
jayson25I have to know: Whats the besr file system for your operating system.00:11
jayson25dont think about it - just tell me.00:12
rboxthere is no "best"00:12
rboxjust different00:12
jayson25you people kick a$$, prove me wrong.00:18
jayson25nite nite00:18
jayson25zoneminder - whats the skinny00:37
jayson25chinas economy is crashing - we all know it - help a fella out00:38
rboxgo troll somewhere else00:39
jayson25um- sorry - im not trolling00:39
sarnoldjayson25: please don't be rude00:41
sarnoldjayson25: if you want to engage in idle chatter, try #ubuntu-offtopic00:41
jayson25telling someone they are trolling is rude - say it aint so.00:41
sarnoldyou haven't really been contributing to this community in a positive way so far00:42
sarnoldperhaps you're just new, perhaps you're trolling. I haven't decided yet.00:42
jayson25sarnold:  get a grip son: I asked a question pertaining to zoneminder00:43
sarnoldyeah, not a *great* question, but at least question. and then starting in on the chinese economy.00:44
jayson25sarnold:  ubuntu is on its way out, and you are part and parcel as to why, stop being a queer ans stop sucking ni99er dick ass hole00:45
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david_johnactully every time i connect , here after few minutes my ip address is getting blocked , what should i do?03:47
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=== Vivek is now known as Guest3271
Guest76i need help with my ubuntu install05:59
Guest76i was running it on my server but accidentally deleted /dev/sda105:59
Guest76i just need to get a postgrs database from the hard drive can i do it without booting it?06:00
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=== TomTom_ is now known as TomTom
Rechysup!  I ran into quite some weird WiFi related problems.08:19
RechyRecently, I upgraded my system (sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt dist-upgrade) while in the process, my kernel also got updated08:20
Rechyhowever, I ran into some problems as I previously manually installed a WiFi driver08:20
Rechynamely:  RTL8188EU08:21
RechySo, I manually removed said driver and the new kernel got installed08:22
Rechyafter rebooting Ubuntu, I was offline without a way to connect via wifi08:22
Rechylcpci tells me, that my wifi adapter uses RLT8188EE  (Note:  EE,  not EU)08:23
RechyPlease somebody help08:24
=== debianero_ is now known as debianero
Siamaster13I'm trying to install ubuntu 20.4.3 but I can't boot from USB09:30
Siamaster13is my computer too old?09:30
Siamaster13I have verified the iso09:30
Siamaster13I gets stuck after I press "try or install ubuntu" Or "ubuntu (safe graphics)"09:30
Siamaster13stuck at black screen with a blinking underscore09:31
cbreaknot sure if this is still current, but nomodset might help if the problem you have is with graphics: https://askubuntu.com/tags/nomodeset/info09:34
cbreakalso, removing quiet and splash might make diagnosing issues easier09:34
Siamaster13Oh, that looks great. I read about nomodset, thought it was probably an option in my BIOS that I didn't have09:37
Siamaster13didn't know about the grub window09:37
Siamaster13Going to try that :D09:37
cbreakit's a kernel boot parameter09:38
drewhow much storage is required to build the kernel? I have a VM with ubuntu in it that I am trying to use to build 5.15 and so far 24G is not enough space11:22
jeremy31drew: why compile a kernel?11:41
drewI am trying to add patches from a mailing list11:45
BluesKajHi all11:46
jeremy31drew, what module?11:48
jeremy31drew I would try kernel 6.2 first if you have 22.0411:49
drewI was tasked with applying the patches to 5.15. I am really just looking for a storage size estimate11:54
jeremy31drew: No clue on how much space is needed for an entire kernel now11:57
drewalright, thanks anyway11:57
jeremy31I would look at iwlwifi-backports as they would work in 5.1511:58
jeremy31git clone https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/iwlwifi/backport-iwlwifi.git11:59
jeremy31More info at https://askubuntu.com/a/1046682/11:59
BeladonaAny clue why the vbox guest is crashing?  https://pastebin.mozilla.org/FLuSEUMA13:10
hermanoI have a  motherboared "Gigabyte B760 Gaming X AX DDR4" and graphic card "ASUS GeForce RTX 3060 8GB DUAL OC". I cannot get the external card to work even if I can entered BIOS and tested variations of Initial display output (IGFX, PCIe 1 Slot) and Internal graphics (auto, disabled, enabled). I have 2 monitors and only setup that works13:19
hermanois to connect the 2 monitors to the integrated graphic card. Do I need to adjust something in linux, BIOS settings to make it work so I can move the monitor cables to the external graphic card?13:19
leftyfbhermano: if the external card isn't working at all even in the BIOS, then the issue is with your hardware, not the OS13:21
hermanoleftyfb, The BIOS seems to detect that there is a graphical card in "PCIe 1 slot" so BIOS seems aware with the card at least.13:23
leftyfbhermano: I would try #hardware13:23
hermanoFair enough.13:24
iomari891greetings, I'm having trouble install postgresql on 22.04. After importing the keys and adding the repo, I'm getting "Skip to content13:25
iomari891Radish Logic13:25
iomari891Developer Blog13:25
iomari891Contact Us13:25
iomari891$ psql --version13:27
iomari891Installed PostgreSQL version13:28
iomari8911.4 Verify if PostgreSQL is running13:28
iomari891CREATE SCHEMA [SchemaName] AUTHORIZATION [Username];13:29
iomari891Note: Before PostgreSQL 15, the public schema is accessible to any user by default. But starting PostgreSQL 15, they disallow default access to the public schema due to security risks.13:29
iomari891This step to create a schema and authorize the user to use it is necessary since we are using PostgreSQL 15.13:29
iomari8912.7 Exit psql13:29
Holubwhat is this14:31
Holubwhat is this app14:32
Holub 14:32
Holub 14:32
Holub 14:32
Holub 14:32
Holub 14:32
Holub 14:32
jeremy31Holub Ubuntu support chat14:32
Holubi can not run qterminal, when i run it nothing happen.14:53
Holubplease help14:54
=== black is now known as scottpedia
hermanoI changed the graphic drivers in ubuntu 22.04 to nvidia since I wanted to get my external graphic card working. Now I do not get linux GUI working. Is there a way of reverting the selection to nvidia?17:20
meowchowIs there an off topic thread somewhere17:20
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:22
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:26
=== sig is now known as bebop
Guest32i have problems to run factorio at steam17:34
Guest32it ever says: "Couldn't create lock file /home/user/.factorio/.lock"17:34
Guest32"Permission denied"17:36
leftyfbGuest32: mkdir ~/.factorio 2>/dev/null && sleep 1 ; sudo chown -R user ~/.factorio   # make sure to replace "user" with your username17:40
lotuspsychjehermano: are you on wayland or xorg?17:42
Guest32it exist already .factorio17:42
Guest32and owner is already my user17:42
leftyfbGuest32: then contact factorio or steam for support17:42
Guest32i can cd into .factorio17:42
Guest32and can create lock with touch lock17:43
Guest32i don't understand that17:43
alchemist__Guest32: depends on which user spwans the process17:45
alchemist__if there is some strange user spawning that process due to some specialities it wont be able to access the folder in your homedir, thats what could happen17:45
hermanolotuspsychje, not sure, I assume xorg since I did a default installation without any changes.17:46
Guest32but how can i fix it?17:46
lotuspsychjehermano: default 22.04 boots into wayland, wich nvidia graphics dont like17:47
Guest32it is a fresh installed 22.0417:48
hermanolotuspsychje, ok so I did change from noveau to nvidia and now my computer does not load linux OS GUI. Is there a way of revert my change, back to noveau?17:48
Guest32alchemist__, any idea how i can fix it?17:50
lotuspsychjehermano: sudo apt purge nvidia*17:50
hermanolotuspsychje, but I do not get to linux. The BIOS logo just hangs forever.17:51
hermanoI can reach grub, though.17:51
alchemist__Guest32: really depends if the process just crashed or if it halts, the only thing I can imagine is, to see in htop/top/ps aux with which user this process is invoked and then you know if my theory is correct or not17:51
lotuspsychjehermano: boot into recoverymode from grub17:51
lotuspsychjehermano: then drop to a rootshell with networking enabled17:53
meowchowhello there17:54
hermanolotuspsychje, now i am in root shell with network..17:54
