
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
Terminal-VHello. Is there anyone here who is running the UFW firewall with IPv6 rules who could show me a screenshot of their '/etc/ufw/user6.rules' file so that I can get a better understanding?01:30
Terminal-VOr alternately copy and paste a rule from it here.01:31
weexfceUnit193: What is the right command for searching channels in IRC again? Is it, "/msg ison list help"?01:36
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ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see «/msg Alis help list» or ask in #libera - Example usage: «/msg Alis list http»01:37
currymanwondering if someone can help me, i have proxmox installed, wifi is working, internet is fine, but with routing, all VMs can access the internet, but vm1(windows) can ping vm1(linux), but vm1(linux) cannot ping vm2(windows)01:38
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currymanPING ( 56(84) bytes of data.01:39
currymanFrom icmp_seq=2 Redirect Host(New nexthop:
currymanthis is the result when i ping vm1 from vm201:39
simpleton2Unit193: thank you so much01:40
leftyfbcurryman: maybe check the Windows firewall01:44
leftyfbcurryman: also #windows01:45
currymanoh true, let me check, didn't thnk it would stop a ping01:49
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currymanleftyfb, you were right, it was the firewall, thanks so much, never would have thought to check it, thought it was the routing02:04
hyphenUI am trying my hands at different distro's ,and have come to realize that some do not work with my wifi card by default? Is that just a drivers issue?02:31
rboxwhat does "not work" mean02:32
rboxit doesnt show up as a network device02:32
rboxyou get errors in dmesg02:32
rboxyou try to c onnect to an ap with it and it fails?02:32
hyphenUrbox: thank you for asking that. I mean that the wifi doesn't even show up as a device.02:41
hyphenU(No options) in Settings nor up right02:41
rboxand are there errors in dmesg? nothing in dmesg?02:41
hyphenUI did not check that, because I am a noobie, but I will if you share how to. :)02:41
hyphenUIs that error logs?02:41
ubottudmesg is a console command which outputs the kernel ring buffer - an important log for diagnosing problems in  Linux. Often when something errors with hardware it will result in additional lines reported which can be seen by running dmesg in a console.02:42
hyphenUokay damn. I shoulda checked.02:42
hyphenUIt was whilst using a LIVE USB, is that anything pertinent?02:43
hyphenU^ Whomever this is - that is NOT YIPPEE.02:47
YippeeHi.  I am using Jammy LTS and everything was fine, and I installed hwe controller in attempt to resolve issue related to a switch controller.02:47
YippeeAfter I installed hwe kernel, had some issues with nvidia-driver-535 but got that sorted, it'd didn't change my controller issue, but all seemed fine.02:48
YippeeUntil I came back and tried to resume from suspend.  It never powers up the screen, and I have to hard reset.02:48
YippeeSo I figured, okay well I don't really need this hwe kernel anyway, went back to 5.15, but low and behold, still won't wake from suspend.02:49
YippeeAny ideas?02:49
YippeeI removed and and autoremoved the 6.2 kernel stuff but I still see something in /boot from it, probably not related....02:52
YippeeAnd I just rearead what I wrote earlier, I mean I installed hwe kernel.02:53
YippeeI'll be back, gunna try a nother couple things and reboots and suspends that are likely to fail...  if you have any ideas please save them for my return cuz this is an issue i'dreally like to resolve, typically suspend multiple times a day03:03
YippeeHello again.  I managed to resolve my suspend issue on standard kernel.  I now want to try hwe again now that I understand more.  But I've apperantly broke something, when I install linux-generic-hwe-22.04 it installs it and the header package, but doesn't put anything in /boot or do the initramfs-update or grub-update or anything, so I can't actually boot it.03:46
rboxthats a meta pacakge03:48
rboxnot the actual kernel03:48
YippeeOkay, but installing that meta-package should install the hwe kernel tho, right?03:49
EriC^^Yippee: try reinstalling the package03:49
YippeeI've removed and reinstalled and rebooted couple times....03:50
EriC^^try 'sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-generic-hwe-22.04'03:50
EriC^^can you share the output of that command? also "ls -l /boot"03:51
