=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [02:39] good morning [08:25] good morning === EriC^^ is now known as Guest9623 === Guest9623 is now known as EriC^^ [11:44] yo [11:44] lets try to make some ubuntu artwork [12:28] was interrupted by another idea [12:28] giant dehumidifiers for tropical metropolitan areas [12:29] https://imgur.com/a/9IxwLEp [12:29] like windmills, they generate energy too. i think it could actually work. [13:18] myappie: wrong channel [13:58] My guess was wrong medication. But sure. [15:18] Do you have a todolist app you like? [15:19] pencil and paper [15:19] todoist is cool [15:20] nextcloud notes works fine [15:20] but i actually just ose.. google keep :P [15:22] lotuspsychje, is it web/electron based? [15:22] Would prefer a low memory usage thing [15:23] https://todoist.com/ [15:23] go check it out [15:23] I love google keep, but for work I think i should have a native desktop app [15:39] you can turn google keep into a desktop app [15:41] leftyfb, i use it mostly for personal stuff. So don't wanna mix life and work =D. Also I avoid web if I can. [15:42] you can switch between accounts within google keep === JanC is now known as Guest2721 === JanC_ is now known as JanC