
lubot[matrix] <wxl> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/57f245dd/minotaur.png02:02
lubot[matrix] <wxl> the logo is fighting me but general layout thoughts?02:02
lubot[matrix] <wxl> and let me remind us again i'm no graphic artist XD02:04
tsimonq2_The open side is kind of bothering me, but otherwise looks good.02:11
tsimonq2_As for how to fix it? No idea XD02:12
=== tsimonq2_ is now known as tsimonq2
lubot[matrix] <wxl> yeah again, not graphic artist. it's centered horizontally but otherwise i tried to center it in that large area in the middle02:13
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Just fill in the line and make a small maze-hole, we'll be good XD02:14
lubot[matrix] <wxl> you're asking me to solve the maze for people? XD02:15
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> no just make the entrance smaller XD02:16
lubot[matrix] <wxl> i mean i didn't make that part but ok XD02:16
lubot[matrix] <wxl> i know i'll just paste lemmy's head where the minotaur's is XD02:17
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> bahahahahahaha YES02:18
lubot[matrix] <wxl> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/2e1783db/minotaur_1_.png02:21
lubot[matrix] <wxl> there. unless you're serious abotu lemmy XD02:21
lubot[matrix] <wxl> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/2e1783db/minotaur_1_.png02:35
lubot[matrix] <wxl> ooops02:36
lubot[matrix] <wxl> shifted the background by accident02:36
lubot[matrix] <wxl> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/cf8855a1/minotaur_2_.png02:36
lubot[matrix] <wxl> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/a29da68f/minotaur.xcf02:39
lubot[matrix] <wxl> if anyone wants to improve upon it feel free XD02:39
EickmeyerMinotaur lookin' very... manitc.03:22
EickmeyerIf y'all need some inspiriation, here's what we (my son and I) used on top of Eylul's image she made for Studio: https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio-look/tree/usr/share/backgrounds/ubuntustudio/ubuntustudio_2310_manticminotaur.png03:24
EickmeyerOverall, I think if your minotaur used a hint of blue and maybe an outer glow of some kind....03:25
* Eickmeyer plays around with it while waiting for a package to publish in his PPA03:25
Eickmeyerhttps://nextcloud.ericheickmeyer.com/index.php/s/ndEQoNfceZYDLPJ <-- I made you a minotaur.04:19
Eickmeyerwxl: ^04:19
lubot[matrix] <wxl> Ship it04:21
EickmeyerI would, but your minotaur.xcf imported at... small.04:22
Eickmeyer810x485 isn't exactly desktop-quality.04:23
lubot[matrix] <wxl> Sigh I was using the background from our Cala slides04:24
EickmeyerOh, that explains it.04:24
lubot[matrix] <wxl> Like I said, no graphic artist04:24
EickmeyerI know how to re-create it at least, so if I have a higher resolution to start from I can always re-do it.04:24
lubot[matrix] <wxl> I don’t think I could recreate that background if I wanted04:25
EickmeyerYeah, I'm not sure I could either.04:25
lubot[matrix] <wxl> I’m desperately trying to make do with readily available pieces04:25
lubot[matrix] <wxl> I could just set some dumb solid blue background but meh04:26
EickmeyerIf you had an old inkscape .svg source it could be doable.04:26
lubot[matrix] <wxl> This is why we need to do wallpaper contents even if we only get one entry 😂04:26
lubot[matrix] <wxl> The original is an xcf AFAIK04:26
EickmeyerThat would make sense, especially if it was only ever intended for cala.04:27
lubot[matrix] <wxl> https://git.lubuntu.me/Lubuntu/art-sources/src/branch/lunar/calamares04:27
lubot[matrix] <wxl> I used desktop.xcf I think04:27
EickmeyerYep, I've got a folder full of those as well. https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio-artwork/tree/CalamaresSlideshow04:29
EickmeyerOnly difference is the source for the background is https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio-artwork/tree/22.04/wallpaperRAW3.jpg04:30
lubot[matrix] <wxl> Ugh I hate Launchpad lacking graphics display04:32