YippeeOk just tried, cuz why not, still same result.03:51
YippeeYes I can, just a moment.03:51
Yakovneed to open GUI folder in ubuntu with cmd -> i have folder home/userName/Desktop -> need to call script or command or whatever to get to folder contains but in GUI representation (Window mode)03:51
YippeeYakov: Try `xdg-open /home/$USERNAME` or whatever path you want03:53
YippeeYakov: `xdg-open /home/$USERNAME/Desktop`03:53
Yakovor nautilus + path (22.04)03:55
Yippeewell that would depend on the user having nautilus installed03:55
Yippeexdg-open will use whatever you have set as default03:56
YippeeIf you want the user to select a file and pass it back to your script, use zenity03:56
YippeeIf you want the script to keep going with your file manager open, put & at the end of the xdg-open command03:56
YakovI would also make something like Ditto03:57
zcotYippee: what is $USERNAME ? but anyway: apt search linux-oem-2204:04
Yippeezcot/Yakov: my bad, I mean $USER04:09
Yippee(yakov originally said userName and that got me thinking wrong :))04:10
Yippeezcot: you want me to share the output from that?   it should be the same for everyone....04:10
YakovPlease advise Arnold Robbins book for bash / bash scripting.. Want to read some04:14
zcotYippee: you can install that type of stuff. if you are dual booting, for example with mint, but it doesn't matter, then you need to propagate the info through the more important grub entries. so boot to those systems and update-grub, then you can boot the latest entries of the relevant system.04:17
hyphenUzcot: Why do we need to "update-grub" from within the systems?04:18
zcothyphenU: pm me on the spotchat network and i'll tell you. :p04:19
zcothyphenU: but the answer is that is the system is booting to grub 1, let's say, and it chains as a second or third entry to another grub system, then the grub 1 will be the important one initially, the entries within that config need to be up to date, they contain 2nd or 3rd entries that are defined elsewhere, but they need to have the relevant into that exists in those secondary or 3rd grub systems' configs.04:22
YippeeMy only dual boot option is my old install of ubuntu 18.04 on a hard drive.  I installed 22.04 on a new SSD and don't boot the old OS anymore anyway.04:28
hyphenUYippee: Can you install a dualboot on the ssd?04:29
YippeeWhy would I?04:29
YippeeI mean sure I could, but I have no desire to.04:29
hyphenUzcot: thanks for taking time to share that lovely response.04:29
Yippeein my case i dont care about the old os on the old hard drive, i dont even mount that drive, could unplug it if I wanted.04:30
zcotwhether any system boots or not, if the grub is relevant, then it will come into play. the bad thing is that if a "prevailing" grub can't boot it's own system in order to run the "update-grub" then that's a bit of a problem, where the other systems that might be chain-loaded will not get updated and you'll just always be booting the old boot entries. get into the bios/uefi and point to a different drive, -that's typically when you run into that issue, multiple04:33
zcotdisks with more than one system installed.04:33
YippeeWhat I'm trying to solve is how to install the hwe kernel, cuz I broke something when I had issues with it the previous time I tried it, and as the first pastebin i shared shows, I have the package installed, but nothing in /boot to go with it.04:33
zcotYippee: make sure the update the grub of course.04:34
Yippeezcot in my case it was all simple.  i unplugged the old drive, plugged in ssd, installed jammy, plugged in old hard drive, it still booted jammy, enabled os prober, it put bionic in my menu, it boots fine the last time i tried, but now I've setup the new system for long enough Idont need that anymore anyway, its irrelavant to my current issue.04:34
Yippeezcot: if i manually run grub-update it doesnt find anything new, cuz nothing is in /boot for it to find!04:35
Yippeebut if you possibly think it could be related, i'll shutdown, unplug the old hard drive, and still nothing will appear in /boot for the 6.2 hwe kernel04:36
YippeeI'll even hot unplug it if you want, won't make any difference.04:36
hyphenUYippee: I am a noobie, what is the benefit for updating your hwe kernel?04:46
Yippeehyphen, linux 6.1 adds support for additional nintendo clone controllers. i have such a controller.04:47
hyphenUDoes it work with emulators?04:48
YippeeYes.  It's just a usb switch controller.04:48
