
IrcsomeBot_<mr_honestyy> Guys I am getting this error solution please : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/5909faef/file_68634.jpg06:29
IrcsomeBot_<mr_honestyy> https://irc-attachments.kde.org/1eb581fe/file_68635.jpg06:30
IrcsomeBot_<mr_honestyy> Getting this output06:30
diogenes_Vx15mr_honestyy, try to disable secure boot.06:35
IrcsomeBot_<mr_honestyy> My secure boot is already disabled06:37
diogenes_Vx15mr_honestyy, run: mokutil --sb-state06:39
IrcsomeBot_<mr_honestyy> https://irc-attachments.kde.org/1d69dcbd/file_68636.jpg06:42
diogenes_Vx15mr_honestyy, also did you enable virtualization in BIOS?06:45
weedmiche left, but I got that error before, executed the command without the 's and it worked fine.  pity he left.08:30
IrcsomeBot_<mr_honestyy> How i can enable this08:31
weedmicmr_honestyy - there is a command in the first pic /sbin/... run that in konsole.08:34
weedmichappens when kernels and virtualbox versions are not updated in the right order/time frame.08:35
=== TomTom_ is now known as TomTom
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BluesKajHi all12:29
IrcsomeBot_<Chen> Hello大家好12:44
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=== anita is now known as Guest2225
emiraclehello there22:58
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life

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