
Scary_GuyOh, irc.thegleek.com is back up.23:15
cmaloneyWhat's that?23:19
cmaloneyOther than a Fantastic Four character from the 1970s23:20
cmaloneyoh, wait, that was Wonder Twins.23:20
cmaloneyWrong universe. ;)23:20
Scary_GuyThat happens a lot, but usually with Space Ghost.  I'm blanking on the Fantastic Four...23:24
Scary_GuyAnyway it's my friend's IRC server.23:24
Scary_GuyI figured at the very least jrwren may be interested.  Just local people into the industrial scene, arcade games, and goofing off.23:25
Scary_GuyTrigger warnings and NSFW for sure though.23:26
cmaloneyAh, ok23:37

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