[20:47] https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/4431#discussion_r1324924414 honestly, falcojr, no idea [20:47] -ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 4431 in canonical/cloud-init "Install gnupg if gpg not found" [Open] [20:47] brain isn't fully operational yet. Covid v3.0 still holding onto me [21:00] Hello! Is JSON officially supported with cloud-config? I've noticed pretty much every cloud-init doc has examples in YAML, however JSON appears to work too. [21:01] Example: [21:01] #cloud-config [21:01] { [21:01]   "write_files": [ [21:01]     { [21:01]       "path": "/root/CLOUD_INIT_WAS_HERE" [21:01]     } [21:01]   ] [21:01] } [21:24] gtracer: only if cloud-init config checker says it's okay. strictly: YAML is a superset of JSON, but that comes with lots of caveats for each and every parser. [21:30] meena: noted, thank you!