hyphenUWhat are your favorite snes games? And have you tried using zsnes yet>04:48
YippeeGunna try something, be back.  Still trying to resolve so gotta try some reboots.04:56
YippeeOk I think I'm onto something here.  Just waiting for it to install correctly this time! I had to remove all the other linux packages with 6.2.0 and now it's doing things right, progress 70%, woohoo!05:04
YippeeOk, was able to boot it, and no video problems this time.  However it still won't suspend with that kernel.  Weird.  I guess I'll try the oem 6.1 before I revert to standard.05:14
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YippeeSame problem with 6.1, it won't suspend.  I guess I'll try 6.5 before giving up and going back to standard.  I hope this gets resolved by the time I'm forced to use a newer kernel version on 24.04.05:23
YippeeI mean int will suspend, it just won't wake from suspend.05:23
hyphenUWhat is the issue again? I may have mised it05:24
hyphenUI hear lots of issues surrounding waking from suspend.05:24
YippeeThe issue is now back to my original problem, I've fixed everything I broke.   The original problem being, when I use hwe kernel, it won't resume from suspend.05:24
YippeeAnd I also tried it on 6.1 OEM kernel, same problem.05:25
YippeeAbout to try 6.5, set it to reboot when done installing so I'll just disappear, just patiently waiting now....05:25
YippeeWell Iĺl be a monkeyś uncle!  6.5 works right!05:30
hyphenUDid 6.5 work?05:30
hyphenUGood JOB Yippee!!!05:30
YippeeI owe thanks to the person who suggested oem kernels, I had kinda forgotten about them, and at first discounted it cuz I only needed 6.1+ and dont necessarily need to live on the bleeding edge, figured hwe/6.2 would be safer.  But hey, since it works.05:32
hyphenUYippee, what games are you planning to play with your controller?05:35
hyphenUHA he left that fast, so that he could go back to playing games!05:36
Terminal-VI'm trying to setup an IPv6 UFW firewall rule in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS but its not working. It works when I use IPv4, but not IPv6. This is probably because of '0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0003'. https://imageupload.io/ib/jsFNvLdWOMGPhXh_1693987030.png07:59
Terminal-VDoes anyone know what's going on?07:59
loswedsededhelp me understand command architecture: I just executed sudo ifconfig lan1 down && sudo macchanger -m 11:22:33:44:55:66 lan1 && sudo ifconfig wlp2s0 and it returned: [ERROR] Could not change MAC: interface up or insufficient permissions: Cannot assign requested address. Interface up? lan was down at the time08:13
loswedsededhowever, if I execute command #2 separately and the #3, it works. why?08:14
=== BedMan_ is now known as BedMan
Jackneill_hey. i have a wierd problem (ubuntu 23.04, cinnamon, nemo). that i have a folder with images. when i double click on an image to open it, the 1st one opens. on the other when when i right click on it, and open it form the set default open app window the correct image opens. (both with eog). any idea?08:56
weedmicwhy doulbe click ?ever??08:59
weedmicI use kde, so I've no idea what that would do in cinnamon.08:59
Jackneill_but only happens to images. if i have a folder with .mkv videos the correct file opens on double click08:59
Jackneill_weedmic, your comment did not add anything to the conversation09:00
Jackneill_the error only happens with eog. when the default image viewer is set to shotwell the correct image opens on double click.09:08
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=== Guest9623 is now known as EriC^^
weedmicJackneill_: i added some images, opened dolphin, if i click once - it opens on top.  if i click twice, it leave dolphin on top.  perhaps that is the designed action.10:19
weedmici could not find where to set the activity for double click - i am pretty sure i know where it was, but since they deprecated cube, menues changed.10:19
Jackneill_weedmic, i meant the 1st one opens in the list, not the one i clicked on.10:21
Jackneill_but if i right click and go to choose app to open with, and leave it at eog, the correct one opens which is wierd.10:22
weedmicom - that does not sound useful at all10:22
Jackneill_well its a bug for sure10:22
BluesKajHi all11:45
=== gabriele_ is now known as gabriele
salapin_I'm having trouble getting a standard user to access usb drives.12:10
salapin_You created a group called "usbflash" how do I make this group have read write and execute permissions to all drives that are mounted on /dev ?12:10
