=== webchat50 is now known as devomorales === chris14_ is now known as chris14 [04:37] greetings! On my computer I have two accounts, mine, which has administrator permissions, and my brother's, which is a standard account (without administrator permissions). The problem is when I connect a pendrive while in my brother's account, it always shows me errors because To the permissions, how could I solve this? [04:40] shoes you "errors"? [04:41] rbox, It usually tells me that I don't have access to the drive. [04:42] you can manually mount it [04:42] is it ext4 or some kind of fat filesystem? [04:45] rbox, [04:45] For example, the one I have now is in the ntfs file system, I have formatted it from my session with gnome-disk-utility and I have created the partition, I have copied a directory with two files, I go to my brother's session and it does not allows access to the disk, gives me permissions error [04:45] ntfs doesnt have permissions [04:45] so by deafult it just sets everyihtng to the user that mounts it [04:46] Hello all! Rather a left-field question here, but: I'm attempting to debug some font rendering issues on an app, and it turns out that the issue only shows up when running in certain WMs/DEs. I'm trying to pinpoint exactly what's causing the behavior to be different [04:46] WMs/DEs which *don't* exhibit the bad font formatting: gnome, enlightenment, kde plasma, mate, xfce4 [04:46] WMs/DEs which *do* exhibit the bad font formatting: afterstep, awesome, fluxbox, i3, icewm, jwm, openbox, windowmaker [04:46] Any idea what the ones that work might have in common? [04:47] I've tried comparing `strace` output when the thing runs in one versus the other, but I didn't see anything particularly useful (though it could be that I missed something, of course) [04:48] But clearly the DEs in that first list are doing *something* to how fonts are given out to apps which the others aren't; basically just hoping to figure out what that is, so I can then get the app itself fixed up (or at least figure out a workaround) [04:49] apocalyptech: sounds like the DEs that exhibit the problem are not DEs =P [04:50] what's the problem anyway? [04:50] https://github.com/bell-sw/Liberica/issues/140 <- that, specifically - lack of antialiasing, I suppose [04:50] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 140 in bell-sw/Liberica "Ugly/Pixellated text on NIK-compiled AWT/Swing app, on Linux, in *some* WMs/DEs" [Open] [04:51] apocalyptech: so for a java app? [04:51] Well, not exactly [04:51] There's a million layers at play here [04:52] nah [04:52] When run as Java everything's fine [04:52] The thing that's having problems is a pure-native compiled version of the Java app (so, like, no actual system JVM required to run it) [04:52] that's a pretty common issue with java apps, IIRC [04:53] (Liberica NIK is a fork of Oracle's GraalVM Native Image, which among other things provides that "native" compilation of various languages) [04:53] I remember some JetBrains apps having it manifest [04:53] anyway, the DEs have a lot more provisioned than just window managers [04:53] a lot more [04:53] Yeah, I've seen stuff like that in the past too w/ java; often setting an env var along the lines of `FREETYPE_PROPERTIES="truetype:interpreter-version=35"` tends to do the trick in those cases [04:54] But as I say, running it via Java in all cases works fine; it's only when it gets native-compiled that it starts manifesting [04:54] Yeah, for sure [04:55] I'm just trying to figure out *what* component that those heavier environments are providing which is making stuff nicer [04:57] Like those other DEs wouldn't be providing their own `libfreetype.so` or something, I wouldn't think... [04:57] maybe diff 'env' output, for a start [04:58] Ah, yeah, suppose that would've been an obvious place to start [05:02] Mm, nothing especially interesting there, though, alas. [05:17] Aha, well, actually did manage to narrow it down to something which, on the Gnome side at least, is set up via gsd-xsettings [05:25] Okay, and rather smoking-gunningly, one