
newhoa_When updating the `ubiquity` icon in the icon theme, it made me want a more Xubuntu-themed installer icon. Is there any way to set a custom icon for Xubuntu installer?03:04
newhoa_Here are a few styles I played with: https://github.com/shimmerproject/elementary-xfce/assets/1984060/37274ded-17a4-40cd-801f-d7aacd4b1a5a03:05
bluesabreOh my goodness.03:05
Unit193Hmm.  That could be made slightly more generic and used with calamares too, maybe?  Aka, not the Xubuntu mouse but the Xfce mouse? :D03:06
Unit193unit193@Loki:~$  apt-file list calamares|grep -e desktop -e icon03:07
Unit193calamares: /usr/share/applications/calamares.desktop03:07
Unit193calamares: /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/calamares.svg03:07
bluesabreWe could probably do some alternates in the debian packaging since Xubuntu is the only thing in Debian/Ubuntu that uses ubiquity and elementary-xfce.03:08
bluesabreUnit193: it always feels like there should be more... but I think greybird is ready? https://salsa.debian.org/desktop-themes-team/greybird-gtk-theme/-/tree/debian/master?ref_type=heads03:09
bluesabreI can also nag jbicha for the upload instead.03:09
Unit193Dang even Corsac is an uploader...03:14
Unit193bluesabre: ...I was thinking selfishly here, I like his installer icons.03:14
bluesabreSame here. They look fantastic.03:17
newhoa_I guess just adding them to elementary-xfce as `ubiquity` and `calamares` would be good enough as long as no other distro/DE uses elementary-xfce by default?03:17
newhoa_Ah thanks.03:17
bluesabreUnit193: elementary-xfce is also ready, if you want to sponsor: https://salsa.debian.org/xfce-extras-team/elementary-xfce03:26
bluesabreIf not, let me know and I'll ping folks :)03:27
bluesabreI do think https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1037385 is resolved with the latest elementary-xfce...03:32
-ubottu:#xubuntu-devel- Debian bug 1037385 in elementary-xfce-icon-theme "elementary-xfce-icon-theme: gnome-netstatus-idle.png is missing in status/48" [Normal, Open]03:32
bluesabrenewhoa: was gnome-netstatus-idle one of the icons that get deprecated and deleted?03:32
bluesabre(in your cleanups)03:32
Unit193I for sure can do the latter.03:34
Unit193bluesabre: Doesn't look like you did the git push --all, is git push --tags missing?03:35
Unit193gbp:info: Updating 'master': 7979bda8be71..7709d2c6435203:35
Unit193gbp:info: Branch 'upstream' is already up to date.03:35
Unit193gbp:info: Branch 'pristine-tar' is already up to date.03:35
bluesabreAh, shoot. I thought gbp took care of that for me.03:37
bluesabreSeemingly, it does for greybird but not elementary-xfce.03:37
bluesabreEverything pushed up now!03:37
Unit193gbp push?03:38
bluesabreOr rather... gbp push --pristine-tar ... handles pristine-tar and upstream03:39
newhoa_Oh yeah, sorry, meant to comment on that bug. Yeah, all gnome- prefixed icons were removed. I did report that upstream a while back: https://github.com/lxde/lxpanel/issues/5903:42
-ubottu:#xubuntu-devel- Issue 59 in lxde/lxpanel "netstatus could use updated icon names" [Open]03:42
bluesabreNice. I'll close that debian bug out then.03:43
newhoa_I guess they could be re-added if you all would prefer but the icons were deprecated and removed over a decade ago now so it would be better if it were fixed upstream I think.03:44
Unit193bluesabre: I can do the greybird one if you really want me to, but iirc I can't push to the git repo?03:44
Unit193newhoa_: I only want the bug closed, though some of the icons there and some not seems broken.  All or nothing (which you went for nothing, which works!)03:44
newhoa_Lol. Well, the gtk-preferences icons mentioned in the second comment were all fixed.03:45
Unit193No, I do have git access, OK..03:45
Unit193Sounds good!03:45
bluesabreJust pushed the update to make elementary-xfce close that.03:47
Unit193Hrm, can you do that differently?  Normally bugs closed with upstream changes note the change.  The style you've got there is normally for 'Please fetch the new upstream' reports. :303:48
Unit193Aka, "Drop deprecated gnome-* icons. (Closes: #123495)03:48
bluesabreSure thing :)03:49
Unit193Dang, some svgs are +x.  I'll just ignore that. :P03:50
Unit193W: elementary-xfce-icon-theme: executable-not-elf-or-script [usr/share/icons/elementary-xfce/actions/symbolic/view-reader-symbolic.svg]                       03:50
Unit193W: elementary-xfce-icon-theme: executable-not-elf-or-script [usr/share/icons/elementary-xfce/devices/symbolic/computer-laptop-symbolic.svg]                   03:50
Unit193W: elementary-xfce-icon-theme: executable-not-elf-or-script [usr/share/icons/elementary-xfce/devices/symbolic/media-memory-symbolic.svg]                      03:50
Unit193W: elementary-xfce-icon-theme: executable-not-elf-or-script [usr/share/icons/elementary-xfce/mimes/symbolic/application-x-firmware-symbolic.svg]              03:50
Unit193Heh, mantic. :P03:52
Unit193bluesabre: Anything else before I tag and bag?03:53
bluesabreDang. lol03:54
bluesabreNope, go for it!03:54
bluesabreUnit193: Tackled the +x issues before I forgot about them again: https://github.com/shimmerproject/elementary-xfce/pull/39503:56
-ubottu:#xubuntu-devel- Pull 395 in shimmerproject/elementary-xfce "Adjust .svg files from 755 to 644" [Open]03:56
Unit193Dang, you're quick tonight. :303:57
bluesabreGotta make up for disappearing for months+ recently ;)03:58
bluesabreAnyway, time to get away from the computer. Have a good night!03:58
Unit193You as well, if it's half as humid as it is here stay alive. :P03:58
newhoa_Thanks for the help and release you all!04:03
Unit193Thanks for maintaining nice things.04:06
Unit193...Even if I don't exactly use them. >_>04:06
Unit193(Maybe someday I'll upgrade off of 0.12)04:07
bluesabreUnit193: Thanks for the sponsor! I went ahead and synced both packages just now.12:15

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