=== haggertk_ is now known as haggertk === Nebraskka_ is now known as Nebraskka [01:14] UnivrslSuprBox: hey - thanks for the feedback - sure I can definitely turn down the music - out of interest, do you mean the music volume whilst I am speaking OR when it is just the music itself, OR the music volume in general? === chris14_ is now known as chris14 [03:15] amurray: you duck the music when you speak, so it's okay then. The first 10 seconds and last 15 seconds of the show are the bits that I need to quickly adjust the volume for [03:55] UnivrslSuprBox: ok will see what I can do on the next episode [03:55] Thanks! Looking forward to it, as always [06:02] amurray: FWIW, I've noticed that too - it seems a good 20-30% louder than the speaking parts. Because it's so short I've never bothered bringing it up before. [06:03] amurray: And as always, I love your work - the bit about the so-called fake CVEs the other week was great. [06:23] blahdeblah: thanks - how come no-one told me about this before !?!? but I'm glad to have it brought to my attention now - will try and keep it more even between the two going forward [06:24] It wasn't a big enough deal to me to bring it up specifically. [06:25] And if I hadn't glanced at IRC just now, I probably never would have mentioned it. :-D === JanC_ is now known as JanC === cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer