
lotuspsychjegood morning03:12
* guiverc smiles as gpicview just just ported to GTK3; new version just hit mantic :)08:36
lotuspsychje!info gpicview08:37
ubottugpicview (0.2.5-3build1, lunar): lightweight image viewer. In component universe, is optional. Built by gpicview. Size 113 kB / 635 kB08:37
lotuspsychjeis that one from lubuntu guiverc ?08:37
guivercnah, lubuntu dropped it when they moved to LXQt (thus lximage-qt, newer app)... so last on ISO with 18.0408:38
guivercI just never stopped using it... some keys differ between gpicview & lximage-qt thus I've stuck with the up-to-now GTK2 version fo gpicview08:39
guivercported to GTK3 by upstream debian08:39
guivercI doubt it has many users... but it was one of 2 that I'm aware that I use that were GTK2...   my hexchat I think is alone now.08:40
lotuspsychjeill be jumping 24.04 devel soon, so prepare for a lot of new bugs guiverc :p08:41
guivercthe 2 ^ being two I use...  (there will likely be more)08:42
guivercthis cycle had me re-install this box.... no prior cycle has had me do that (though cosmic had me in problems for some weeks with LXDE-LXQt changes..  I think memory of that made me re-install faster!)08:44
lotuspsychjeyeah sometimes breakage can happen on devel, but i didnt experienced it for long times myself08:45
guivercyep.... overall considering I only recall two issues since 17.10 (artful beta) & a single re-install (to get 5 monitors back working; 3 still worked so system wasn't dead) I've had a pretty great run08:49
guiverccount of 2 being somewhat-major to me...  there are more often little issues that exist a day or two...08:51
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