of the xsettings provided by that is `Xft/Antialias 1`. If I set up a simple xsettingsd in, for instance, icewm (taking the various Xft/* entries provided by xdg-xsettings), fonts for this app start looking good [05:25] Awesome [05:25] Anyway, thanks for helpin' out. :) [05:47] Hello everyone. OpenVPN is listening in on port 1194, but it reports incoming connections on port 2210. Does anyone know what's going on with that? [05:48] I am using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS BTW. [05:50] This is the log I get: https://i.ibb.co/k6zMSzv/Untitled.png [05:51] I have the firewall turn on and port 2210 inbound isn't allowed, so I don't understand what is happening here. [05:52] Port 1194 is allowed, the port OpenVPN's is using to listen on. [06:08] Cool [06:47] I'm using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. OpenVPN is listens on port 1194, but it reports incoming connections on port 2210. Does anyone know what's going on with that? https://i.ibb.co/k6zMSzv/Untitled.png === kentucky4443 is now known as kentucky444 === ubuntu is now known as m0norail [08:49] okay this is a bit off-the-wall and maybe not Ubuntu-specific [08:50] ? === doc|home is now known as doc [08:50] you know what I'd like, is a thing where I can stick a bunch of images in a directory and "flip" through them as desktop backgrounds, maybe with the mouse scrollwheel and a modifier key [08:50] and just throwing it out there, have any of you heard of something that'll do something like that? [08:50] hi all [08:50] what do yuo think of POPOS [08:51] use case is, I've got a bunch of stuff like watch duty calendars, aides memoires, and so on, which I need to refer to for work, and it's annoying opening up Files and clicking through to the thing I want [08:51] it'd be awesome to just kind of rolodex through them on the desktop [08:53] They took that out - supposed to be some type of security issue. However, you can still install xflame and the support package around it. then setup what you like. but I no longer remember how. I kept getting a line in the middle I could nto fix and moved on... [08:53] xflame? [08:54] I thought that just drew flames on the desktop [08:55] it is a screensaver that runs on something I forgot the name of - one of the options is a directory of pics to show a few secs at a time (or xflame) [08:56] ah okay [08:56] yeah that could be a place to start I guess === kentucky4447 is now known as kentucky444 === zofrex2 is now known as zofrex === Guest9081 is now known as ogra === ogra is now known as Guest8112 === Guest8112 is now known as ogra [10:20] I am planning to buy HP ProBook 450 G9 i5. it comes with freeDos. How can I make sure I will be able to install ubuntu on it and with no compatibility issues? [10:23] !hardware | Lion-O start here [10:23] Lion-O start here: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection [10:23] Lion-O: just make sure its no chromebook HP [10:25] lotuspsychje, its not chromebook [10:25] Are chromebook known as problematic with ubuntu? [10:25] Lion-O: chromebooks are different to install ubuntu on, needs alternate ways with crouton [10:27] depends on the model. on older chromebooks i managed to install coreboot and do a regular installation [10:27] interesting ravage [10:28] Lion-O: the hardware looks "compatible". sometimes wifi can be a problem and you need to find a driver for that. the rest looks fine [10:30] There are usb wifi adapter dongles I assume that can solve that. [10:30] but AX211 seems to be supported on kernel 5.15. so i guess it will work fine on 6.2 [10:30] HP says "Intel® Wi-Fi 6E AX211 (2x2) " [10:31] intel graphics can sometimes be glitchy too. heard about some bugs with "Iris" cards. [10:31] but not sure if that will affect you [10:32] I don't see any issues on wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection lotuspsychje gave me for this HP model [10:33] AX can have some bugs on newer kernels too [10:34] AX is that new? [10:34] The IEEE 802.11ax standard was finalised on September 1, 2020 when Draft 8 received 