salapin_Thanks to all for the help.12:10
weedmicsalapin_: fixed?12:11
salapin_weedmic, yes12:12
oerheks all drives that are mounted on /dev ?12:13
weedmicdepends, you can mount them anywhere you want - if you do it manually, but... normally /dev is the common place sd... for sata md... for raid12:14
Guest47hello, how to uninstall an app installed by terminal?12:14
oerhekssudo apt remove --purge <appname>12:15
salapin_weedmic, My PC is shared with my brother, my brother has a standard account without administrator permissions. The only thing I want is that when I plug in a usb drive I can write read and execute on it without problems.12:16
oerheksIt all depends what filesystem is on that usb drive.12:17
weedmicshould be automatic - you can plug it in, check dmesg to see the usb path, then see if you can navigate to it - if you are not just notified to open it in dolphin12:17
Guest47oerheks why doesn't it appear in ubuntu software, app "Software" and package manager synaptic=?12:18
salapin_my brother only works with FAT and NTFS file systems12:18
oerheksGuest47, tell us first what app?12:18
weedmicGuest47: pls paste the line you used to install it the first time.12:18
Guest47weedmic i installed it some days ago12:18
Guest47i don't need it anymore12:18
oerheksseatools is not in our repos. how did you install that?12:18
leftyfbGuest47: you'll need to contact Seagate for support with their software12:19
weedmicshould still be there - do ctrl+r and type seat12:19
oerheksif it is this .run file, just remove it? https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=38146512:20
salapin_weedmic, can't you help me?12:22
Guest47oerheks ok i will just remove .run file12:22
weedmici can try - what happens when you plug in the usb device - open dmesg should be last 6 lines or so12:23
oerheksit runs standalone, does not pull any packages, so you'll be fine12:23
Guest47oerheks but it doesn't exist anymore12:23
weedmicdo .run files make it to muon/synaptic?  if not, that may be why it did not list.12:24
weedmici think I've only used a .run file once and had to find out how to do it.12:24
oerheksweedmic, nope, it is a manual download, not registered with apt12:25
Guest47nothing in synaptic12:25
oerheksit is somwhere in your /home/  folder, downloads likely12:25
oerheksbut it is gone, you say12:25
Guest47app still opens12:26
Guest47oerheks no it isn't anywhere, in trash12:26
oerhekswhich *.run12:28
weedmicsalapin_: what did dmesg show?12:28
oerheksit might give a clue12:28
weedmicwith snap you can do snap list12:28
weedmicmaybe .run has something?12:28
weedmiclike i said only use .run once - can't even remembe what it was12:28
oerheksit is a container, like snap/appimage12:29
weedmici love appimage - didn't seem to catch on though - i use musescore to write music for orchestra12:29
leftyfbit's possible the .run file was an install binary/script12:30
weedmicsalapin left - ok12:30
Guest47i took from there12:31
oerheksleftyfb, nope, see that mint post, it runs on its own12:32
Guest47i click ok "show details" right click on icon, it says "No details for this app"12:33
weedmicGuest47: I believe oerheks is trying to explain that it is NOT ever installed, it runs, then you close it and it is gone.  if you delete the .run file it is simply can't be started again.  is that right oerheks?12:36
Guest47i don't find its .run file12:36
oerheksopen filemanager; type " .run "12:38
Guest47i did it "No results12:39
weedmicopen a terminal, do "sudo updatedb", then in about 3 secs when the prompt returns, do "locate run" and see if any results end in .run and you'll know the entire path.  delete the offending file.12:40
weedmicif it doesn't list, it is already gone.12:41
Guest47weedmic "command not found"12:42
oerheksahhh,  that seagate run file installs itself in /opt/SeaTools5.. not sure what to do, running the installer again might give the option to remove?12:44
oerheksi expected it to run stand alone.12:44
weedmicty for helping oerheks - i again apologise for not know much about .run12:44
Guest47oerheks i installed it by terminal, i don't really remember all syntaxes12:45
weedmicGuest47: i don't know if "locate" is worth installing or not in your case.  perhaps try "which seatools" and see if it gives a path?12:45
ioriaGuest47, history | grep -i sea12:46
weedmicvery very nice12:46
oerheksdownload again, sudo ./SeaToolsLinuxX64Installer.run12:46
