
Unit193bluesabre: newhoa has a great point!00:09
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
bluesabreUnit193, newhoa: Good call! I’ll tag releases for elementary-xfce and Greybird in the next day or two and get them uploaded.03:01
Unit193If Debian #1037385 can be fixed, all the better.03:02
-ubottu:#xubuntu-devel- Debian bug 1037385 in elementary-xfce-icon-theme "elementary-xfce-icon-theme: gnome-netstatus-idle.png is missing in status/48" [Normal, Open] https://bugs.debian.org/103738503:02
Unit193bluesabre: You've got a thunar and xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin incoming.05:37
bluesabreochosi: Hope you don't mind! With those releases tagged, I'll work on debian packaging tonight/tomorrow.11:30
newhoabluesabre: Thanks for the icon merges and release!12:55

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