[18:09] holmanb: i noticed that with the ds_detect changes that the datasource no longer will fall back to None as it had with is_platform_viable() check in get_data(). Specifically in the case of Azure, the ds-identify or user ds config would be [Azure, None] and get_data would bail if detection failed with something like "No local datasource found". End result is customers using that config on non-Azure platforms now end up [18:09] executing the _get_data() path as if on Azure, causing some issues [18:11] I notice that ds-identify detection for Azure is broader than the ds_detect method, which I think we need to unify too [18:42] cjp256: agreed on ds-identify / ds_detect disparity - those should match [18:44] cjp256: iirc checking datasource_list in override_ds_detect was proposed during review as an optimization do avoid re-checking what ds-identify already checked - in that case [Azure, None] is expected I think [18:46] cjp256: if [Azure, None], I believe it will still fall back to None whenever get_data() times out [18:46] *to avoid re-checking [18:52] cjp256: When customer provides [Azure, None] and cloud-init runs _get_data() is this just a change in expected behavior in a failure path? Or is fallback to DataSourceNone a normal behavior in user workflow? [18:52] normal behavior if image is used outside Azure [18:54] right now that timeout is a pretty long wait so ideally we’d like to go back to skipping that path if detection determines it won’t (shouldn’t) work [21:09] holmanb: what do you think about https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/4426 [21:45] cjp256: seems reasonable to me, I think