together [20:42] oh? [20:43] my main concern was that it was some weird internal slot that isn't even accessible [20:43] ...but you could probably just buy on SODIMM with 4 (or 8) GB and replace the 2 GB module [20:43] probably [20:44] at least it says "Maximum Capacity: 16 GB" :) [20:44] yeah [20:48] switching from sddm to lightdm with lightdm-gtk-greeter helped a little