[06:06] ubuntu desktop not starting is known? (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mutter/+bug/2034672 i gather is what I've hit) [06:06] -ubottu:#ubuntu-next- Launchpad bug 2034672 in mesa (Ubuntu) "gnome-shell crashed with GLXBadDrawable on startup in a Xorg session" [Medium, In Progress] [06:27] paulw2u also encountered it, I'll skip trying to upload report & tag it. [10:48] what to expect from the next LTS release... [11:27] John_D, 23.10 will be a pretty good indicator, just as 19.10 was for 20.04, 21.10 for 22.04 etc... though of course it'll get newer LTS linux kernel, newer LTS toolkits & newer GNOME... Cups as snap missed 23.10 thus is now scheduled for 24.10 instead (ie. missed 24.04 as wasn't in 23.10) .. but this is off-topic as this is a support channel for mantic [11:28] thanks, tried asking in other channels, but it's all silence [11:28] curious about all snap version. interesting