95% approval in the sponsor ballot and received final approval from the IEEE ... [10:38] Ubuntu 20.04 LTS 64 Bit: Standard images of Ubuntu may not work well, or at all [10:44] Lion-O: order the laptop with linux pre-installed [10:45] weedmic, it means pay more money [10:45] Something I am trying to avoid === tomaw_ is now known as tomaw [10:46] to me it would be worth it to receive an already setup no errors laptop by the manufacturer - but... you can always do it yourself. [10:46] i see it on this linuxnow page, so i guess it is fully compatible [10:46] https://www.linuxnow.com.au/nshp6G8Z0PA.html [10:47] just a poor screen, 1366x768 [10:47] ... for $1800 [10:48] It's for buying the laptop with ubuntu already installed right? [10:49] no [10:49] I don't really like to deal with screens less than 1080 - I never get things to line up the way I really already have them on other machines. [10:49] oh wait, i scroll down .. yes [10:50] weedmic, is the screen resolution not standard? [10:51] 'hd-ready' [10:52] its 1920 x 1080 [10:53] ^that is now the lowest standard most accept - even my phone has better than 1920x1080 [10:53] I am not looking for more than that :) [10:54] some HP ProBook 450 G9 i5 models give 1366x768 ... [10:55] carefull what you buy! [10:56] I double check everything although there are other things more important to me than resolution [10:56] Like RAM and cpu speed [11:20] Hi. I'm running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS which I am running an OpenVPN server on it. The server listens on port 1194, however, it appears the server has accepted a connection on port 2210. Can somebody please explain to me what's going on? https://imageupload.io/ib/8usoP3m2UsM4ZTa_1693826239.png === gabriele_ is now known as gabriele [11:46] Hi all [12:28] didnt it back in the days exist some package regarding readcache of filesystems? what was it name (tried "readcached" but no obvious hits on google) [12:34] Apachez: are you referring to readahead? [12:36] hmm could be [12:36] bcache? [12:36] preload is the same package nowadays? [12:39] 'Note that installing preload will not make your system boot faster' https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/jammy/+package/preload [12:49] yeah I know.. this is just to check if it could boost stuff when it comes to overlayfs using squashfs as lowerdir [12:51] i guess this was a thing before systemd [12:52] it's been a thing for at least over 10 years. I used to install it on hosting servers in a datacenter over 10 years ago [12:58] does systemd include something similar? [12:59] according to some docs it seems like overlay2 which docker uses has readcache while the overlayfs from the kernel itself doesnt? [13:51] hi there [13:51] How are you === mint is now known as rainpour [13:52] I'm using a VM inside Ubuntu [13:52] Mint inside Ubuntu [13:52] Seems to be a good mix too [13:52] Is this channel for questions pertaining to Ubuntu / Linux? [13:52] rainpour: This is for Ubuntu support only. Mint provides its own support [13:53] I have questions pertaining to Ubuntu for sure [13:57] ~~Dear 1082~ish people, Whilst using Ubuntu, which software might you recommend for say, lowering voltages on CPU, downclocking as well? And which battery optimizing software / power saving system would you recommend? [14:00] ubuntu (gnome) gives pretty good powermanagment OOTB, downclocking makes no sense to me [14:01] oerheks: Do you think it would be best to leave the power management alone then? Instead of installing TLP or Powertop or something like that? [14:01] https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/power.html.en [14:01] Downclocking is only because these PC's I have will be on 24/7. [14:01] TLP is available, sure [14:01] k [14:02] Do you know if using a USB Live, will use less power than an internal drive on a lapop? [14:02] laptop* [14:03] Or even say, running a laptop off an external NVME drive [14:03] even with a live session, the hdd spinns up .. [14:04] ok good to know [14:05] First of all, overclocking motherboard utilities