[06:35] bluesabre, you sure you're not thinking about this? https://github.com/Xubuntu/xubuntu-marketing/blob/master/wallpapers/README.md [10:49] knome: that's it! Thanks! [13:18] Unit193: Are there any big package updates or migrations we should try to sort out this cycle, while it's still pre-LTS? I'm considering dropping xserver-xorg-input-synaptics in favor of letting libinput do it's thing. I also thought about splitting up the xubuntu-wallpapers package into LTS cycles (e.g. xubuntu-wallpapers-focal). [13:20] The synaptics thing just because it blocks my trackpad from doing anything (besides clicking). Presumably this affects others as well... and libinput being used everywhere else (probably) means it's well-tested at this point. [13:21] Wallpapers because we currently have too much of a good thing in our wallpaper selection ;) [13:21] And so we can bring back the classics [13:26] ochosi: should we tag some theme releases? UI Freeze is this week (I don't mind if we're late and I have to file paperwork)