Guest4730  sudo chmod +x ./SeaToolsLinuxX64Installer.run12:47
Guest47nothing happens12:48
Guest47ok i wrote this: sudo ./SeaToolsLinuxX64Installer.run12:51
Guest47it opened installer and for first thing it ask me if i wanna uninstall, i unistalled, after it starts normally as installer and i aborted installation12:51
oerheksi would hit 'yes', uninstall12:52
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Guest47oerheks thanks it also disappears icon from list of all apps13:19
ubottuGlad you made it! :-)13:19
leftyfboerheks: told you it was an installer ;)13:21
oerheksleftyfb, yes you did, last .run i got were just running stand alone13:22
oerheksconfusing, and the seagate page did not give a clue.13:22
=== Cache is now known as Guest4020
Guest4020ah shit13:23
Guest4020i am new to this13:23
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Guest4020identify means what13:23
leftyfb!libera | Guest402013:23
ubottuGuest4020: Libera is the IRC network that you're on! See https://libera.chat/about - Libera has policies that govern how people should use the network which can be read at https://libera.chat/policies - The Ubuntu channels on Libera also have their own !Guidelines13:23
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=== polymorp- is now known as polymorphic
NetoriusNicksorry to bother anyone but I am hitting my head against an issue I cant seem to resolve and I feel like its something simple. I have a disk with a ghost (shows under lsblk, but can not mount or remove) raid1 that has a ghost LVM "partition" any time I try to do anything with the disk I get that the device or resource is busy but the device is unmounted. mdadm sees md/1 and md127 which both don't exist when I do a detail scan. I have14:39
NetoriusNicktried using parted and dd to make a new partition (which it di but the MD1 is still there, and dd wrote 0s for over 5tb to the /dev/sd# but the md1 is still there)14:39
leftyfbNetoriusNick: reboot, then re-attempt14:39
NetoriusNickthink I have tried that but will do that again now14:40
NetoriusNickOkay that looks to have worked why did it work this time and not last time?14:46
=== root is now known as Guest2959
ELFrederichwhat is Jammy based on?... debian 10, 11, 12?16:58
leftyfbELFrederich: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Merging16:59
oerheksreleasedate 04-2022 .. so i guess not bookworm16:59
leftyfbELFrederich: to answer your question, It's loosely based on Debian Sid17:02
ioriaELFrederich, cat /etc/debian_version17:23
=== JanC is now known as Guest2721
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
Jerry101I need competant help18:25
lotuspsychje!ask | Jerry10118:26
ubottuJerry101: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:26
Jerry101leftyfb or oerheks , I keep getting errors on boot - on boot - "report error" , thanks.18:32
Jerry101no explanation18:32
leftyfbJerry101: you're going to need to provide way more info than that. Preferably with a screenshot or pastebin18:32
Jerry101what command paste bin do you need18:33
lotuspsychjeJerry101: you been asking this question earlier too, can you also mention the steps already tryed with the volunteers?18:34
leftyfb!paste | Jerry10118:34
ubottuJerry101: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:34
Jerry101leftyfb what command  do i volunteer18:35
leftyfbJerry101: please take a screenshot/picture of the error and post it to imgur.com18:35
Jerry101ok ill reboot. thanks18:35
oerheksif you see a crash report, send it.18:36
oerheksxdg-open https://errors.ubuntu.com/user/`sudo cat /var/lib/whoopsie/whoopsie-id`18:36
leftyfboerheks: Jerry101 has quit (Quit: https://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)18:38
oerheksyes, anywhere now.18:38
Jerry101leftyfb - https://imgur.com/a/RsV3UEV18:50
oerheksif you see a crash report, send it.18:51
Jerry101whats the paste bin link18:52
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:52
Jerry101it keeps pointing to compiz18:55
Jerry101Device-1 NVIDIA TU117 [GeForce GTX 1650] driver nvidia v 535.86.0518:56
Jerry101Display x11 server X.Org v driver X loaded nvidia18:58
=== ord is now known as quem
Jerry101my guess is, everyone is stumped18:59
Jerry101me 218:59
Jerry101maybe i have stuff oc ?19:00
Jerry101  Info 8-core model Intel Core i7-9700 bits 64 type MCP cache L2 2 MiB19:00
Jerry101  Speed (MHz) avg 2585 min/max 800/4700 cores 1 3000 2 3000 3 3402 4 1427 5 812 6 3000 7 304219:00
Jerry101    8 300019:00
