=== tomg_ is now known as tomg [01:52] Hello everyone, I was installing Xubuntu on my Laptop and everything went fine until GRUB failed. I chrooted in to the installation partition and ran update-grub. I've got a working system now, but I just wanted to know if I have to do anything else to make sure my system is alright. Thanks in advance [01:55] hmm, there's an "INSTALL Release" entry in the applications menu; is that normal? [02:31] hello? [02:32] is this actually a chatroom? xubuntu has a knockoff omegle? [02:33] when does the orgy start === torv_ is now known as torv [13:12] привет [13:12] есть кто русский [13:12] hello [13:13] im from russia [13:13] bruh [13:14] xubuntu top [13:59] hi [16:54] gyus [16:54] pls help [16:55] why pacharm dont download?