lubot[matrix] <wxl> I could do a ten year anniversary edition 😂 https://git.lubuntu.me/Lubuntu/artwork/src/branch/ubuntu/bionic/src/usr/share/lubuntu/wallpapers/1310-lubuntu-default-wallpaper.png04:34
lubot[matrix] <wxl> I have svgs of wallpapers from 10.04-18.0404:44
EickmeyerHeh, there you go. :joy: 04:53
lubot[matrix] <wxl> i could paste them on top of another with transparency XD04:55
lubot[matrix] <wxl> AND THEN put lemmy on top04:56
lubot[matrix] <wxl> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/fa6e0bcb/minolennytaur.png05:16
lubot[matrix] <wxl> well, half way there XD05:16
guivercnot sure I see much [Ubuntu] family spirit with that one... lower right corner maybe?05:20
lubot[matrix] <wxl> Actually there was an alternative wallpaper that’s kind of cool from ten years ago05:26
lubot[matrix] <wxl> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/bf759664/ima_d9a560b.png05:26
lubot[matrix] <wxl> arraybolt3: any chance you have any high quality svg backgrounds?05:35
lubot[matrix] <arraybolt3> wxl: I do not, sadly.06:45
lubot[matrix] <arraybolt3> wxl: I made the background in the Cala installer using GIMP's Fractal Explorer, so... yeah. It's been XCF from the very beginning.06:46
* lubot [matrix] <wxl> starts reading the Krita handbook07:57
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> wxl: *Lenny dude XD15:36
lubot[matrix] <wxl> it would be a fun joke but i don't think we can seriously do it.15:37
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> I'm not in disagreement... but then again I'm not Raf XD15:39
lubot[matrix] <wxl> and the bigger issue is getting a background large enough. i've got the logos as svg. i've got an idea based on an inkscape tutorial i found on making a background but i mean i'm a total fish out of water with it15:39
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Scale up the rightmost blue to fill the rest of the screen maybe?15:46
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> I am not opposed to using something we had in the past.15:54
lubot[telegram] <Roberalz> I think it's a good option, but I deeply appreciate the work wxl is doing on this.16:06
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> I totally agree with that too.16:37
-queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Builds: Lubuntu Desktop amd64 [Mantic Daily] has been updated (20230912)17:05
lubot[matrix] <wxl> here's the tutorial i was thinking about. imagine it more blue and with a little octagonal piece in the bottom right hand corner for the minotaur https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hcxuwDKo6I17:45
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> almost looks like a plasma one :P (re @lubuntu_bot: (matrix) <wxl> Actually there was an alternative wallpaper that’s kind of cool from ten years ago)17:51
lubot[matrix] <wxl> i mean we had one like it once too17:52
lubot[matrix] <wxl> https://git.lubuntu.me/Lubuntu/artwork/src/branch/ubuntu/bionic/src/usr/share/lubuntu/wallpapers/1710-lubuntu-default-wallpaper.png17:53
lubot[matrix] <wxl> twice https://git.lubuntu.me/Lubuntu/artwork/src/branch/ubuntu/bionic/src/usr/share/lubuntu/wallpapers/1704-lubuntu-default-wallpaper.png17:53
lubot[matrix] <wxl> thrice https://git.lubuntu.me/Lubuntu/artwork/src/branch/ubuntu/bionic/src/usr/share/lubuntu/wallpapers/1604-lubuntu-default-wallpaper.png17:54
lubot[matrix] <roberalz> It looks like plasma wallpapers.17:54
RikMillsespecially the last one!17:55
lubot[matrix] <wxl> ok so is that a bad thing? XD17:55
lubot[telegram] <Roberalz> Nopee17:55
lubot[matrix] <wxl> ok good i'll keep plugging away at it then but i'm all for someone else with more experience taking over XD17:56
lubot[matrix] <wxl> i'm looking for relatively easy with decent resullts17:56
lubot[telegram] <Roberalz> Maybe you are the person with the most experience... (re @lubuntu_bot: (matrix) <wxl> ok good i'll keep plugging away at it then but i'm all for someone else with more experience taking over XD)17:56
lubot[telegram] <Roberalz> XD17:57
wxlthat's what i'm afraid of XD18:02

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