arent common in linux as it is in winodws [14:05] why is that? [14:05] no first party support [14:06] k [14:06] there isnt even intel igp or radeon tuning frontend [14:07] nvidea has a control panel [14:07] as to power management, tlp is best bet. [14:08] I noticed that when I install ^ TLP ^ in Ubuntu, it doesn't negate the upper right window power selections [14:08] slimbook has a battery control utility. search for slimbook ppa [14:08] it offers performance profiles [14:09] might work with other branded laptops too [14:09] ya that's what I was wondering about, the regular power profiles in Ubuntu seem to override TLP for me. Any reason why that may be? [14:09] known bug [14:09] ok. Perhaps hardware mismatch [14:09] gnome has an extension to set battery threshold [14:09] it can be done in tlp too [14:09] k [14:10] but you may have to write a systemd service file to set threshold from boot sequence [14:10] Oh yes, to reset the thresholds, yes, for Lenovo I have done that. [14:11] Do you know if Ubuntu is compatible with external GPU? [14:11] Via Thunderbolt 4? [14:11] i dont [14:11] I have bad ideas about external GPUS, but apparently Thunderbolt 4 is enough to carry all required bandwidtch [14:13] Is there a default application for saving backups? [14:13] there is. dejadup i think [14:13] in mint? [14:14] ubuntu channel [14:15] what is the Ubuntu Channel? [14:15] this one? [14:15] yes [14:15] Is it the official one? [14:15] on irc, yes. [14:15] We told you already, rainpour [14:16] Just making sure, because I have found Ubuntu channels everywhere on IRC. That goes for other distros too [14:16] Is it generally a good idea to install a firewall in Ubuntu? Like UFW or other? [14:17] windows has a hybrid sleep mode. its suspend then hibernate. youll need to enable hibernate first. [14:17] on Ubuntu? [14:18] hiberate isnt officially supported, but it works. read online [14:18] ok [14:18] Are there any issues that I should be aware of? [14:18] hi everyone, every couple of days i get a freeze, i think it's lightdm https://imgur.com/8v1QHSY.png . How would you verify and fix the issue? [14:18] what gpu? [14:19] gtx960\ [14:19] using the nouveau driver [14:19] enabling suspend then hibernate on linux requires tinkering with sytsemd services [14:20] think it's a suspend/hibernate issue? i'm happy to disable [14:20] sorry. not meant for you [14:20] oh, shame [14:20] try installing nvidia drivers [14:20] if it were only that easy [14:21] theres a few "standard" kernel parameters suggested everywhere to fix hang issues. try them [14:23] firewall is included in kernel itself, its an integral part of every linux system [14:23] ^ thankx [14:23] How do I enable? [14:24] and is there a GUI or CLI method to run the dang thing? [14:25] sudo systemctl status ufw [14:25] on your ubuntu host or mint vm? [14:25] rainpour: a default ubuntu installation should not expose anything that you need to firewall [14:25] ufw is preinstalleD? [14:25] was for me [14:25] I'm talking about ubuntu only [14:25] !info gufw [14:25] gufw (22.04.0-1, lunar): graphical user interface for ufw. In component universe, is optional. Built by gui-ufw. Size 909 kB / 3,585 kB [14:25] run that in the cmd line [14:26] thank you [14:26] see if it's enabled [14:26] if not install ufw [14:26] then enable it [14:26] if that's what you want [14:27] rainpour: If you lose connection after enabling it, disable it [14:28] According to the terminal, it says it is active already, ok good. [14:28] yep [14:28] sudo ufw allow [14:28] active, without rules [14:28] no way [14:28] to allow a specific port number [14:28] that simple? That's awesome [14:29] it has rules, deny inbound allow outbound [14:29] you have to allow inbound ports if that's what you want [14:29] i used this ugly hack to enable suspend then hibernate by replacing suspend service. ln -s /usr/lib/systemd/system/systemd-suspend-then-hibernate.service /etc/systemd/system/systemd-suspend.service [14:30] dont enable windows style hybrid sleep if you have huge amount of ram [14:30] i already linked