[07:39] oh when will launchpad support web dark mode feature? [07:40] it's the CSS prefers-color-scheme thing https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@media/prefers-color-scheme [07:42] I hope that one day all sites support it and then I can set up my laptop to actually use a bright theme in bright lighting which is so much easier to read (but it's just too bright for normal office lighting) === nesda is now known as ialmeida [10:04] juliank there is a feature request for it (https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/1966996) but it was never a priority. Feel free to cilck on "this bug affects me" to bump its bug heat [10:04] -ubottu:#launchpad- Launchpad bug 1966996 in Launchpad itself "[Feature] Dark mode" [Low, Triaged] [10:06] ialmeida: yeah, it's just easier these days with the css media feature vs having to override in js in the old days :) [11:33] anyone else experiencing uploads to ppa.launchpad.net stalling? or just me? [11:33] tried FTP and SFTP, VPN and no VPN [11:51] ppa upload just worked for me [16:49] uploads to ppa.launchpad.net flying for me now