=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [02:30] I am trying my hands at different distro's ,and have come to realize that some do not work with my wifi card by default? Is that just a drivers issue? [02:31] Likely, but check lspci to see what you're running with. [02:31] * Unit193 waits to find out it is broadcom. [02:32] ^ thankx [02:34] "Intel Corporation Wi-Fi 6 AX201 (Rev 20) [02:34] Is that pertinent information for when and if my wifi doesn't work? [02:34] 'non-free firmware' [02:35] !info firmware-iwlwifi [02:35] Package firmware-iwlwifi does not exist in lunar [02:35] >_> [02:38] sorry if this is a noob question, but do you mean to say, that in order to install drivers (if wifi is not working), would be by enabling "non-free firmeware" for updates? [02:38] No, it's a "non-free" firmware so some distros don't ship them by default. [02:38] ah ok [02:39] Would that be remedied in time, if someone were to develop drivers and include them in the distro? [02:40] Intel G11 is old now, 2020. I am surprised they don't have drivers yet for some Linux based distros. [03:00] Unit193: can I PM you? [03:01] If it's about Xubuntu, it's best to ask support questions in channel. [03:33] It was actually about something else, related to someone spoofing my identity on another server. I just wanted to warn you. [03:33] Is that common? For Cyberbully's and whatever else, to spoof one's identity, so as to tarnish their reputation and have them banned? [04:03] hyphenU: Not really the channel for that one, but if you aren't using it and you didn't register it, then it's not really your nick. :) [04:06] ok [04:07] Nevermind, the person who is mimicking my old username is smart as F it seems. [04:07] I'll allow them to pretend. lol [10:38] nada [11:38] I have a large Temp folder where I land all the temp failes, images I save etc. It has like 16Gigs 1316 files and folders in Temp folder . [11:39] And sometimes when I open it in Thunar, or start sometnihg from that forlde rin Thunar, Thunar seems to be crashing [13:08] Hello. I am using a Xubuntu 23.04 VM with latest updates, to which I connect via SPICE protocol. It seems that Thunar is crashing the entire desktop very often when I copy/delete files. I am getting back at the login screen where I have to type my password, and all my programs are closed. I have to re-open everything. This seems to be happening only via SPICE protocol, not via NoVNC. Is this a known issue? I have tried searching for some reported [13:08] bugs about this but I found nothing. === lightweight is now known as yellowbird