[05:49] /help@join_captcha_bot === mahdi_ is now known as mahdi2023 === mahdi2023 is now known as mahdi20239888 === mahdi20239888 is now known as mahdi_ja === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom [11:46] Hi all [15:10] Request: kubuntu packagers, could we please get an up to date version of Vorta for the repo please? The current deb is old and broken. Thanks. [15:33] if you mean in mantic, looks like we have the latest stable release of that (re @Anarchotaoist: Request: kubuntu packagers, could we please get an up to date version of Vorta for the repo please? The current deb is old and broken. Thanks.) [15:49] to get bugs/issues fixed in earlier releases a bug should be reported on launchpad [15:49] though no new features could be introduced [22:58] Thanks @RikMills