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gebbionehow to tell where CUPS-BRF-Printer outputs the PDF?01:43
alevykhHello! Where can I download Ubuntu released before 22.04.3? Preferred version is 22.04.1. Only a verified resource, please. I'm asking because have issue https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=249060201:51
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gebbionealevykh, i just googled it http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/01:57
alevykhgebbione, thank you! I forgot about google (02:00
Anonamyhello I need help. I am using a Ubuntu Live CD to access a hard drive on a computer.02:32
Anonamythe hard drive is also Ubuntu.02:33
AnonamyI am trying to backup the home directory, however I am getting permission denied error. I check the permissions and it says the user is '1000'02:33
AnonamyI tried also using 'sudo thunar' but still get same error.02:34
rboxjust open a console, sudo -i, cd to the directory, and copy whatevery ou want02:34
Anonamyrbox, thanks !02:41
zcotAnonamy: you can check a right click in thunar, "open as root". sudo thunar is not the best move, although not as much of a big deal on a live session but winging sudo as any resort is not great. 'pkexec thunar' would be a more designed solution.02:43
EickmeyerIf it's an Ubuntu live CD, zcot, it doesn't have thunar.02:45
AkshayHello, I am currently dual booting an older version of Ubuntu (20.04) on my PC build! I, however, keep running into an issue after installation where I get stuck at the recovering journal with a message that says something like iwlwifi ... no suitable firmware found. I also can't enter Ubuntu recovery mode because I don't have a grub menu and have02:49
Akshayto change my boot order manually through the BIOS to switch from Ubuntu and Windows. Can anyone help? :)02:49
zcotEickmeyer: ah! right, didn't pick up the flavor variation there.02:51
rboxAkshay: step 1, back up your files, step 2 intall a modern version, step 3 profit02:52
AkshayWhat if I need an older version though? I'm using ROS and need 20.04 lol02:52
rboxuse docker02:52
Eickmeyerrbox: That's not helpful.02:53
EickmeyerAkshay: I had to do that with my son's laptop by using refind as a bootloader instead of grub.02:53
Eickmeyer!info refind focal02:53
ubotturefind (0.11.4-1, focal): boot manager for EFI-based computers. In component universe, is optional. Built by refind. Size 2,706 kB / 4,489 kB. (Only available for amd64, arm64, i386.)02:53
EickmeyerMore info at rodsbooks.com02:54
AkshayDo I install refind on my windows OS?02:54
EickmeyerWell, considering it's installable from Ubuntu (and I just pointed out the Ubuntu package), I wouldn't.02:55
EickmeyerIt installs to the EFI partition on your machine.02:55
EickmeyerSame as grub would do.02:56
AkshayI see... How would I install on Ubuntu without Ubuntu tho :/02:56
AkshayI currently only have windows02:57
EickmeyerChange your boot manually (temporarily) until refind is installed, then change to refind.02:57
AkshayOkay thank you02:57
EickmeyerThat's what I had to do with my son's Gateway.02:57
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e54Hello? Is there anybody out there?04:55
toddc!ask | e5404:56
ubottue54: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:56
e54I have no question. Thanks.04:58
toddclots of us here04:58
e54I haven't been on irc in years. I was checking out new thunderbird. They still have irc client. lol05:01
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webchat51hi all. can someone help me please? my 23.04 doesn't boot, just black screen and flickering cursor. I have tried anything I have found online. Ctrl+Alt+t doesn't work either.07:23
quitehiya. today, when I run `apt update` in an container based on docker.io/library/ubuntu:22.10 i'm getting "The repository 'http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu kinetic-security Release' does not have a Release file.". i did not see that yesterday -- is that me or...?07:42
quitesomething has gone EOL?07:42
toddcquite:  https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2023/07/27/ubuntu-22-10-kinetic-kudu-end-of-life-reached-on-july-20-2023/07:43
quitetoddc: thanks, i found that but somehow just filtered it because it did not mention "september", thanks!07:45
toddcstick to lts07:45
quitetoddc: yes! i'll mention to my peers as well.07:45
geirharegular releases are supported for 9 months, LTS releases for 5 years, so LTS gives you a lot more time to upgrade07:49
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BluesKajHi all12:29
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ev0n44Does ubuntu use a separate password for superuser like debian does?13:46
lotuspsychje!sudo | ev0n4413:47
ubottuev0n44: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !pkexec (for older releases: !gksu and !kdesudo). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo13:47
