[00:02] I am booted into the Ubuntu live cd and I'm trying to install some basic stuff like emacs-nox or gnome-tweaks, but I get "E: Unable to locate package emacs-nox" [00:03] !info emacs-nox [00:03] emacs-nox (1:28.2+1-13ubuntu3, lunar): GNU Emacs editor (without GUI support). In component universe, is optional. Built by emacs. Size 6,307 kB / 33,865 kB [00:03] wich ubuntu release are you on drew [00:04] My sources.list has "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jammy main restricted" which I thought would be enough [00:04] lotuspsychje: 22.04 [00:04] package shows in universe [00:05] so I should add universe after restricted? [00:07] drew: the repo you showed is main, you need universe for the package you want [00:07] !info gnome-tweaks [00:07] gnome-tweaks (42~beta-4, lunar): tool to adjust advanced configuration settings for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Built by gnome-tweaks. Size 59 kB / 412 kB [00:08] same for this^ [00:19] test [00:21] test [00:21] it works, we see you kotgc [00:24] lotuspsychje, thanks, irc wasn't joining other channels, seems I need to identify, eventhough I could post on this channel :-) [00:26] I've been trying to setup remote access, but Ubuntu remote access turned on won't let the phone connect in. [00:26] Now I'm trying OpenVPN on my pfSense vm router, but same issue. [00:27] I port forwared 5900 and 1194. [00:29] kotgc: nmap -sV -PN to your ip that you want remote access to, to see wich ports are open or not [00:35] lotuspsychje, https://dpaste.org/FtaUR I ran the commaned from this local machine, but I want to remote in from my phone (client) to this computer (host). [00:35] Nmap says ports 5900 and 1194 aren't closed. [00:36] kotgc: you need to scan from outside to your machine you want remote in [00:37] local scans gives different results [00:37] lotuspsychje, ok, I'll search an app for nmap, as I haven't found one yet. [00:50] what package do I have to install to be able to export libreoffice calc spreadsheets as excel xlsx spreadsheets ? [00:52] I can only export as pdf or xml [00:53] ahh nevermind [00:56] save as xlsx I assume you found it [01:00] yep :/ === chris14_ is now known as chris14 === VlA is now known as V1A === Bradford is now known as chakalita [04:43] * kszl buu [04:55] kotgc: zenmap? https://nmap.org/zenmap/ [05:29] i can't login to wifi from ubuntuLTS [05:29] using gnome [05:29] network manager [05:35] is wifi turned on? there may be a keyboard button to disable it [05:36] that could have been hit accidentally [05:37] i can connect to other router [05:37] via wifi? [05:37] but not to main router [05:37] yes [05:38] causative, i think there is some problem with gnome network manager [05:38] causative, when i try to connect it keeps on asking for password again and again [05:38] do you have another device in the same place that you can connect to the main router, to verify the problem is not your pw or the signal strength? [05:39] if the other device has a saved pw, erase the saved pw to make sure the one you are typing is correct [05:39] causative, android phone connects easily to main router [05:39] after erasing the saved pw? [05:40] no [05:40] causative, i think there is some setting in Network Manager [05:41] KDE doesn't have this problem [05:41] only gnomes network manager [05:43] kde has no problem if you first erase the saved pw? [05:44] causative, no [05:45] then try that [05:47] causative, i changed to 2.4ghz nm-connection-editor and it can now connect! [05:47] oh good === remy_ is now known as Remy [05:51] gdb, thanks, but no iOS. I found the network issue. My KVM router needs access to the public WAN IP. Just learning how about PCI passthrough. I think I run a command on this host Ubuntu? === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [06:30] hey. any idea why sometimes the system tray applets are buggy and non clickable? for example if i try to right click the bluetooth the applets just vanish. i have to restart cinnamon to make them appear again. [07:41] hello [07:42] what is official way to install wine? [07:50] `sudo apt install wine` will install the package intended for your release bigshot00, some like the latest & thus use upstream (3rd party) packages, but Ubuntu repositories will be the official way [07:55] how the kernel in ubuntu is different than the Debian's kernel? [07:56] Looking to perform a ssh-key and need to run through in quiet mode without user having to answer questions. "ssh-copy -q". But the question shows up anyhow. What arguments would I need to add to keep ssh-copy-id to run silently? [07:59] I created my SSH config file and would like to avoid having to pass through any password in terminal command, nor writing password in a text file to call upon. [08:17] are they different? ice9 [08:19] alonso: do you mean this? ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new hostname [08:28] alkisg, yes exactly, works fine. [08:29] 👍 [08:30] Last step I need to automate is that when ssh-copy is being done, it will ask for the password once and then be done. Can I send in this password with an argument instead of having to manually answer it? [08:34] I do not want to store the password in a file and I have not access to sshpass, being in a podman container. [08:40] еруку шы ф цфн ещ ыещку еру зфыыцщкв утскнзеувб иге Ш рфму ащпщееут [08:40] darn it - there is a way to store a password in a file that is encrypted. but I have forgotten exactly how to do it. i could find it if you need though. === bigshot00_ is now known as bigshot00 [09:02] Hi. Why Ubuntu uses much less memory and swap than debian (if i use both with the same lightweight window manager) [09:11] !discuss | life_bad [09:11] life_bad: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks! [09:34] how to install dotnet on winetricks? [09:45] are you sure you do not really want "https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/install/linux-ubuntu" instead bigshot00 [09:46] weedmic, ? is wine outdated now? [09:46] i want to run windows app on linux [09:46] jammy lts [09:47] weedmic, ? [09:47] i have not used wine in a very many years, it did not do what I wanted then - it did run my score processor, but only played piano. however, i have also not heard anyone else sing its praises since and just hear frustration in this woorm. so... I should say "not recommended", but... you can try. [09:48] when I need/must have a win programme, I make a vm with the right windows and install it inside there - unless it is a game. i've yet to try passthrough. mostly due to tiem [09:48] or lack of time. [09:48] i like to run linux on hardware instead on vm [09:48] weedmic: please dont say not reccomended on supported software on ubuntu [09:49] lotuspsychje, i can't install dotnet with winetricks it exits with error [09:50] np, not recommended by me, you can try and if it works great. however, imho, win programmes work best inside a virtual environment on real windows. remember wine is not an emulator. [09:51] there's no standard steps, every single joe on net suggests diff. way of installing wine [09:51] i think linux is best to be used for servers [09:53] When searching for is wine recommendoed or not, I got conflicting answers. First was "27 Nov 2019 — Newer versions of Wine (Not Recommended). The Wine Ubuntu repository provides the newest development versions of Wine. Follow these steps to ..." - 3 down was "3 Feb 2022 — Installing Wine from the default Ubuntu repositories is the easiest option. However, be aware that it may not provide the latest version." [09:53] so just have some expectations of work - to fine tune it - and backup it so if something goes wrong later, you can return to when it worked. [09:54] weedmic, what is your main os? [09:54] windows or linux? [09:55] bigshot00 weedmic please stay ontopic in this channel, focus on ubuntu support questions alone [09:55] !chat [09:55] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [09:55] linux - i've not used windows since 1998 (except as a vm) [09:55] ah so you are macos person? [09:56] bigshot00: did you hear what i just said? [09:56] switch to #ubuntu-offtopic att [09:57] ? [10:00] * bigshot00 pats lotuspsychje [10:01] bigshot00: please keep in mind this channel is for support issues only, we divide it with chat and discussions into other channels === keypushe- is now known as keypusher === phonemic8333 is now known as phonemic833 === debianero_ is now known as debianero [11:55] I am trying to build the kernel by following https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel but I got an error right at the end building vmlinux: http://0x0.st/HfLR.txt [11:55] My patches are only for iwlwifi, so could this be due to my environment? I'm building while booted into the Ubuntu ISO [11:58] Did it compile iwlwifi.ko [12:00] drew: if you cant boot ubuntu from your local drive consider installing it to a 2nd usb drive. you can install it from usb to usb [12:00] i dont think the live session is a good build environment [12:01] then try it from a fully updated Ubuntu [12:03] or maybe a VM is a good alternative [12:03] The VM took up too much space and was too slow, so I opted for the live usb [12:04] Why is the live usb not a good environment? It has all the packages required to build and I'm not losing performance due to virtualization [12:04] on a CPU that is not older than 