
akikhi, i created this bug report about a month ago but no one except guiverc has commented on it except myself: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/203126712:30
akikalthough i think it's not just a ubuntu mate issue12:30
guivercthe issue is possibly with grub-installer (not ubiquity)12:32
akikthe thing is that the installer mounts the efi esp from the ssd12:33
akikand not from the usb stick12:33
guivercthe only time I've had issues with grub-installer is when the ISO was reformatted & thus non-standard on USB drive; which caused the issue.. when written correctly (as per Ubuntu docs) I've not had any issues thus cannot help (outside of checking how ISO was written to media if using software that can reformat ISO)12:35
akikdebian has this same problem12:35
guivercthere are a few bugs on grub-installer (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub-installer) but I don't know enough about that/it, thus didn't change package away from `ubiquity` you filed against12:35
akiki can try installing debian on a usb stick later today and verify if it's still an issue12:36
guiverc(and debian doesn't use `ubiquity`, but di or calamares (depending on ISO)..; Ubuntu Studio 22.04 uses calamares)12:36

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