Guest32steam runs with 'steam -no-cef-sandbox' at my user17:55
lotuspsychjehermano: sudo apt purge nvidia*17:55
hermanoand then reboot?17:55
lotuspsychjehermano: after it uninstalled, yes17:55
hermanolotuspsychje, did not solve the graphic issue, i will check also BIOS settings.17:57
alchemist__Guest32: whats the ls -lia output for the file? What permissions does it have? It might be owned by you, but are the permissions set appropiatley?17:58
Guest32alchemist__: when i run the command in user shell the game starts18:00
lotuspsychjehermano: make sure fastboot and secureboot are disabled, and you are booting into xorg18:00
alchemist__Guest32: forgive me if already answered, but have you tried deleting the lock first and let it recreate by the software?18:00
alchemist__OK then I need to bail out I don't know how to help you there sadly :(18:02
Guest32but the steam integration works smoothly18:03
Guest32Which is the strange thing, i.e. just starting the game from Steam doesn't work18:03
hermanolotuspsychje, fast boot and secure boot both disabled. Still cannot get linux OS to show graphics.18:04
lotuspsychjehermano: can you : sudo lshw -C video | nc termbin.com 9999   from your recoverymode/rootshell18:05
hermanoname or service not known.18:08
lotuspsychjegot networking enabled hermano ?18:08
hermanoyes, and enabled it again now.18:09
hermanowill try again.18:09
hermanolotuspsychje, no do not get network. I think my problem can be solved by reinstalling linux OS and make sure to select "install 3rd party drivers" but I wanted to avoid a reinstall.18:20
lotuspsychjehermano: you should be able to trugger; sudo lshw -C video from that rootshell right18:20
lotuspsychjethat will tell you current driver=...here18:21
hermanoi can trigger: sudo lshw -C video, but not with the "nc termbin.com 9999"18:25
lotuspsychjehermano: yes, tell us what you see behind the line; driver=18:25
hermanolotuspsychje, if it says nvidia, do i need to do the purge again?18:26
hermanolotuspsychje, there is not line with exact "driver="18:27
lotuspsychjehermano: do you see 'unclaimed' somewhere?18:27
hermanoyes, it says "unclaimed". There are 3 blocks and 2 of them says unclaimed.18:28
hermanoWhen i did purge nvidia, it says nvidia is not installed so not removed.18:28
lotuspsychjehermano: so thats your issue, you driver didnt install properly, neither nvidia or nouveau18:30
hermanoah ok.18:31
hermanoi can do ubuntu-drivers devices18:31
hermanoand see list with both nvidia and noveau18:31
hermanolotuspsychje, i did a purge of nvidia drivers and installed noveau. but still with your suggested command, it says unclaimed.18:39
lotuspsychjehermano: normaly when purging nvidia you fall back to nouveau18:40
hermanolotuspsychje, so maybe all is fine but just need a reboot.18:40
lotuspsychjehermano: but some cases driver load at boot might get wrong18:40
lotuspsychjealways need a reboot after driver switch18:41
oerheksFor what nvidia card?18:41
hermano"ASUS GeForce RTX 3060 8GB DUAL OC"18:41
oerheksoke after reboot with nouveau, go wild with ubuntu-drivers autoinstall18:44
oerheksit needs 460 as minimum18:44
hermanoubuntu-drivers install does not work.18:46
oerheksdoes not work .. it can take some time yes; or what error do you get?18:48
hermanooerheks, It took some time, there was some errors but now i am in linux GUI. Hope to check the drivers from here.18:48
oerheksoh now you are in what linux exactly?18:49
* oerheks is confused18:50
hermanoyep, its back to noveau. Now the problem is that I would need to user nvidia to get my external graphic card working. but seems when i tried nvidia 535, i ended up in the problem with no drivers working at all.18:50
hermanooerheks, in the GUI of ubuntu 22.04.18:50
oerhekschoose 1 version lower, 525 or 47018:53
hermanooerheks, how do i get in previous versions? Do i download them and the will show up in "Software & Updates"?18:55
oerheksjust run the drivers gui in updates, it shows available driver, and nouveau. like you did on comandline?18:56
cbreakthey should show up in sudo software-properties-qt, or sudo software-properties-gtk or something like that18:56
cbreak(depending on your flavor of ubuntu)18:56