8 years or so virtualization does not have a big performance loss [12:05] if you want to optimize performance use containers [12:05] with lxc/lxd [12:05] Hi all [12:30] !info backport-iwlwifi-dkms [12:30] backport-iwlwifi-dkms (9904-0ubuntu5, lunar): iwlwifi driver backport in DKMS format. In component universe, is optional. Built by backport-iwlwifi-dkms. Size 1,659 kB / 10,086 kB [12:30] i would use this for newer iwlwifi driver on 22.04 [12:31] oerheks: depends on if it has the patches drew needs [12:33] true, and this is useless for a live session, one needs to reboot to build [12:35] I would use git to clone backport-iwlwifi to an installed Ubuntu as it would compile much quicker [12:56] drew: can you post a link to the patch? === chakalita is now known as Bradford [13:31] i'm (still) using focal nvidia-drivers-525, trying to update to 535: apt install nvidia-driver-535, but i get The following packages have unmet dependencies: nvidia-driver-535 : Depends: libnvidia-gl-535 (= 535.86.05-0ubuntu0.20.04.2) but it is not going to be installed and some more of that, is 535 broken or did i do something wrong? [13:32] Bombo: open "additional drivers" and look what version is recommended there for your device. that is the one you should install from there [13:32] did you run proper updates first? [13:32] apt update && apt dist-upgrade [13:35] Bombo: why are you trying to update? [14:01] Anyone know the command to download kali linux tools into Ubuntu? [14:04] meowchow: thats not a reccomended nor supported ubuntu way [14:04] To install? [14:04] meowchow: what you can do is download pentesting software from the ubuntu repos/apt [14:05] ^ thank you, do you by chance know what the pentesting software is called? [14:05] ask in #kali ? [14:05] I think this is a standard Linux question too though, isnt it? [14:05] no, as it is not in our repos [14:06] OH ok [14:06] I thought it was, sorry. I was told it is [14:06] meowchow: you can search packages from apt, apt-cache search keyword [14:06] ravage: where is "additional drivers"? [14:06] 15:32 did you run proper updates first? <- yes [14:06] Bombo: Software & Updates [14:06] 15:35 Bombo: why are you trying to update? <- well to get the latest driver? [14:07] @Bombo: is there a problem with your existing driver? [14:07] lotuspsychje: thank you [14:07] jeremy31: is there a commandline for this? [14:07] sudo apt-cache search hack? [14:08] man ubuntu-drivers [14:08] meowchow: if you want go to security and pentesting, you need to know what you're doing and search for specific packagenames [14:08] leftyfb: the new one has vulkan drivers v 1.3 [14:09] the dxvk 2.x needs vulkan 1.3 [14:09] meowchow: inform yourself first, wich software you want to test, then search it on apt [14:09] lotuspsychje: I want to learn from scratch. Like hacking wifi passwords for one. [14:09] vulkan drivers v 1.3 on focal, why not the latest LTS? with a proper kernel 6.2.x [14:09] meowchow: hacking is not supported here [14:10] *ethical pentesting [14:10] #kali is your channel to be, meowchow [14:10] Good to know [14:11] On Ubuntu, is there an email software included? [14:11] oerheks: it's on the todo list, upgrading to what is it 23.04 [14:11] meowchow: yes it is called tunderbirs [14:11] thunderbird [14:12] postfix is good email software ;) [14:12] Would I need to register an email? [14:13] !register [14:13] For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://libera.chat/guides/registration - For any further help, ask in #libera [14:14] meowchow: to do what? [14:15] I just want to use a pre-existing email account to quickly send emails through another application. [14:15] meowchow: with thunderbird you can setup an existing email account [14:15] Ha, you're spot on, you read my mind [14:26] hello [14:27] :-) [14:27] all right? [14:28] $ nvidia-detector [14:28] nvidia-driver-535 [14:28] is this the recommended package for me? [14:29] $ apt search -n nvidia-driver-535 [14:29] Bombo: autoinstall picks the most reccomended driver for your card [14:29] nvidia-driver-535/focal-updates,focal-security 535.86.05-0ubuntu0.20.04.2 amd64 [14:30] lotuspsychje: apt autoinstall? [14:30] Bombo, why not using the tool in updates? [14:30] oerheks: which tool? [14:31] open the updates config, you will find it [14:31] ' additional drivers' [14:33] oerheks: i don't see 'updates' nor 'additional drivers' [14:35] 535 stays on vulcan 1.2.131 for Focal https://www.reddit.com/r/vulkan/comments/14xmuv3/how_to_update_vulkan_version_noob_advice/ [14:36] so, if you don' t have the update settings, nor additional drivers in there, i am out of clues [14:36] software&updates icon Bombo [14:39] hmm [14:44] Bombo: https://i.imgur.com/7aSETM1.png [14:45] but an upgrade to 22.04 is a good idea in any case [15:33] Hello, do you know why when restarting my laptop it always show a mistake when loading Ubuntu? But if I switch off and then on Ubuntu loads perfect. [15:56] My wired connection doesn't seem to be working after a hard reboot (system froze; I magic sysreq'd it). Can anyone help me troubleshoot it please? === Bradford is now known as TaylorSwift === TaylorSwift is now known as Bradford [16:49] hi [16:49] welcome sebsebseb [16:49] lotuspsychje: hi [16:49] what can we do for you today sebsebseb === bad_1 is now known as badbodh === the_football is now known as Neutron7 [18:38] Hackerpcs: do you know how to hackerpc? [18:40] !ot | meowchow [18:40] meowchow: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [18:41] Thank you for sharing this!!! [18:41] ubottu: +1 === whoami_6 is now known as whoami_5 [19:54] i have this kde-theme problem, i installed kinfocenter and the changed the gnome theme to kde! i uninstalled the kinfocenter, kde* and these packages: kubuntu-desktop kde-standard language-pack-kde-en. it looks like this and i don't like it!: https://ibb.co/pLWPCMq . [19:55] -it changed [19:56] Greetings! Hey guys, I am running Ubuntu 22.02 and I have an iPhone 8 plus which I have been trying to see if I can transfer music from Ubuntu to it without success, any help will be greatly appreciated. Rhytmbox does'nt see the phone [20:03] It doesn't mount/appear in the file browser? josh_ [20:04] Yes, I can see my pictures but other than that, the music part is a no no [20:04] i think Apple calls that a feature :) [20:07] you can try the packages "sudo apt install ifuse libimobiledevice-utils" [20:07] https://km.kkrach.de/p_access_iphone_from_linux/ === grumbler_ is now known as grumbler [20:09] I have already install the l..mobile and ifuse but it won't mount [20:10] but why does rhytmbox does'nt see my iphone ? [20:11] cant help you further really. never owned an apple product in my life [20:11] tried gnome-twwaks but didn't find a setting to change back to gnome graphics. [20:18] tripstah: do you have any theme related extensions installed? [20:21] josh_: you can try KDE connect [20:21] To send files* [20:27] for gnome gsconnect is better [20:27] but im sure that does not support an iphone [20:28] ok it exists [20:28] but would still use gsconnect :) [20:28] (on the desktop side) [20:29] How does kde connect play out ? [20:29] ravage: nope. [20:36] https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/kde-connect/id1580245991 ravage josh_ [20:38] Well, I think that my issue is solved but thanks for your input guys === Bradford is now known as miramaldita === miramaldita is now known as tevoyamatar [20:56] Hello Everyone, I have a question I am using UbuntuStudio 22.04 with pipewire and pulseeffects, but I can not for the life of me figure out how to get the virtual devices to show up, I am streaming sound just fine through my bt speaker, but I would also like to pipe it at the same time through my audio headphone jack, I have done all the normal stuff to try to get it to work, but the option to actually make it happen is not there [20:56] . Any simple and easy ways to make this happen? [21:00] pasjrwoctx: looks like the sound settings in GNOME is a bit basic,I used to install pavucontrol usually and do sound stuff,not surei if that's much good now though [21:00] sebsebseb I have done that no work [21:33] Hey, I'm on arm64. But ubuntu doesn't modify library path for aarch64. How can I include a library properly? Because from what I can atm it isn't the way to do it. The file is at /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu folder [21:33] gcc -O2 -L/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu $(pkg-config sdl2 --libs --cflags) [21:33] File: /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libSDL2-2.0.so.0 [21:34] Result "undefined reference"(to SDL_Init etc.) ld returned 1 exit status. === jakubby is now known as kubast2 [22:25] So GCC on aarch64(rpi 400), ubuntu-mate 22.04 is bugged. Basically it doesn't even try to list a directory /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu so it has no actual idea if he library is available in path [22:25] It does check if the path is valid but not much else [22:25] It works with clang for whatever reason [22:25] the* [22:37] Well [22:37] ld.gold works [22:37] but gcc fails [22:37] to find the func [22:37] idfk why idc [22:37] clang works, ld.gold linker works [23:57] Using Lubuntu at the moment, want to switch to ubuntu, would you make a fresh install or can i make a gnome install? anyone? =) [23:59] m4ker: maybe try googling for change from lxde to gnome