Jerry101 Gigabyte model B365M DS3H WIF19:02
Jerry101no bus control19:02
Jerry101its a 65 watt chip, so not that much current19:03
Jerry101ok - thanks for the help19:05
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=== ord is now known as quem
loswedsededsudo ifconfig wlp2s0 down && sudo macchanger -m 11:22:33:44:55:66 wlp2s0 && sudo ifconfig wlp2s0 up < this command returns [ERROR] Could not change MAC: interface up or insufficient permissions: Cannot assign requested address but if I choose a random IP, it works. This has never happened before. How come?19:45
sarnoldare there any messages in dmesg?19:46
daniel3I think I have read something about that the first octet needs to be even for unicast addresses?19:47
daniel3Not sure why changing the IP address would make it work, though19:48
ioriasudo macchanger -A 11:22:33:44:55:66 wlp2s019:52
loswedsededdmesg shows wlp2s0: authenticate with 95:38:c2:g8:79:9c, but why? I've never used this mac19:53
loswedsededdmesg shows: [  152.804993] r8169 0000:03:00.1 enp3s0f1: Link is Down20:11
loswedseded[  156.041661] wlp2s0: authenticate with 95:38:c2:g8:79:9c20:11
loswedsededhave I used that IP before not knowing it?20:11
JanCthat's not an "IP"20:11
loswedsededneither my real IP, correct?20:12
JanCI have no idea what you mean by "IP", but nothing in there is about anything called "IP" that I know of...20:13
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!20:14
Guest47hi, what means "Visita file"? Translation is simply "visit file"20:14
dTalwhat command?20:14
oerhekscarefull with unregistered users and a download url20:15
JanCGuest47: you probably better ask in an Italian language channel...20:15
JanC(or at the very least give some more context)20:16
Guest47JanC i haven't answers often there20:16
loswedsededmac address20:17
Guest47JanC it appears in the "Open file" window20:17
Guest47after i right-click on a file in the "open file" window. "Visita file" just means "visit file"20:18
JanCwhat "open file" window?20:18
Guest47simple translation20:18
Guest47JanC just like this https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oNv_vaGdiU36PVYwUB_8zeZun_qKHuzk/view?usp=sharing20:20
Guest47for example, i just right-cliked on a file because i supposed that "visit file" would have opened the folder where the file is in20:22
Guest47but i don't know what it have done, even because now the same command is unselectable20:22
JanCdoesn't it just mean "Open File"?20:23
JanC"Apri con gestore file" = "Open in file manager"20:24
Guest47JanC no it doesn't, because it didn't open it with file manager20:25
Guest47and it didn't just open the file20:25
Guest47i don't know that it has done20:25
JanCno idea then, maybe it makes more sense if we know what application this is...?20:25
oerheksno info what file you downloaded,..20:26
Guest47just chromiun while i'm adding a pictures of a thing i wanna sell on marketplace20:26
JanCthen maybe someone else with Chromium can see what it is...20:27
JanCor you can run Chromium (or the whole OS) in English, of course  :)20:28
JanCor soem other language you understand20:28
Guest47it just means "Visit file"20:30
Guest47however now that command appears just when "Open file" windows is on "recent"20:31
Guest47and it shows the specific folder of the file, but i'm in doubt because few minutes ago when "Visit file" appears after right-click on file, i'm on the specific folder of that file and NOT in "recent" folder20:32
JanCoh, it opens that file in context20:32
oerheksvisit Downloads?20:33
JanCGuest47: it's also there when you search20:33
Guest47oerheks no, it just redirect in the specific folder of the file i right-clicked and pushed that command "visit file"20:35
JanCloswedseded: is 95:38:c2:g8:79:9c the MAC address of your WiFi access point?20:35
Guest47JanC yes, maybe when I clicked it there was the search bar opened20:36
Guest47JanC oerheks thanks both20:36
loswedsededJanC, it could well be the WAP, how do I know for sure?20:56
loswedsededthis would mean I have to free access for the new mac in the wap, correct?20:57
loswedsededwhat's the difference between ifconfig and macchanger?21:01
loswedsededforget it21:01
JanCif you don't know what they do, why are you running them?21:01
sarnoldthey can both be replaced with the 'ip' command from the iproute2 package21:03
=== ord is now known as quem
=== Jerry101 is now known as HackerII
HackerIIanyway, I guess no     one  can help me21:33
