
=== vcxza is now known as faLUKE
IrcsomeBot_<VEN_824> 3A0409:02
IrcsomeBot_<VEN_824> QAG09:02
IrcsomeBot_<VEN_824> ZGTH09:03
aexisthello, anyone home?10:37
aexistsorry, but I haven't used IRC in over 15 years, so I'm a lot rusty, anybody can help please?10:38
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:41
aexistokies, I am using "Konversation" and I don't know how to add more channels, nor to get a full list of all IRC channels neither. thanks.10:48
weedmicaexist: describe what you want to do, what you did, and what happened that you don't like10:48
weedmicyou can add a channel by doing ctral+j brings up a popup.  put new room there.  on tab, that gets created, right click and click "join on connect" - if you want to arrange the order and stuff you can do that too10:49
aexistthanks, but I can't make it work,.10:53
aexistI did the ctrl j thing, but then it offers me only the "libera network", and doesn't give me a list of channels nor of other networks to join, I have to type the name of the channel and I don't know it's name so..10:54
weedmicaexist: oic - i misunderstood.  if you want to attach to other chats like freenode, then you need to go to file>serverlist>new - fill it out11:14
weedmicto get a list of channels, you need to be in a tab for the server you want and press f5 - that will open a tab with the server list for that channel - you can search and things11:15
weedmicyou can search by topic, and other params11:15
aexistthanks but it doesn't work, it doesn't enter other servers11:19
aexisttried freenode & undernet, none worked11:20
aexistI'm stuck with the libera server11:20
weedmicshow me a pic of your settings - doesn't make sense - what is the other server called?11:25
weedmicoic, nvm11:25
weedmicYou can connect to freenode by pointing your IRC client at chat.freenode.net on ports 6665-6667 and 8000-8002 for plain-text connections.11:26
aexistI'm on only one server, libera, and can't change11:26
weedmicyou did "file>serverlist>new - fill it out"11:26
aexistsorry, afk11:28
weedmicnp 4 me - i live in this kammer11:28
BluesKajHi all12:16
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bunjeePlease help with HP printer setup.13:34
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user|6Ich suche weitere Downloads wie Kubuntu Stick (USB-Stick mit Kubuntu)14:41
user|6Ist das auf der image Datei enthalten ?14:41
user|6hallo zusammen14:44
user|6hello together, I'm searching for a download able file for a bootale kubuntu stick. is this included in the image file ?14:50
kirvesAxeuser|6, if I remember correctly, it is not included in the image file14:56
kirvesAxeuser|6, if you are making the live kubuntu stickon Windows, this guide should help you https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows14:58
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lgp171188On a fresh install of Kubuntu 23.04, the locale is set to 'en_IN' instead of something like 'en_IN.UTF-8'. This causes a lot of applications to not work as expected. How do I update this?17:10
lgp171188In /etc/default locale, I see 'LANG="en_IN"' and 'LANGUAGE="en_IN:en". In /etc/locale.gen, I see 'en_IN UTF-8' and 'en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8' as the only uncommented lines17:11
user|17how do i get wifi working17:24
lgp171188I have tried updating the value of LANG in /etc/default/locale to en_IN.UTF-8 and after a logout+login, locale command output still says that LANG=en_IN.17:36
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IrcsomeBot_<jesusguevara> This is driving me crazy, I have very intense feelings regarding this dialog box, the issue is not that it pops up the first time but rather the repeated times that it doesn't, I have not known any device that does this before...22:37
IrcsomeBot_<jesusguevara> https://irc-attachments.kde.org/f3a7442b/file_68662.jpg22:37
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