=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [11:32] Whats' the right place to bung in development investigational suggesions ? [11:32] .. Definitely of the view that something like System76's pop-os Zram setup Script or full blown zram-generator needs serious investigation for ubuntu [11:33] essentially zramswap has considerable benefit for majority of users and if set suitably not a detriment, reduces SSD wear and swapping and increases speed. In my experience on old and new machines alike. [11:34] fedora and pop!_os (and indeed osx and w**dows) have this already aiui [11:36] in short even just installing zram-tools package out the box has a conservative default in /etc/default/zramswap [11:37] Ubuntu really needs to question things like this for default install [11:37] p.s. how is Wayland in ubuntu improving, what are the snags, etc? [13:05] enyc, Ubuntu mantic has had past a number of freeze points already (feature, UI); so it's too late for mantic [13:05] I'd assume Ubuntu Community Hub/discourse; eg. https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/replacing-shotwell-as-photo-manager-and-editor/3635 [13:51] guiverc: at what point would it be too-late to provide an extra mantic installable package with equivalent of downstream system76 zram script in it, and encourage people to test it [but not provide it by default] ? [13:52] if it's in a package not included on ISO, it's not too late. the freeze(s) (& not all have past/hit) relates to packages included on released ISO [13:53] guiverc: do you know people (or teams) better-involved in processes who could be asked to make a trivial package in that regard? [13:53] alas IRL messes of many at the moment myself [13:56] developers are the people to really know (I'm not a developer sorry!)... If it's to be on installed Ubuntu Desktop the desktop team make sense; however if it's optional & thus a 'universe' or community package; MOTUs maybe.. For flavor packages, they each have their own teams (& most include MOTUs (or better/CoreDev) anyway I'd bet) [13:56] guiverc: AHA good point thaknyou! [14:02] * guiverc clarifies: by "if it's to be on installed Ubuntu Desktop" - I meant on the ISO itself; where feature freeze has already happened... [14:09] guiverc: yes, that makes sense.