jhutchinsloswedseded: Try each step of the command by itself instead of stacking them.  You might figure out why it's failing.21:33
jhutchinsHackerII: I don't see a question from you.21:34
HackerIIhere it comes21:34
oerhekswhy 'hacker' ?21:34
HackerIII have asked multiple times -  i get errors when i boot21:34
HackerIInoob ?21:34
ubottuA hacker is a person who delights in having an intimate understanding of the internal workings of a system, computers and computer networks in particular, as defined by Request for Comments (RFC) 1392 - i.e. a good programmer  -- crackers on the other hand break systems, see also !piracy21:35
HackerIIplease explain21:35
HackerIII hack ham radios, i expand them beyond what they normally do.21:36
HackerIIany questions ??21:36
jeremy31Illegal in most places21:36
oerheksalso not registered with #freenode, why should we care?21:36
sarnoldI say you, freenode is dead21:36
HackerIII also repair ham, police and commercial radios.21:37
HackerIIoerheks - help a fella out.21:37
oerheksstate your real problem, with a pastebin,not imgur21:38
HackerIII never treated customers like morons - please dont treat me the same.21:38
jhutchinsHackerII: If you get messages at boot, chances are they're just the normal system status mesages.  Do the errors appear to be related to any problems you're having?21:38
HackerIII have errors on boot - no explanation given.21:38
AlexCprovide logs, screenshots, what conditions, what did you do, etc21:38
AlexCotherwise you will never receive help21:39
HackerIIno explanation given21:39
AlexCwe can't help than21:39
jhutchinsHackerII: WHAT errors?21:39
oerhekssorry; explain: there are serious things going on worldwide, just take a breathe an try to explain what you see21:39
HackerIIit just says "report error" no explanation21:40
oerheksdpaste is sage21:40
jhutchinsoerheks: Link?21:40
sarnoldHackerII: hit the 'report error' button and be done with it21:40
HackerIIi did 1k times21:40
oerhekspress to send report21:40
AlexCdoes the system works at all?21:41
oerheksthen we all can readl;    xdg-open https://errors.ubuntu.com/user/`sudo cat /var/lib/whoopsie/whoopsie-id`21:41
AlexCbooted into the DE?21:41
sarnoldyay oerheks with the magic url ;)21:41
AlexClooks what21:41
HackerIIhecks LOL21:42
HackerIIfix my sht you wanna beez  lol21:43
oerheksif you use kali, good luck 😂21:44
HackerIIdont make me convert 2 suse and make gun of you over fakebook21:44
jeremy31HackerII: behave, we are volunteers here21:44
AlexCyou can fix ur shit what you clearly don't understand how to, so go back to windows21:44
oerheksstupid script kiddos21:44
AlexCnah, just trolls21:44
HackerIII remember over 2k people here getting help - now - all they do is eat pizza when you ask.21:45
jhutchins!ops HackerII seems to be trolling for a boot.21:45
ubottujhutchins: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:45
jhutchinsStupid bot.21:45
AlexCwe're still giving help for free.21:45
HackerII!ubotu ban help21:46
AlexCbut you clearly did not gave us enough information to be able to help21:46
AlexCand you have not payed for premium either21:46
HackerIIsouth africa is under war - that being said - ubuntu is prolly done.21:46
AlexChave a good one.21:47
HackerIIubuntu has back doors21:47
HackerIImicroshaft taught them21:48
plastikmanWhy are you trollin in here?21:48
HackerIIi experienced it21:48
HackerIIseveral times21:49
AlexCso what21:49
AlexCprobably everybody else here did21:49
HackerIIAlexC:  loves back doors21:49
AlexCand? is that your problem?21:49
HackerIIno its yours, relax21:50
plastikmanlol gotem21:50
geniiStay civil and on topic please, people21:50
oerheksi want to know the shortcut to latest snaps updated21:55
oerheksto bookmark *21:55
=== lightweight is now known as yellowbird
oerheksi offer a free coffee meet &great in NL21:58
oerheksex trip plane/bus21:58
oerheksoke, this is offtopic21:58
=== shaggysi1 is now known as shaggysi0
Tyler1240Hello I’m unsure of how this works but I need help from somebody more knowledgable in Linux as I need to get this computer back to somebody. The issue, initially, was that I needed to reinstall Ubuntu onto this computer because it was having a slow boot. It was version 20.04.4 and thats what I’m trying to install, with a USB drive. Instead of22:08
Tyler1240reinstalling I tried fixing the issue by playing around with files, discovered the file system was elaborately screwed… and at this point, the only thing that I can see upon booting is a GNU Grub terminal version 2.04… but I’m unable to type anything. It also has in the middle of the screen “DELL” logo which seems very unusual to see22:08
