
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
=== ahasenack_ is now known as ahasenack
drewI am trying to build the jammy kernel on gentoo. It looks like the recipe that is used when I do `fakeroot debian/rules binary-generic` pulls my .config file to start, and the build eventually failes when debian/rules.d/4-checks.mk doesn't find some options17:11
drewIs it possible to pull a .config from ubuntu upstream or to use a default .config instead of my current .config?17:12
Esmildrew: i found this in my open tabs, it might be helpful https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel18:56
joseogandoQuick tip about the link, if using git, just make sure to clone the unsigned repo too.18:58
drewEsmil: that is the link I am following, but I am running into the .config issue19:27
drewI decided to spin up an ubuntu docker image to build instead19:28

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