
IrcsomeBot_<myfenris> thumb up 5.27.8 so far nothing to report yet01:43
BluesKajHi all12:16
IrcsomeBot_<myfenris> 5.27.8 should show the hybrid gpu on system monitor right?19:26
IrcsomeBot_<myfenris> is it only working for x11 or both with wayland?19:27
IrcsomeBot_<RikMills> No idea19:30
IrcsomeBot_<myfenris> https://9to5linux.com/kde-plasma-5-27-8-improves-hybrid-sleep-and-monitoring-of-nvidia-gpus19:31
IrcsomeBot_<myfenris> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46136119:34
-ubottu:#kubuntu-devel- KDE bug 461361 in plasma-systemmonitor "GPU Information for Dedicated NVIDIA GPU not showing on widget or plasma system monitor application." [Normal, Resolved: Fixed]19:34
IrcsomeBot_<myfenris> u r in x11 @ wayland now days? (re @RikMills: No idea)19:35
IrcsomeBot_<RikMills> x1119:36
IrcsomeBot_<myfenris> why global scale not affecting the task bar?19:41
IrcsomeBot_<myfenris> need to manually resize it19:42
IrcsomeBot_<myfenris> + the cursor (re @myfenris: why global scale not affecting the task bar?)19:43

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