oerheksalso;  if that nvidia physically is external, not sure but i found this answer https://askubuntu.com/questions/1409283/ubuntu-22-04-cannot-use-external-nvidia-gpu-to-render-application-on-laptop-wi18:56
peacefulpirateHello! I have a question about booting with UEFI. Is there a difference between GRUB and the OS loader as specified in the UEFI Specification?18:58
oerheksgrub works fine with UEFI, AFAIK19:02
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI19:02
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub219:02
peacefulpirateThanks for the response. Yeah GRUB works with UEFI. I'm more trying to figure out whether the Ubuntu OS loader is something different. And if so where is located19:03
cbreakpeacefulpirate: ubuntu's primary kernel is loaded by the stuff on the initrd19:05
cbreakhm... actually, not sure if doesn't just use the kernel on the initrd directly19:06
peacefulpirateIs it the OS loader that initializes initrd after preboot initialized the firmware?19:06
peacefulpirateYeah that's kinda what I try to figure out19:06
cbreakgrub boots to the initrd.19:07
peacefulpirateHmm, so firmware init -> shim -> grub -> kernel loading?19:07
cbreakI'm not booting with grub, I use something called zfsbootmenu. It's an efi executable linux kernel that's booted to by the firmware or refind, and which then kexecs the kernel and the initrd via kexec19:08
bigshoti have dual boot with 11 and ubuntu, i can connect to different wifi but not the same wifi as windows 11!!19:08
cbreakafter that, the ubuntu boot process seems to continue as it did with grub19:08
peacefulpirateHmm interesting, I'll check it19:09
mybalzitchbigshot: is this a wifi 6E or something hotspot?19:12
bigshotwifi 2.4ghz19:12
bigshotmybalzitch, i cannot connect to same router that windows 11 connects to19:13
mybalzitchWPA2? WPA3?19:14
mybalzitchdoes the access point show up under linux?19:15
bigshotbut it keeps on asking for password19:16
bigshoti cannot connect to the *same* router windows 11 connects to19:16
bigshoti am on dual boot ubuntu+windows1119:16
mybalzitchand you know for sure with 100% certainty the password you're entering under windows is the same password you're using in linux ?19:17
=== Szadek44 is now known as Szadek
mybalzitchwhat kind of wifi card, do you know?19:21
bigshotIntel Corporation Cannon Point-LP CNVi [Wireless-AC] (rev 30)19:21
mybalzitchsome people seem grumpy with that card under linux19:23
mybalzitchwhat version of ubuntu are you on, 22.04 ?19:24
bigshotmybalzitch, i need some other wifi tool to connect19:24
bigshotdefault gnome fails to connect19:24
mybalzitchyou could try the hwe kernel19:26
bigshothow what is it?19:26
bigshotmybalzitch, it is not a kernel issue, it is "Network manager" issue19:26
toddclspci -vvnn | grep -A 9 Network19:26
mybalzitchso if you use iwconfig from the cli it works?19:27
bigshottoddc, Kernel driver in use: iwlwifi19:27
bigshotKernel modules: iwlwifi19:27
toddcbigshot: looking for chip info to verify corect driver first19:28
marek443214321maybe somebody know here, does Canon supports ubuntu when it comes to printers?19:35
oerhekssome canon models do, check openprinting.org19:36
marek443214321oerheks, thanks for that link19:37
marek443214321didn't know that19:37
marek443214321ehh, need to search my printer model there19:39
Bomboi'm (still) using focal, trying to update nvidia drivers: apt install nvidia-driver-535, but i get The following packages have unmet dependencies: nvidia-driver-535 : Depends: libnvidia-gl-535 (= 535.86.05-0ubuntu0.20.04.2) but it is not going to be installed and some more of that19:43
Bombois nvidia-driver-535 broken or did i do something wrong?19:44
Bombo(nvidia-driver-525 is installed and runing)19:45
=== jean-loups_ is now known as jean-loups
XXXtacEEEhello all. i have a question about the config with coTURN, would this be the correct channel for help with coTURN?20:53
jsmoothI just installed Ubuntu onto a USB drive, but upon restarting, I got grub command-line. PC setup has Ubuntu as a boot option, but there is no other boot menu.23:24
XXXtacEEEyes boot ubuntu23:27
XXXtacEEEdid it book into ubuntu?23:27
jsmoothIt was a grub shell, so I'm guessing no.23:29

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