them to /dev/null [14:30] i'll see if that helps [14:31] how to open new gnome terminal from gnome terminal [14:32] sleep parameters are in /etc/systemd/sleep.conf [14:37] found -> its gnome-terminal --tab, but how to open new terminal and command ls? | gnome-terminal --tab && ls has no effect [14:37] ctrl alt t again [14:38] i need to make it with cmd [14:38] new gnome terminal window? [14:38] yes [14:39] or hit that little + left upside on the panel [14:39] its mandatory to start with command === root is now known as Guest4610 [14:47] Yakov: Maybe have a look at .bash_login [14:47] That would run with every new shell though. [14:48] I would look, but I dont understand [14:48] write a script [14:59] I can not write bash scripts :) any clues? [15:04] gnome-terminal -e "bash -c 'ls; bash;'" [15:07] Uthman, ty [15:12] how to wrap the cpp line to make syntax right?   system("gnome-terminal -e /"bash -c 'sensors; bash;'/""); [15:17] solved, reversed backslash [15:23] hi ubys [18:02] new install, getting "report error" on boot with no information. [18:02] jack269: at wich step of your boot exactly? [18:03] when DE finishes loading [18:03] jack269: wich ubuntu release are you trying? [18:03] 22.04.3 mate - nvidia/nouveau [18:05] jack269: your error dialog doesnt have a more details button? [18:05] no [18:05] someone said to go to GA kernel - 5.15 - not sure how [18:06] jack269: can you check if your /var/crash dir has items inside? [18:06] looks brb [18:08] it keeps pointing to compiz but everything works well [18:08] jack269: could you share your 'dmesg' in a !paste with the volunteers here, maybe we can find something there [18:09] !paste [18:09] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [18:11] https://dpaste.com/ED6WBKF8H [18:13] Initially, i started out with a nvidia card/ then switched it for another nvidia card / did not change drivers since nouveau worked [18:14] jack269: you can trigger sudo dmesg from a terminal, or /var/log/dmesg into a paste [18:15] https://dpaste.com/FH6XRLXFZ [18:19] jack269: can you dpaste; sudo lshw -C video , too please [18:20] https://dpaste.com/6A7WXKXE7 [18:21] jack269: we can try switching to the nvidia driver as a test if you like, in addiction drivers [18:21] *additional drivers [18:22] my last install didnt like those drivers, but i could see if that works [18:22] but, that was when ubuntu went with 22.04 HWE stack [18:22] or 6.2 [18:25] jack269: lets try a driver switch first to see what happens [18:25] ok, ill give it a go, back in a few - thanks lotus. [18:35] drivers work , same "report error" [18:36] jack269: ok tnx for testing, so lets assume the report is about something else [18:37] should i feed it a cheese burger ? [18:39] jack269: can you execute ; sudo dmesg | nc termbin.com 9999 and share the link you getting plz [18:39] ok [18:40] https://termbin.com/w123 [18:43] jack269: looks rather sane to me, besides a few acpi bugs and nvidia lines [18:44] exactly - maybe nothing to worry abt [18:44] jack269: your previous install was also mate? [18:44] yes [18:45] and you didnt had an error there? [18:45] mate has always worked well [18:45] alkisg: you know anything suspecting like this on mate^^ [18:45] i did have those errors - but some one directed me to change to the GA kernels and it worked , i just forgot how [18:47] i have to afk jack269 maybe someone else got more ideas to try [18:48] ok [18:55] Except he didn't. [19:22] ffmpeg should work with m4a files, correct? [19:23] are you getting an error? [19:24] loswedseded, it should [19:26] yes, yes it does [19:27] * hack said it in a phineas and ferb voice [19:28] ffmpeg -i '01 c'.m4a -ss 00:02:01 -t 00:05:30 -c copy output.m4a < why does this command only trim at the beginning and not at the end? File is 7 minutes long [19:29] What do you expect it to do? 2 minutes + 5 minutes 30 seconds = 7 minutes 30 seconds i.e. beyond the end of the video. [19:30] You've asked for a 5 and a half minute chunk, starting at 2 minutes in. [19:30] school has started [19:31] lol [19:31] If you want 5:30 to be the end