
davefa cool 30C outside00:12
zxmpireached 25c here. icky00:45
daftykinsmmm hellish, worse tomorrow00:50
daftykinsmust get to bed, another joke of a cyber essentials plus audit is going on shortly00:51
zxmpibig fan on. a nice cool breeze blowing across my bed00:51
* davef chills out in his central AC00:52
zxmpimy rule of thumb is >20c choc ice weather >25c cornetto weather >30c magnum weather. the gun or the ice cream. users choice :-P04:08
zxmpicornettos acquired 14:08
daftykinsice cream suicide would be a novel one for emergency services though i'm sure ;)14:13
daftykinsi'm imagining a white line on a floor, with a little white line cone to the side14:13
zxmpi99mm with cadbury flake :-P14:13
daftykinsholy hell look at this - ONE of LGR's storage rooms in his house: https://youtu.be/pZlIKjYHxxs?t=14623:05
penguin42got rid of most of his CRTs quite some time ago23:09
daftykinsmakes you wonder how much space they took up xD23:12
daftykinsmy final surviving one is still at my folks place somewhere23:13
penguin42I didn't have that many; but the Trinitron that came with one of my Sun's was just huge23:14
daftykinsmust have been good? :)23:14
penguin42http://www.treblig.org/daveG/me2002.jpg  you can see 3 of them23:15
daftykinsdid you ever have their famous optical mouse that required the patterned mousepad?23:15
daftykinsthey seem to speak of it on The Register comments a lot23:16
daftykinsor am i thinking of youtube comments, hmm...23:16
penguin42oh yeh, I've still got one of those mice23:16
* penguin42 hasn't had those machines on in decades - I really should get around to it23:19
zxmpithe fun of monitors so deep that they pushed your keyboard to the edge of the desk :-)23:19
* penguin42 is still working on getting rod of his dads kit; here are his home built valve linears http://www.treblig.org/pics/dadskit/linears/23:20
penguin42zxmpi: Exactly23:20
penguin42and still the 60ft tower (which is now down on it's side, but still taking up quite a bit of space) - I *almost* sold it, but the buyer made the mistake of asking his neighbour23:21
daftykinssome kinda super HAM antenna? :)23:23
daftykinsmust have picked up some far away things23:23
penguin42I've already sold the electric winches and aerial that went on the top, it's the strumech tower23:23
penguin42daftykins: Oh yeh, he worked the world on it23:23
penguin42(That's with it lowered down)23:24
daftykinsdid the Thunderbirds theme play when it was extended? ;)23:24
penguin42no, it was more of a slow whirring sound...23:25
zxmpishould keep linear 2 and add blinky lights :-)23:32
penguin42I'm not turning that thing on given the multi kv PSU23:42

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