
lotuspsychjegood morning02:03
lotuspsychjehi barlow 16:39
leftyfb"jayson25" is more than likely a known troll. Please keep an eye on them21:49
jeremy31Which one?21:54
leftyfbJerry101, mosfet, potentially joseph121:59
jeremy31From Alberta, Canada?22:00
leftyfbthe 1st to are from the same subnet from Texas. joseph1 was on a VPN22:01
jeremy31I remember seeing someone a few days ago with a Dallas  Texas IP that I thought was familiar 22:03
leftyfbtoday they joined an immediately posted some nonsense. And then proceeded to "help" someone. But them also stating they "love lefty" is something from one of the more recent trolls22:05
jeremy31Might be the same one on spotchat IRC, he is not a fan of me as I mute him there22:08
jeremy31leftyfb: he is on oftc debian-offtopic as BlueCrayon 23:27
sarnold.. and he's been behaving well enough today that I even wonder if it actually is him23:34
jeremy31Definitely the troll I know23:36

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