
BluesKajHi all12:33
RikMillssanta_: I am building frameworks 5.110.0 in experimental ppa18:05
RikMillsthere because we have already done one fw FFE, so not sure about a 2nd18:06
RikMillsand I know a lot of people who should not intsall from staging-frameworks18:06
RikMillsso in experimental ppa until we have to to have a think about it18:08
RikMillshope that is ok18:08
RikMillslet me know your opinions if you have a different take18:09
mparilloIs KDE Frameworks the last upgrade expected for MM before the Beta later this month?18:11
mparilloThanks. Hoping not to take too many passes to complete https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ManticMinotaur/Beta/Kubuntu18:19
valorielooks good, mparillo! Thank you for doing that18:25
valorieI didn't realize that pipewire is now in and PA is going away18:25
valoriedoes that happen automagically?18:26
mparilloFor me using the daily ISO, and updating, it was automagic.21:09
mparilloapt list --installed | grep -i pipewire | wc -l 21:09
mparilloReturns 1121:09

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