
boyetHi all, my desktop disappeared and a blue background will remain when I pressed Ctrl + Alt + arrow key 22:14
boyetI'm using LXQT 0.14.1 in Ubuntu 20.0422:15
LimeOnhello boyet, does this happens after login or does it just happens when you press that key combnation?23:02
kc2bezboyet: 20.04 is EOL and past support. 23:02
boyetLimeOn: it happens when i press the combination23:05
LimeOnkc2bez: seems that Ubuntu 20.04 EOL is in 202523:06
LimeOnif he mispelled, looks like the community support for lubutnu 20.04 is until 2025 too23:06
LimeOnhave you checked into the 'shortcut keys' program? boyet23:07
kc2bezNot for flavors, LTSs are only for 3 years 23:07
LimeOni checked that one23:07
boyetLimeOn: I cannot see any Ctrl + Alt + Arrow key in my shortcuts in Global Actions Manager23:08
LimeOnoh, that rewrites everything else kc2bez ^^23:09
LimeOnbut he said ubuntu23:09
LimeOnanyway, it looks like an lxqt problem rather than a ubuntu/lubuntu problem . I guess it has someting to do with openbox or some kind of change in config files.23:10
LimeOni suggest asking in their channels: https://lxqt-project.org/23:11
boyetkc2bez: my Ubuntu version is 20.04.6 LTS23:11
boyetLimeOn: thank you very much. i will check23:11
LimeOnthey have several ways, check in 'Instant messaging'23:11
LimeOnyour welcome, good luck :)23:11
boyetLimeOn: thank you very much for the guidance. i will try instant messaging also23:42

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