
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
smosersdeziel_: thanks for seeing that. 12:06
=== sdeziel_ is now known as sdeziel
smoserso yeah, the bug is that if 'add' is never called, then /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt is not updated. 12:50
sdezielsmoser: if you don't report it, please let me know and I will, thanks12:54
smosersdeziel: i submitted using reportbug, but i don't have 100% confidence that my sendmail and such are workign correctly.13:22
smoserhttps://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/2C2ChVfTfz/ is what i submitted.13:22
sdezielsmoser: can't find it on Debian nor Ubuntu :/13:38
sdezielsmoser: I think this is a regression introduced by https://salsa.debian.org/debian/ca-certificates/-/commit/8f8f4a525bd6a6c8a8d13530cda194d60275313d13:58
-ubottu:#ubuntu-security- Commit 8f8f4a5 in debian/ca-certificates "Don't remove ca-certificates.crt before updating it"13:58
-ubottu:#ubuntu-security- Debian bug 1051345 in ca-certificates "ca-certificates: update-ca-certificates does not recreate ca-certificates.crt if all certificates are deselected" [Normal, Open]14:59
smosersdeziel: ^ it did get there. 14:59
sdezielsmoser: many thanks!14:59
smoseri dont know what the proper ehavior is, but without the chnge yo pointed to above, the file would be not-present.15:00
smosermaybe the right thing is to be present and zero length ? i dont know. 15:01
smoserbut you're right that that change made it worse.15:02
=== JanC is now known as Guest2721
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
sarnoldsmoser: btw the 'equivs' package can help you fake up packages to placate apt, when you've got good reasons for doing something that far out of the ordinary19:03
sarnoldsmoser: if by chance you still need all the ca-certificates machinery, and can't just wholesale stub out the package, dpkg exclude paths can be a lifesaver...19:04
sarnoldsmoser: I did something like this that I'm 70% sure does the right thing (I only set this up a few weeks ago) $ cat /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/excludes 19:05
smoseri had never heard of that. 19:05
smoserand then it just chooses to not install those things. 19:06
sarnoldI learned about it from people trying to find documentation in ubuntu or debian docker images :) heh19:06
sarnoldooh, nice bug report. I'm surprised you're the first to find this, though :(19:07
smoseryou think its common that people just ignore all the certificates that ca-certificates gives them ?19:08
tewardcommon, no.  some people, yes.19:09
sarnoldheh, yeah, exactly that; though I guess a lot of the folks who might do that wouldn't be allowed to open bug reports about it19:27
smoserso you're saying its a good thing I didn't ask if i could open a bug report ;)19:34
sarnoldexactly! $employer would certainly say "no you can't possibly do that, just fix it internally and never ever share the fix with anyone anywhere ever"19:39
sarnold"you know, open source"19:39
=== ted is now known as Guest5555
=== Guest5555 is now known as ted
teward> exactly! $employer would certainly say "no you can't possibly do that, just fix it internally and never ever share the fix with anyone anywhere ever"21:38
tewardguess i'm glad my employer is OK with me contributing back to open source XD21:38
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=== Guest996 is now known as ted

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