
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
enycreferred to DEsktop team from #ubuntu-next13:56
enycI can go find where the source exactly is, *but*13:58
enycI'd really appreciate somebody in Desktop Team,  help package up something equivalent to   pop-default-settings-zram  as an optional installable package for Ubuntu Mantic13:58
enycSystem76's well optimized script to set up zram atop ubuntu base,  in a way that is not detrimental to performance, and benefits a huge portion of users.13:59
enycOSX and W**ndows have had this for some time now, and Fedora and Pop!_OS have too13:59
enycaiui The Mantic "release iso" is frozen but this is a different matter, and a good time to ask non-LTS users to test this out  if we make it an easy-install optional-package14:00
enycI'd expect this to be relatively straightforwards,  but interested to know!14:00
enycOne description:  https://github.com/pop-os/default-settings/pull/16314:01
-ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Pull 163 in pop-os/default-settings "Auto-configure zram with optimal settings" [Merged]14:01
enycrelated;  https://github.com/CryoByte33/steam-deck-utilities/issues/8514:01
-ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Issue 85 in CryoByte33/steam-deck-utilities "[Enhancement] Ability to run on all Linux distributions" [Closed]14:01
enyc oh or maybe not14:02
enycbut you get idea14:02
enycNB: we already have  zram-tools  and zram-generator  options but not as optimized as their script14:12
enycIndeed: what other pop-os-optimizations may be helpful to try in ubuntu more generally.14:30

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