=== chris14_ is now known as chris14 === Guest9081 is now known as ogra === ogra is now known as Guest8112 === Guest8112 is now known as ogra [11:52] cpaelzer: Hey! Not sure if you saw this one, but I filed a fix for the FTBFS issue with mdevctl in Debian. https://salsa.debian.org/debian/mdevctl/-/merge_requests/7 - this should not affect Ubuntu though (neither before nor after the change) [11:52] -ubottu:#ubuntu-server- Merge 7 in debian/mdevctl "Fix FTBFS issue" [Opened] [12:48] athos: I ahve not seen it [12:49] athos: thanks for the ping, I'll keep it open for a weekend or evening to merge and upload [12:58] thanks! === philroche_ is now known as philroche === jamespage_ is now known as jamespage === coreycb_ is now known as coreycb === Quark2 is now known as Quark === patrick__ is now known as patrick === LewisCawte is now known as Lcawte === Kamilion|ZNC is now known as Kamilion === leftyfb_ is now known as leftyfb === leftyfb_ is now known as leftyfb