leftyfbev0n44: Debian doesn't do that either13:47
leftyfbev0n44: please read up on what sudo us13:47
leftyfbev0n44: root has a password and your user has a password. When your user attempt to run something using "sudo", the password it is asking for is your users password13:48
leftyfbev0n44: by default, the root account is disabled and unless you know what you're doing, you shouldn't set one or use root at all13:49
ev0n44leftyfb thanks.  That's all I needed to know.  Trying to set up a system where the user has no ability to install any software without a root password.  I will stick with debian then13:51
leftyfbBoth Debian and Ubuntu will react that situation the same way13:52
leftyfbBoth of them allow you to add a user without admin privileges13:53
lotuspsychjeev0n44: could play with chmod on the user you want to restrict too13:53
ev0n44this is true13:53
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions13:53
ev0n44Ok if what I'm trying to do doesn't work with my debian install, I will try ubuntu next13:54
leftyfbAnd both of them disable root by default13:54
leftyfbev0n44: both of them will be the same in this regard13:54
leftyfbJust create a user without admin privileges and set a root password13:54
ev0n44leftyfb, really?  root isn't disabled in my debian install. It actually asked me to set a root password13:55
leftyfbMind you, this is all a terrible idea13:55
lotuspsychjeev0n44: there are some kiosk packages/methods on ubuntu as well, if thats your end goal13:55
leftyfbI’m order to install software, you are requiring them to login as root. Now they have full admin privileges13:56
leftyfbI don’t see the purpose of setting and giving out a root password just to limit what users can do. That’s what the sudo group and sudoers is for13:57
leftyfbSetting and giving out a root password is giving complete and unrestricted access to the entire system, the same thing as just adding a user to certain groups including the sudo group13:58
ev0n44I have no intention of giving out the root password.  The root password is just for me to administration.  I just don't want my kids to be able to add any software to the computer at all14:11
leftyfbev0n44: then add users for your kids that don't have admin privs14:14
leftyfbit's pretty simple14:14
ev0n44Ok I will try it that way14:14
leftyfbev0n44: you have yet to give a valid reason to enable the root account14:14
ev0n44I hear what you're saying. I will try it that way.14:15
ev0n44Is the only way to get ubuntu with just the terminal to use the server edition?14:17
leftyfbthat's the preferred method, yes14:17
ev0n44Ok just making sure.  Debian's not working out for me so i'm going to try ubuntu now14:18
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peacefulmanit's been awhile since I used ms teams on linux, is the web client decent now? Can you share your desktop with no problems? Last time I used the browser client it was limited.15:03
peacefulmanI noticed Microsoft discontinued the binary / deb pkg for teams.15:04
leftyfbpeacefulman: teams for the web has nothing to do with ubuntu/linux. It should work just as well as it does on any other OS15:04
oerheksunofficial https://snapcraft.io/teams-for-linux15:04
peacefulmanleftyfb: is that a joke? Because previously the browser client was really limited on linux and buggy.15:05
peacefulmanoerheks: thanks, much appreciated15:05
oerheksit is unofficial, but recently updated15:06
oerheksalso, teams work best from edge. ymmv15:06
leftyfbedge = skinned chromium15:06
leftyfbthere should be no difference15:07
oerheksbetter than in chrome, AFAIK15:07
peacefulmanleftyfb: it's obvious you have never actually used the teams browser client. I've tried both chromium and the official chrome version, do a search and you'll find other people have similiar issues. Maybe they finally fixed them now, but it was limited for quite some time15:15
oerheksmaybe .. time to test now?15:16
leftyfbpeacefulman: I've used it for video calls and it's worked fine. Regardless, we're offtopic here as it's not an ubuntu support issue. If there are bugs with it, then you'll need to report those bugs with Microsoft15:17
peacefulmanleftyfb: I asked because I am curious what the support is in ubuntu. Is asking if an app works ok on ubuntu offtopic?15:24
peacefulmanleftfb: hey... I apologize. I'm being too argumentative.15:36
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leftleg_hello all16:54
leftleg_I setup Ubuntu server 22.04. I want the home folder for users to be created on on raid volume, and not the OS ssd. I've been searching the Google, but I'm not finding anything. Is there some config file I can edit to set this automatically when I create a new user?16:54
ikonialeftleg_: either useradd/usermod -d to set it the mount point of your ssd, or mount your ssd on /home16:55