Tyler1240both. I have no idea where to go from here because I can’t even access any menus or type commands.22:08
`oerheksim back22:10
`oerheksive got the hook-up22:11
Tyler1240Hi oarheks22:11
=== `oerheks is now known as HackerII
Tyler1240is linux help available here?22:12
HackerIIno- be on your way22:12
HackerIIthey cant even help me with a simple eror22:12
Tyler1240oh, seriously22:12
HackerIIpizza goblers22:12
Tyler1240ive just wasted my time22:13
Tyler1240LOL thanks anyway22:13
jeremy31Tyler1240: stick around22:13
HackerIIubuntu has been taken over by chyna22:13
HackerIItrump was right22:13
jeremy31genii: still around?22:13
Tyler1240alright ill stick around jeremy22:13
HackerIIgenii is a troll - but - I remember when genii wasnt22:14
jeremy31Tyler1240: there is also support at ubuntuforums.org and askubuntu.com22:14
geniiMaybe I still am22:14
Tyler1240Thanks jeremy i took that guy for his word but it became clear he was a troll22:15
jeremy31Tyler1240: is the keyboard external?22:16
Tyler1240Yes. Usb. And I just thought of this as well, i have it plugged into one monitor where i have windows running at the same time should I try shutting that off?22:17
geniiTrying to get rid of them today is likely a whack a mole game but if they return I guess see if I'm still around22:17
jeremy31Tyler1240: I am trying to think of why you can't type at grub terminal, anything could help22:18
Tyler1240No im actually an idiot because the keyboard isnt even plugged into the tower22:19
jeremy31Tyler1240: I like simple fixes22:20
Tyler1240jeremy31 I can type now SMH. And thank you so much for your helpz obviously at this point the OS is still screwed… uh would you know how I can get into BIOS so i can boot of my USB?22:21
jeremy31Tyler1240: that depends on the computer, maybe del or F1 at boot22:23
Tyler1240jeremy31 you are a godsend, f12 did the trick. YOURE THE BEST22:25
yellowbird^ this is actually xmetal22:25
yellowbirdthank xmetal22:25
Tyler1240Thanks xmetal ;)22:27
yellowbird^ good job ;)22:27
`oerheksI AM the man22:28
`oerhekshey, lotus, why do you quit jobs in mid air ?22:29
`oerheksyou did me that way the other day22:29
Tyler1240Somebody call genii lol22:29
`oerheksgenII was great 15 yrs ago, genII turned hit-man.22:30
`oerheksboot me genII22:30
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant22:30
Tyler124015 years ago, i suppose you have some history?22:31
Tyler1240Alright thanks jeremy! peace out!22:31
yellowbirdThanks to this chat, for indulging my paranoia.22:35
yellowbirdOn a side note -- I have heard from reputable sources, that using older computer hardware may provide additional support and protections against modern hacking regimens. Is this true?22:39
yellowbirdLike for example, priot to Hyperthreading. And or CPU's that do not include it - so as to minimize potential Spectre / Meltdown exploits.22:40
yellowbirdprior to*22:40
yellowbirdI know Linux is vulnerable to such exploits.22:40
mybalzitchdunno where to discuss this, probably nowhere. Anyone have issues with cpu freq control on 22.04 when running 6.3.13 on an epyc with amd_pstate=passive ?22:44
loswedsededIs ip link set eth0 up the same as ifconfig eth0 up?22:50
loswedsededwhen did you guys stopped using ifconfig? I now realize it's been deprecated23:04
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elthat change was yeeeeeeears ago im pretty sure23:17
sarnoldloswedseded: I switched to ip somewhere around 2003 or so, I wanted to have multiple IP addresses on one interface without using interface aliases..23:28
loswedsededwoohoo, im so disconnected23:35
loswedsededip is 20 years old??23:35
loswedsededom not s clever man23:36
elidk if they were aliased for a time or not23:37
sarnoldloswedseded: ifconfig was deprecated and replaced with iproute2 somewhere around 2000, I was stubborn for a while :)23:44
loswedsededif any of you knows why some random mac addresses return '[ERROR] Could not change MAC: interface up or insufficient permissions: Cannot assign requested address, reason unknown' and others work flawlessly (just changing a digit), let me know why macchanger reacts like this23:55
jeremy31loswedseded: might need sudo or the driver doesn't allow MAC change23:57
loswedsededit's sudoed23:57
jeremy31loswedseded: did you set interface down?23:58

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