time, instead of the duration, use -to instead of -t [19:31] oh [19:33] thanks dTal [19:33] No problem! [19:39] Is it just me or does Firefox 117 have issues with certain sites? [19:40] Recently I've noticed that certain sites such as YT and Pling become unresponsive but do not exactly hang up fx [19:45] I can close their tabs and continue browsing fine but fx doesn't shut down properly after such tab freezes, crashing after trying to unload web content for a while instead [19:47] throwthecheese: First thing to try is probably another browser. === itok_ is now known as itok === caverton3 is now known as caverton === chaser4206 is now known as chaser420 === Gatewayy_ is now known as Gatewayy === philroche_ is now known as philroche === yuckey2d3 is now known as yuckey2d === rtpg_ is now known as rtpg === sgtapple_ is now known as sgtapple === coreycb_ is now known as coreycb === moicx1 is now known as moicx === Quark2 is now known as Quark === NickH_ is now known as NickH === Amaranth9 is now known as Amaranth === DocMors_ is now known as DocMors === SirLouen6 is now known as SirLouen === boxrick_ is now known as boxrick === esool is now known as loose === Kamilion|ZNC is now known as Kamilion [20:42] Is EXT4 the best format to have in Linux for SSD's and Data space? Or am I wise to format in NTFS or something else that is cross-compatible with other operating systems? [20:43] there is no "best" [20:43] just differnet [20:44] kk === leftyfb_ is now known as leftyfb [21:05] Does anyone have experience using external nvme with Grub? [21:10] i assume, that NVME will just work when I plug it in? [21:10] But I would still need to yse a USB Live of Ubuntu, to target the external NVMe, correct? [21:20] Can use an external drive with normal installation of linux [21:23] brownstraw: if that is what you mean [21:24] unpas: yes, thanks for clarifying for me. === spyspirit38 is now known as spyspirit3 === dabbill_ is now known as dabbill === pasiz0 is now known as pasiz === jdaviescoates68 is now known as jdaviescoates6 === dongcarl1 is now known as dongcarl === dza2 is now known as dza === five61847 is now known as five6184 === ord is now known as quem === Agent_Isai is now known as Agent [21:53] hi all. have installed ubuntu, kubuntu several times. trying to install ubuntu studio for my music room on an older pc, but every time i do, upon reboot, I am met with grub rescue. I've tried making a seperate boot partition, home, root, and storage, and installed grub to /boot but it wouldn't install there. I chose MBR and i am met with grub rescue. any ideas? this is a BIOS non uefi PC, 64 bit, and was running kubuntu before i wiped [21:53] it [21:54] have tried the "erase disk" option, i get grub rescue -_- [21:54] tweak: is the drive getting GPT partitioning? [21:55] jeremy31: whatever the option it chooses when picking "use entire disk" I don't know, but I have been using MBR partitioning just because that's what it was using before [21:56] tweak: in terminal from ISO> sudo parted -l [21:57] The installer may default to GPT and some older machines can't understand it and need msdos [22:01] jeremy31: thank you, that must be what it is, this pc is from 2010! But it has enough power for music creation and good audio hardware ^^ thank you I am sure that's likely the issue [22:02] tweak: use gparted to make the drive msdos and create one large partition, choose something else when installing and select the large partition to be ext4 as / [22:03] jeremy31: understood, thank you kindly! [22:03] tweak: good luck [22:08] jeremy31: yeah that's got it, it's booting. thank you kindly heh === leftyfb_ is now known as leftyfb [22:59] I like Ubuntu, quite a bit. It is slightly less intuitive than others but I understand it cannot be perfect. :) === tester1 is now known as dognose === jeremy31 is now known as xmetal === xmetal is now known as jeremy31 [23:18] * jeremy31 bans m:dognose@*!* === 068AAG02K is now known as confluence === moicx1 is now known as moicx === dblinux_ is now known as dblinux === moicx1 is now known as moicx