leftyfbleftleg_: https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/en/man8/useradd.8.html#:~:text=%2Dd%2C%20%2D%2Dhome%2Ddir%20HOME_DIR16:56
leftleg_leftyfb: Thanks. Do you know if there is a way to define BASE_DIR permanently?17:02
leftleg_ikonia: Thanks.17:02
leftyfbleftleg_: bind mount your RAID home over /home17:02
leftleg_Ahh. I've read some about bind mount. Bind mount is an alias?17:03
leftyfbno, it's a bind mount :)17:03
leftyfbit's basically mounting an existing mount or even directory over another directory17:04
leftleg_So basically I'm setting up an ftp user for a phone system for backups. I know there a bunch of ways to go about it, but would install vsftpd, configure vsftpd,  add users, change the home directory if needed. Is there a better way to achive this, or is there something you could recoomend to a new Ubunutu user here?17:11
oerhekssetup a SSH user ;17:12
leftyfbleftleg_: I recommend using scp/sftp over ftp and using something like ansible to automate building this server and another ansible playbook just for adding new users which will do everything you need. Or just make a script on the server to do it17:12
matsamanleftyfb: would also suggest using an ssh server and sftp/&c17:15
matsamanor even rsync17:15
matsamanftp is insecure by default, ssh is more frequently already provisioned and easier to setup and secure by default17:15
oerheksrsync and grsync as gui17:17
oerhekstons of solutions17:17
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Elw3Could someone please check for me if the picture viewer mirage works for them? i am getting a plain segfault here17:48
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 1994145 in mirage (Ubuntu) "Mirage segfaults immediately when run" [Undecided, Confirmed]17:51
ioriamaybe a python issue, idk exactly17:52
Elw3Oh thank you17:53
ioriaElw3, you can try the appimage : https://github.com/mirukana/mirage/releases17:54
Elw3I really dont wanna mess with these17:54
iorianvm, sorry that's is something else17:55
oerheksbuild it yourself? mirage (0.11.1-1build6)   * Rebuild to drop Python 3.10 extension17:57
Elw3not wanting to mess around at all, its just a bit annoying when stuff from the repo plain segfaults17:59
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mwu41YOURE DUMB18:32
leftyfbxli40: mwu41: please don't. There's also need to be signed into IRC twice18:33
mwu41im soryr leftyfb18:34
leftleg_leftyfb: oerheks: Thanks.18:35
mwu41hi there18:37
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Elw3Jebus another package broken. How is the state of the repo that bad?19:11
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radix0Hey, folks. Ignorant Windows admin here. Something I've had on my mind for a while now but there's no obvious answer. Is there any concept with Ubuntu distros of a "patch tuesday" of sorts or a day a bunch of patches are released at once for ubuntu machines or is more "rolling" style?20:00
rboxthings are patched when they are patched20:00
rboxbut you can just run update/upgrade once a week if you want20:01
rboxyou can do it on tuesday!20:01
ravageradix0: asap20:03
radix0OK I think that's the answer I needed, thanks. So my rough once-a-month checkin is probably fine.20:03
radix0ravage, obviously :)20:03
ravagethe security team tries not to release on friday20:04
radix0I try to not patch on fridays. So we're in sync on that point lol20:05
ravagei recommend unattended-upgrades set to security20:07
ravageon an LTS release that is really safe20:07
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mgjhello there22:29
oerheksnot a record22:36
wikifurry-1what % of ubuntu users are femboys22:37
oerheksthe other % love you22:37
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:37
oerheksyes no23:10
oerhekshi chonkin23:10
oerheksoops wrong channel23:12
chonkinany KDE plasma fans?23:12
oerheksmore likelyin #kubuntu23:15
oerhekskde is great, it is like gnome + tweaks23:16
leftleg_is there any good way to sync icloud with ubuntu system? My goal is to sync an icloud share to my local ubuntu box.23:27
oerhekswikipedia oerheks23:30
oerhekssudo snap install icloud-for-linux23:31
oerheksother option is via onedrive23:32
pasjrwoctxis anyone well experienced with v4l2 and gphoto2?23:47
leftyfboerheks: while that sounds great on paper, in reality it's just individual shortcuts to the web-app version of the individual icloud services23:48
leftyfboerheks: what's worse, every time to close the window, you have to sign in again the next time you open a new one23:52
oerheksoh, weird.23:54
oerheksdownside of snap protective env.23:54
leftyfbI wouldn't blame just snaps, Apple isn't going to allow installing their apps on linux23:54
leftyfbthey're just web apps23:55
oerheksyes, good protective cookie23:56
oerheksit works, that is all23:56

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