
=== xubuntu is now known as akathisia
=== akathisia is now known as Unihorn
=== Unihorn is now known as akathisia22
Andre_209Hello everything is fine? I need help with partitioning. So, I'm wanting to replace Linux Mint Cinnamon with Xubuntu but I don't know how to do the partitioning.15:26
Andre_209I'm using Windows 8.1 together with Mint and I'm afraid of doing something wrong. The only thing I want is to exchange Linux Mint for Xubuntu without harming Windows. Even though I have already made a backup of the15:26
Andre_209Windows files, I didn't want to lose mine by corrupting it, you know.15:26
Andre_209Please help me! (sorry for my English!)15:26
xanguaDid you manually do the partition when you installed Mint? Andre_209 15:37
xanguaA / and a /home separate partition I assume15:41
Andre_209I didn't separate15:44
xanguaThen backup your files in Mint, if you have something important there, and just select in the Xubuntu installer to replace your Mint installation15:47
Andre_209I don't have anything important in Linux Mint15:48
Andre_209The problem I have is when partitioning, because I don't know how to do it15:49
Andre_209Just put / above the Mint partition?15:50
xanguaAre you the one who installed Mint in this computer? Andre_209 15:52
xangua"put / above the Mint partition" in the installer did you select the option to "reinstall Xubuntu" or the "something else"?15:54
xanguaYes you can put everything under /15:55
Andre_209Do you need to separate /boot?15:56
Andre_209xangua "something else"15:57
Andre_209because I have Windows installed on my computer15:57
xanguaI just use separate / and /home partition, no you don't need to Andre_209 15:58
=== katze is now known as Guest4957
Andre_209my computer turned off16:08
Andre_209But, where do you need to put /boot?16:09
diogenes_Vx15Andre_209, you only need a separate /boot if you use encryption.16:12
Andre_209So just put the / on top of the Mint partition?16:15
Andre_209and create a swap?16:15
diogenes_Vx15what Mint partition? I don't know the whole story i've just joined/16:16
Andre_209I have Linux Mint and Windows on my computer and I want to exchange Mint for Xubuntu16:20
diogenes_Vx15Andre_209, do you have any important data on that Mint install?16:21
Andre_209I don't have that much experience in Linux. In fact, my knowledge is almost zero. That's why I'm asking for help with partitioning16:22
Andre_209Sorry if I said something wrong16:22
Andre_209diogenes_Vx15 no16:22
diogenes_Vx15how was Mint installed on that PC? or rather who installed it/?16:23
Andre_209I installed it16:24
diogenes_Vx15so you have some experience hence it's not zero.16:24
Andre_209I think so16:25
diogenes_Vx15ok then what system are you now on?16:26
Andre_209Linux Mint Cinnamon to be more exact16:27
diogenes_Vx15ok open a terminal and run: lsblk | nc termbin.com 999916:27
diogenes_Vx15you will get and url in the terminal, share it with us.16:28

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